Shoka Kadoi

Wikitag Contributions


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Thank you all for your answers and comments! (I am sorry for the delay in answering, as I do not speak fluent English and asked DeepL to translate the following text for me).

Nearly a year and a half after this question, organizations related to alignment, AI Safety, and AI Governance have been established in Japan, such as the AI Governance Association, AISI Japan (Japan AI Safety Institute), and ALIGN. These organizations represent industry, government, and academia in Japan today.

At a symposium held yesterday to celebrate the establishment of ALIGN, representatives from each of these organizations expressed their desire to collaborate with each other. This is a welcome development for Japan, the world, and humanity's survival.

In particular, ALIGN, an affiliated organization representing Japanese academia, has brought together researchers from various fields to discuss alignment from multiple angles, including X-risk, on Slack, and mainly in Japanese. ALIGN also organizes webinars in Japanese and English.

As for discussions in Japanese, there seems to be an expectation that we can build an affinity with AI and robots, as represented by some sci-fi animation works. I am exactly one of them, but from a Japanese animistic and polytheistic cultural background, I have been asking the question, ‘How can AGI and humanity coexist and co-prosper?’ I feel that many people are asking and thinking about this question.

In fact, in ALIGN,


The research field of Post-Singularity Symbiosis (PSS) has been proposed by ALIGN board members Hiroshi Yamakawa Yusuke Hayashi, and Yoshinori Okamoto. If anyone is interested in this field, we would be glad if you could translate Japanese into your mother language, as we usually do, read the article, and comment on it. Let's work together with AI to overcome the challenges of diversity and language barriers to dialogue.


この質問から1年半近くの月日が経ち、日本でもALIGN, AISI Japan (Japan AI Safety Institute), AI Governance AssociationのようなアラインメントやAI Safety、AI ガバナンスに関連する組織が設立されました。これらは現在の日本において、産官学をそれぞれ代表するような関連組織といえます。






として、ポストシンギュラリティ共生学、Post-Singularity Symbiosis(PSS)という研究分野がALIGNの理事でもある山川宏と林 祐輔、そして岡本義則も加わった3名によって提案されています。もしこの分野に興味を持つ方がいらっしゃったら、ぜひ我々が普段やっているように日本語を自身の言語に翻訳して、記事を読んで、コメントをいただけると嬉しいです。多様性の課題と言語の障壁をAIと共に乗り越えて対話をしていきましょう。