As someone who writes for fun, I don't need to get people onto my site:
If I write a post and some people are able to get the core idea just from the title or a tweet-length summary, great!
I can include the full contents of my posts in my RSS feed and on FB, because so what if people read the whole post there and never click though to my site?
It would be different if I funded my writing through ads (maximize time on site to maximize impressions) or subscriptions (get the chance to pitch, probably want to tease a paywall).
Sometimes I notice myself accidentally copying what makes sense for other writers. For example, because I can't put full-length posts on Bluesky or Mastodon I write short intros and link my full post. Yesterday I initially drafted:
It's common to flavor truffles with extracts, but I'd like less of a liquor flavor. This time last year I made some with freeze-dried raspberries, which I think came out well. I continue to like those a lot, and this year tried strawberry and orange zest. One worked a lot better than the other: [link]
This would have gotten more people to click through, but that shouldn't be my target. Instead I posted:
... and this year tried strawberry (eh) and orange zest (great!) [link]
No need to hold curiosity hostage.
It's common to criticize "clickbait", where a teaser entices and then doesn't deliver, but even reserving key information for the full article is a product of authors (needing to!) optimize for goals other than communicating to users. I like that this isn't a pressure that I'm under. Because our culture has so many who are under it, however, optimizing for communication can require noticing and intentionally avoiding common patterns.
Precisely. And just to trace the profit motive explicitly: many of the features in question that get pop-ups in Office, for example, are just marginally useful enough in some niche that 0.5% of people who see the pop-up might try the feature. In the aggregate, there's some telemetry that says those 0.5% of people spend some very slightly higher proportion of time in the product, and some other analysis demonstrates that people who spend more time in the product are less likely to cancel. Everyone else dismisses the pop-up once, forgets about it, and it's annoying on the margin but means nothing.
Follow that pattern for 20 years, releasing many such features, and we get overloaded / busy / confusing UIs by a thousand cuts, but also with a pretty big moat, created by supporting just that precise workflow that someone in an office job environment has been doing that precise way for a long time now and really doesn't want to adjust. Mainstream corporate culture doesn't mind this at all, in part because there are software products that have had functional monopolies for decades and many workplaces haven't had the opportunity to experience anything different, but also because the little precise fiddly features can make a product really sticky, at the expense of the user experience for everyone else.
(Also, to your GitHub commit history example—yes! And also, I can't even go to the address bar and punch in e.g.
, because they do cursor-based pagination! My rage knows no bounds—and drives me to the CLI tool!)