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~1 minute per generation but you can extend songs indefinitely with further generations. (Which are quite limited, 5/day in the free tier up to thirty-something/day in the most expensive premium tier.)

Looking up from your phone provides experimentally verifiable "superpowers" - you can, for example, communicate with other Lookers Up via invisible gestures without texting them. Telepathy!

Maybe that's a flaw in the analogy. But Valentine does claim real-world benefits, such as superhuman insight into psychology (as do other people who describe themselves as enlightened.) Maybe those aren't "the point", but demonstrating them convincingly would go a long way towards convincing the rest of us that there is a point and we just can't see it.

The Buddha himself didn't just say "trust me guys", he supposedly did a bunch of miracles using his enlightenment-granted powers.

The red-headed kids were adults in disguise.

The red-haired children tended bigger than the rest of us, with more adult facial structures, to the point where you could've maybe mistaken them for very small adults in disguise. The red-haired adults, what few of them we ever saw, were correspondingly huge and muscular.