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How does one get to vote? I say, not guilty except Guede. What an embarrassment and nobody wants to admit their crooked government employees are nuts and criminals. Someone needs to look closely at Mignini and his motives, He sounds like a religious nut whose small mind saw one thing and then spoon fed the tabloids. And found guilty of "crimes in regard to evidence". This is a complex case. These two do not deserve to be in jail. Guede does and then the Perugian Magistrate, prosecutor and the tabloids should be held accountable for the crimes against these two. The Anti-american bias and bigotry, the ridiculous deal made with Guede, the ridiculous "slander" suits, Amanda should bring her own, if this doesn't scream slander........hope the people see the truth, even if an attorney who really has nothing but money to gain, he represents most of the "slander" suit plaintiffs and will then be awarded money against those monetary awards. Does he have a "Knox" motive? You know, the motive where you are judged, tried in the papers then smacked around, sleep deprived, food deprived, ATTORNEY can't tell them any other way, become the easiest target by finding a problem, calling the police. A truer criminal you will never find? She didn't exactly fight against the review of the forensics and DNA, a guilty person would probably be pretty upset. Just a little DNA in the wrong place...Oh, Rudy Guede and his huge amount of DNA that was found including feet and handprints, then their is that hair and sexual stuff...... This case is the one in a million where jurors were probably threatened to vote guilty, See how that baseless rumor starts.........Hmmmm I do wonder just what is true, with the now tainted background of the prosecutor and his lady friend. Just a thought