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Thank you! I read it a while ago, but i couldn't recollect it properly and it doesn't come up within the first 5 sites of search results with "depression" as key word.


yes, she has already a fixed date.


december 2009

The depression began slowly in September 2010 and is now climaxing.


Thank you. What convinced you to take the drug? And where can you inform yourself about the withdrawal symptoms and the effectiveness?


Thank you. I think the anorexia is mainly a result of the depression. Her blood got checked a few months ago and everything seemed fine, but there is surely room for improvement. She eats very little meat, maybe she has a iron deficiency.

The main reasons for the depression seems to be the death of her father and the chronic pain, wich showed up long before the depression. Maybe there is also a genetic componence because her mother says about herself, that she has also very often "low mood". But she thinks it's just the way things are.

I will read up on vitamins. Do you think you can trust wikipedia in this respect?


"Imagine the human race gets wiped out. But you want to transmit the so far acquired knowledge to succeeding intelligent races (or aliens). How do you do?"

I got this question while reading a dystopia of a world after nuclear war.


I think Scenario 2 is wrong.

If you know, that one card is an ace, the probability that the second card is also an ace is 1/3, because there are two non aces and one ace remaining.

The tricky thing is, that it´s completely irrelevant, if the ace is of spades or of hearts. Remember, the question is if you hold both aces! Just distinguish between aces and non-aces..