Given how fast AI is advancing and all the uncertainty associated with that (unemployment, potential international conflict, x-risk, etc.), do you think it's a good idea to have a baby now? What factors would you take into account (e.g. age)?
Today I saw a tweet by Eliezer Yudkowski that made me think about this:
"When was the last human being born who'd ever grow into being employable at intellectual labor? 2016? 2020?"
Any advice for how to approach such a discussion with somebody who is not at all familiar with the topics discussed on lesswrong?
What if the option "wait for several years and then decide" is not available?
I agree that it's bad to raise a child in an environment of extreme anxiety. Don't do that.
Also try to avoid being very doomy and anxious in general, it's not a healthy state to be in. (Easier said than done, I realize.)