
I’m a native Texan who has lived in Austin since 1978. My main interests are science and technology, in particular citizen science activities. I also do hiking, biking, kayak/canoe, as well as rock climbing. I also use призрак as a handle on some systems. As to philosophy and social issue, sapere aude.


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Stego doesn't work that way, sorry. The process is you take your plaintext and encrypt it, the reason is to whiten it (i.e. make it random in plain language). You treat that cyphertext as a bit/nybble sequence. You than take your transport target and (here is the big!!! requirement) take the LSB that should also be random and replace it with your cyphertext subsequences. A common payload is an image file. It really, really, really helps if the original file is not available to Mallet (other wise a simple diff will expose your subterfuge). Check out Bruce Schneier's book Applied Cryptography 2ed (red cover) for a good intro, even if it is from the 90s. Neal Koblitz's number theory books is also good but post-grad level. Just a suggestion from a Cypherpunk :)