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Thank you! :) I'm planning on finishing the first book (The map and the territory) by October but it will probably take longer as I'm not very consistent with my work. The first sequence (Predictably wrong) should be finished this week if I keep my current pace. I'm publishing it here: (Everything is in Spanish) I'd appreciate any comments, and if you think that someone you know would benefit from reading rationality in spanish it would be great if you shared it ^^

Hello from Spain! I first found about LW after reading a post about Newcomb's problem and the basilisk last summer. A week after that I found HPMOR and I've been reading and lurking for this whole year. It's been amazing to see how there are other people with ideas like transhumanism and who are trying to become systematically better.

I decided to post here for the first time because I recently atended a CFAR workshop and realized that I could actually help in building a better community. I'm currently translating RAZ to Spanish and hope to create a rationality community in Madrid.

Some other things about me:

  • I'm currently studying Physics at Cambridge but I'm thinking of going into applied Maths and probably into computer science. (I'm very interested in AI risk)
  • I'm trying to find the best way to build healthy relationships and communities of people that help each other be better. (After my experience at CFAR I felt like I'm missing something amazing by not being in an environment like the Bay Area and want to recreate that.)

And that's it! You're all amazing for being part of something like this, hope we can make it even better all together! :)