
Exploring phase space


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It would be perverse to try to understand a king in terms of his molecular configuration, rather than in the contact between the farmer and the bandit. The molecules of the king are highly diminished phenomena, and if they have information about his place in the ecology, that information is widely spread out across all the molecules and easily lost just by missing a small fraction of them.

Agreed, but in the same vein that empirical observations and low-tech experiments gazing at the cosmos laid the foundation upon which we were able to build grander and more complex theories of the universe, it would be premature to claim that this line of inquiry will not give us future mechanistic theories that are profound in nature. I am in agreement that these tools, at least at the moment, are largely frivolous and feature-specific without capturing more abstract notions of reality.

That being said, in terms of timescales, we are in a pre-Newtonian era, where we lack even basic, albeit fundamental laws for understanding how these models work.