Well I’m one of the people who says that “AGI” is the scary thing that doesn’t exist yet (e.g. FAQ or “why I want to move the goalposts on ‘AGI’”). I don’t think “AGI” is a perfect term for the scary thing that doesn’t exist yet, but my current take is that “AGI” is a less bad term compared to alternatives. (I was listing out some other options here.) In particular, I don’t think there’s any terminological option that is sufficiently widely-understood and unambiguous that I wouldn’t need to include a footnote or link explaining exactly what I mean. And if I’m going to do that anyway, doing that with “AGI” seems OK. But I’m open-minded to discussing other options if you (or anyone) have any.
Generative pre-training is AGI technology: it creates a model with mediocre competence at basically everything.
I disagree with that—as in “why I want to move the goalposts on ‘AGI’”, I think there’s an especially important category of capability that entails spending a whole lot of time working with a system / idea / domain, and getting to know it and understand it and manipulate it better and better over the course of time. Mathematicians do this with abstruse mathematical objects, but als...
Thanks for your perspective! I think explicitly moving the goal-posts is a reasonable thing to do here, although I would prefer to do this in a way that doesn't harm the meaning of existing terms.
I mean: I think a lot of people did have some kind of internal "human-level AGI" goalpost which they imagined in a specific way, and modern AI development has resulted in a thing which fits part of that image while not fitting other parts, and it makes a lot of sense to reassess things. Goalpost-moving is usually maligned as an error, but sometimes it actually makes sense.
I prefer 'transformative AI' for the scary thing that isn't here yet. I see where you're coming from with respect to not wanting to have to explain a new term, but I think 'AGI' is probably still more obscure for a general audience than you think it is (see, eg, the snarky complaint here). Of course it depends on your target audience. But 'transformative AI' seems relatively self-explanatory as these things go. I see that you have even used that term at times.
...I disagree with that—as in “why I want to move the goalposts on ‘AGI’”, I think there’s an especially important category of capability that entails spending a
I think the kind of sensible goalpost-moving you are describing should be understood as run-of-the-mill conceptual fragmentation, which is ubiquitous in science. As scientific communities learn more about the structure of complex domains (often in parallel across disciplinary boundaries), numerous distinct (but related) concepts become associated with particular conceptual labels (this is just a special case of how polysemy works generally). This has already happened with scientific concepts like gene, species, memory, health, attention and many more.
In this case, it is clear to me that there are important senses of the term "general" which modern AI satisfies the criteria for. You made that point persuasively in this post. However, it is also clear that there are important senses of the term "general" which modern AI does not satisfy the criteria for. Steven Byrnes made that point persuasively in his response. So far as I can tell you will agree with this.
If we all agree with the above, the most important thing is to disambiguate the sense of the term being invoked when applying it in reasoning about AI. Then, we can figure out whether the source of our disagreements i...
My complaint about “transformative AI” is that (IIUC) its original and universal definition is not about what the algorithm can do but rather how it impacts the world, which is a different topic. For example, the very same algorithm might be TAI if it costs $1/hour but not TAI if it costs $1B/hour, or TAI if it runs at a certain speed but not TAI if it runs many OOM slower, or “not TAI because it’s illegal”. Also, two people can agree about what an algorithm can do but disagree about what its consequences would be on the world, e.g. here’s a blog post claiming that if we have cheap AIs that can do literally everything that a human can do, the result would be “a pluralistic and competitive economy that’s not too different from the one we have now”, which I view as patently absurd.
Anyway, “how an AI algorithm impacts the world” is obviously an important thing to talk about, but “what an AI algorithm can do” is also an important topic, and different, and that’s what I’m asking about, and “TAI” doesn’t seem to fit it as terminology.
Yep, I agree that Transformative AI is about impact on the world rather than capabilities of the system. I think that is the right thing to talk about for things like "AI timelines" if the discussion is mainly about the future of humanity. But, yeah, definitely not always what you want to talk about.
I am having difficulty coming up with a term which points at what you want to point at, so yeah, I see the problem.
I agree with Steve Byrnes here. I think I have a better way to describe this.
I would say that the missing piece is 'mastery'. Specifically, learning mastery over a piece of reality. By mastery I am referring to the skillful ability to model, predict, and purposefully manipulate that subset of reality.
I don't think this is an algorithmic limitation, exactly.
Look at the work Deepmind has been doing, particularly with Gato and more recently AutoRT, SARA-RT, RT-Trajectory, UniSim , and Q-transformer. Look at the work being done with the help of Nvidia's new Robot Simulation Gym Environment. Look at OpenAI's recent foray into robotics with Figure AI. This work is held back from being highly impactful (so far) by the difficulty of accurately simulating novel interesting things, the difficulty of learning the pairing of action -> consequence compared to learning a static pattern of data, and the hardware difficulties of robotics.
This is what I think our current multimodal frontier models are mostly lacking. They can regurgitate, and to a lesser extent synthesize, facts that humans wrote about, but not develop novel mastery of subjects and then report back on their findings. This is the...
I propose that LLMs cannot do things in this category at human level, as of today—e.g. AutoGPT basically doesn’t work, last I heard. And this category of capability isn’t just a random cherrypicked task, but rather central to human capabilities, I claim.
What would you claim is a central example of a task which requires this type of learning? ARA type tasks? Agency tasks? Novel ML research? Do you think these tasks certainly require something qualitatively different than a scaled up version of what we have now (pretraining, in-context learning, RL, maybe training on synthetic domain specific datasets)? If so, why? (Feel free to not answer this or just link me what you've written on the topic. I'm more just reacting than making a bid for you to answer these questions here.)
Separately, I think it's non-obvious that you can't make human-competitive sample efficient learning happen in many domains where LLMs are already competitive with humans in other non-learning ways by spending massive amounts of compute doing training (with SGD) and synthetic data generation. (See e.g. efficient-zero.) It's just that the amount of compute/spend is such that you're just effectively doing a bunch ...
I’m talking about the AI’s ability to learn / figure out a new system / idea / domain on the fly. It’s hard to point to a particular “task” that specifically tests this ability (in the way that people normally use the term “task”), because for any possible task, maybe the AI happens to already know how to do it.
You could filter the training data, but doing that in practice might be kinda tricky because “the AI already knows how to do X” is distinct from “the AI has already seen examples of X in the training data”. LLMs “already know how to do” lots of things that are not superficially in the training data, just as humans “already know how to do” lots of things that are superficially unlike anything they’ve seen before—e.g. I can ask a random human to imagine a purple colander falling out of an airplane and answer simple questions about it, and they’ll do it skillfully and instantaneously. That’s the inference algorithm, not the learning algorithm.
Well, getting an AI to invent a new scientific field would work as such a task, because it’s not in the training data by definition. But that’s such a high bar as to be unhelpful in practice. Maybe tasks that we think of as more suited to ...
Yeah, the precise ability I'm trying to point to here is tricky. Almost any human (barring certain forms of senility, severe disability, etc) can do some version of what I'm talking about. But as in the restaurant example, not every human could succeed at every possible example.
I was trying to better describe the abilities that I thought GPT-4 was lacking, using very simple examples. And it started looking way too much like a benchmark suite that people could target.
Suffice to say, I don't think GPT-4 is an AGI. But I strongly suspect we're only a couple of breakthroughs away. And if anyone builds an AGI, I am not optimistic we will remain in control of our futures.
Furthermore, when we measure that competence, it usually falls somewhere within the human range of performance.
I think that for this to be meaningfully true, the LLM should be able to actually replace humans at a given task. There are some very specific domains in which this is doable (e.g. creative writing assistant), but it seems to me that they are still mostly too unreliable for this.
I've worked with getting GPT-4 to act as a coach for business customers. This is one of the domains that it excels at - tasks can be done entirely inside a chat, the focus is on asking users questions and paraphrasing them so hallucinations are usually not a major issue. And yet it's stupid in some very frustrating ways that a human wouldn't be.
For example, our users would talk with the bot at specific times, which they would schedule using a separate system. Sometimes they would ask the bot to change their scheduled time. The bot wasn't interfaced to the actual scheduling system, but it had been told to act like a helpful coach, so by default it would say something like "of course, I have moved your session time to X". This was bad, since the user would think the session had been...
I was going to say the same. I can't count the number of times a human customer service agent has tried to do something for me, or told me they already did do something for me, only for me to later find out they were wrong (because of a mistake they made), lying (because their scripts required it or their metrics essentially forced them into it), or foiled (because of badly designed backend systems opaque to both of us).
I agree the term AGI is rough and might be more misleading than it's worth in some cases. But I do quite strongly disagree that current models are 'AGI' in the sense most people intend.
Examples of very important areas where 'average humans' plausibly do way better than current transformers:
Current AIs suck at agency skills. Put a bunch of them in AutoGPT scaffolds and give them each their own computer and access to the internet and contact info for each other and let them run autonomously for weeks and... well I'm curious to find out what will happen, I expect it to be entertaining but not impressive or useful. Whereas, as you say, randomly sampled humans would form societies and fnd jobs etc.
This is the common thread behind all your examples Hjalmar. Once we teach our AIs agency (i.e. once they have lots of training-experience operating autonomously in pursuit of goals in sufficiently diverse/challenging environments that they generalize rather than overfit to their environment) then they'll be AGI imo. And also takeoff will begin, takeover will become a real possibility, etc. Off to the races.
I think humans doing METR's tasks are more like "expert-level" rather than average/"human-level". But current LLM agents are also far below human performance on tasks that don't require any special expertise.
From GAIA:
GAIA proposes real-world questions that require a set of fundamental abilities such as reasoning, multi-modality handling, web browsing, and generally tool-use proficiency. GAIA questions are conceptually simple for humans yet challenging for most advanced AIs: we show that human respondents obtain 92% vs. 15% for GPT-4 equipped with plugins. [Note: The latest highest AI agent score is now 39%.] This notable performance disparity contrasts with the recent trend of LLMs outperforming humans on tasks requiring professional skills in e.g. law or chemistry. GAIA's philosophy departs from the current trend in AI benchmarks suggesting to target tasks that are ever more difficult for humans. We posit that the advent of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) hinges on a system's capability to exhibit similar robustness as the average human does on such questions.
And LLMs and VLLMs seriously underperform humans in VisualWebArena, which tests for simple web-browsing capabilities...
I believe that the important part of generality is the ability to handle new tasks. In particular, I disagree that transformers are actually as good at handling new tasks as humans are. My mental model is that modern transformers are not general tools, but rather an enormous Swiss army knife with billions of specific tools that compose together to only a limited extent. (I think human intelligence is also a Swiss army knife and not the One True Tool, but it has many fewer tools that are each more general and more compositional with the other tools.)
I think this is heavily confounded because the internet is so huge that it's actually quite hard to come up with things that are not already on the internet. Back when GPT-3 first came out, I used to believe that widening the distribution to cover every task ever was a legitimate way to solve the generality problem, but I no longer believe this. (I think in particular this would have overestimated the trajectory of AI in the past 4 years)
One way to see this is that the most interesting tasks are ones that nobody has ever done before. You can't just widen the distribution to include discovering the cure for cancer, or solving alignment. T...
I agree with virtually all of the high-level points in this post — the term "AGI" did not seem to usually initially refer to a system that was better than all human experts at absolutely everything, transformers are not a narrow technology, and current frontier models can meaningfully be called "AGI".
Indeed, my own attempt to define AGI a few years ago was initially criticized for being too strong, as I initially specified a difficult construction task, which was later weakened to being able to "satisfactorily assemble a (or the equivalent of a) circa-2021 Ferrari 312 T4 1:8 scale automobile model" in response to pushback. These days the opposite criticism is generally given: that my definition is too weak.
However, I do think there is a meaningful sense in which current frontier AIs are not "AGI" in a way that does not require goalpost shifting. Various economically-minded people have provided definitions for AGI that were essentially "can the system perform most human jobs?" And as far as I can tell, this definition has held up remarkably well.
For example, Tobias Baumann wrote in 2018,
...A commonly used reference point is the attainment of “human-level” general intelligence (also cal
I'm saying "transformers" every time I am tempted to write "LLMs" because many modern LLMs also do image processing, so the term "LLM" is not quite right.
"Transformer"'s not quite right either because you can train a transformer on a narrow task. How about foundation model: "models (e.g., BERT, DALL-E, GPT-3) that are trained on broad data at scale and are adaptable to a wide range of downstream tasks".
I think this mostly just reveals that "AGI" and "human-level" are bad terms.
Under your proposed usage, modern transformers are (IMO) brutally non-central with respect to the terms "AGI" and "human-level" from the perspective of most people.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is any defintion of "AGI" and "human-level" which:
I prefer the term "transformative AI", ideally paired with a definition.
(E.g. in The case for ensuring that powerful AIs are controlled, we use the terms "transformatively useful AI" and "early tranformatively useful AI" both of which we define. We were initially planning on some term like "human-level", but we ran into a bunch of issues with using this term due to wanting a more precise concept and thus instead used a concept like not-wildly-qualitatively-superhuman-in-dangerous-domains or non-wildly-qualitatively-superhuman-in-general-relevant-capabilities.)
I should probably taboo human-level more than I currently do, this term is problematic.
I also like "transformative AI."
I don't think of it as "AGI" or "human-level" being an especially bad term - most category nouns are bad terms (like "heap"), in the sense that they're inherently fuzzy gestures at the structure of the world. It's just that in the context of 2024, we're now inside the fuzz.
A mile away from your house, "towards your house" is a useful direction. Inside your front hallway, "towards your house" is a uselessly fuzzy direction - and a bad term. More precision is needed because you're closer.
Cf. DeepMind's "Levels of AGI" paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.02462), calling modern transformers "emerging AGI" there, but also defining "expert", "virtuoso", and "superhuman" AGI.
I agree 100%. It would be interesting to explore how the term "AGI" has evolved, maybe starting with Goertzel and Pennachin 2007 who define it as:
a software program that can solve a variety of complex problems in a variety of different domains, and that controls itself autonomously, with its own thoughts, worries, feelings, strengths, weaknesses and predispositions
On the other hand, Stuart Russell testified that AGI means
machines that match or exceed human capabilities in every relevant dimension
so the experts seem to disagree. (On the other hand, Stuart & Russell's textbook cite Goertzel and Pennachin 2007 when mentioning AGI. Confusing.)
In any case, I think it's right to say that today's best language models are AGIs for any of these reasons:
In fact, GPT-2 is an AGI.
I agree. GPT-4 is an AGI for the kinds of tasks I care about such as programming and writing. ChatGPT4 in its current form (with the ability to write and execute code) seems to be at the expert human level in many technical and quantitative subjects such as statistics and programming.
For example, last year I was amazed when I gave ChatGPT4 one of my statistics past exam papers and it got all the questions right except for one which involved interpreting an image of a linear regression graph. The questions typically involve understanding the question, think...
Perhaps AGI but not human level. A system that cannot drive a car or cook a meal is not human level. I suppose it's conceivable that the purely cognitive functions are at human level, but considering the limited economic impact I seriously doubt it.
Maybe a better question than "time to AGI" is time to mundanely transformative AGI. I think a lot of people have a model of the near future in which a lot of current knowledge work (and other work) is fully or almost-fully automated, but at least as of right this moment, that hasn't actually happened yet (despite all the hype).
For example, one of the things current A(G)Is are supposedly strongest at is writing code, but I would still rather hire a (good) junior software developer than rely on currently available AI products for just about any real program...
I agree it is not sensible to make "AGI" a synonym for superintelligence (ASI) or the like. But your approach to compare it to human intelligence seems unprincipled as well.
In terms of architecture, there is likely no fundamental difference between humans and dogs. Humans are probably just a lot smarter than dogs, but not significantly more general. Similar to how a larger LLM is smarter than a smaller one, but not more general. If you doubt this, imagine we had a dog-level robotic AI. Plausibly, we soon thereafter would also have human-level AI by growing...
I found this an interesting but complex read for me -- both the post and the comments. I found a number of what seemed good points to consider, but I seem to be coming away from the discussion thinking about the old parable of the blind men and the elephant.
I've gotten push-back from almost everyone I've spoken with about this
I had also expected this reaction, and I always thought I was the only one who thinks we have basically achieved AGI since ~GPT-3. But looking at the upvotes on this post I wonder if this is a much more common view.
I very much agree with this. You're not the only one! I've been thinking for a while that actually, AGI is here (by all previous definitions of AGI).
Furthermore, I want to suggest that the people who are saying we don't yet have AGI will in fact never be satisfied by what an AI does. The reason is this: An AI will never ever act like a human. By the time its ability to do basic human things like speak and drive are up to human standards (already happened), its abilities in other areas, like playing computer games and calculating, will far exceed ours...
Imagine the dumbest person you've ever met. Is the robot smarter and more capable? If yes, then there's a strong case that it's human level.
I've met plenty of 'human level intelligences' that can't write, can't drive, and can't do basic math.
Arguably, I'm one of them!
Obvious bait is obvious bait, but here goes.
Transformers are not AGI because they will never be able to "figure something out" the way humans can.
If a human is given the rules for Sudoku, they first try filling in the square randomly. After a while, they notice that certain things work and certain things don't work. They begin to define heuristics for things that work (for example, if all but one number appears in the same row or column as a box, that number goes in the box). Eventually they work out a complete algorithm for solving Sudok...
The LessWrong Review runs every year to select the posts that have most stood the test of time. This post is not yet eligible for review, but will be at the end of 2025. The top fifty or so posts are featured prominently on the site throughout the year.
Hopefully, the review is better than karma at judging enduring value. If we have accurate prediction markets on the review results, maybe we can have better incentives on LessWrong today. Will this post make the top fifty?
This is my personal opinion, and in particular, does not represent anything like a MIRI consensus; I've gotten push-back from almost everyone I've spoken with about this, although in most cases I believe I eventually convinced them of the narrow terminological point I'm making.
In the AI x-risk community, I think there is a tendency to ask people to estimate "time to AGI" when what is meant is really something more like "time to doom" (or, better, point-of-no-return). For about a year, I've been answering this question "zero" when asked.
This strikes some people as absurd or at best misleading. I disagree.
The term "Artificial General Intelligence" (AGI) was coined in the early 00s, to contrast with the prevalent paradigm of Narrow AI. I was getting my undergraduate computer science education in the 00s; I experienced a deeply-held conviction in my professors that the correct response to any talk of "intelligence" was "intelligence for what task?" -- to pursue intelligence in any kind of generality was unscientific, whereas trying to play chess really well or automatically detect cancer in medical scans was OK.
I think this was a reaction to the AI winter of the 1990s. The grand ambitions of the AI field, to create intelligent machines, had been discredited. Automating narrow tasks still seemed promising. "AGI" was a fringe movement.
As such, I do not think it is legitimate for the AI risk community to use the term AGI to mean 'the scary thing' -- the term AGI belongs to the AGI community, who use it specifically to contrast with narrow AI.
Modern Transformers[1] are definitely not narrow AI.
It may have still been plausible in, say, 2019. You might then have argued: "Language models are only language models! They're OK at writing, but you can't use them for anything else." It had been argued for many years that language was an AI complete task; if you can solve natural-language processing (NLP) sufficiently well, you can solve anything. However, in 2019 it might still be possible to dismiss this. Basically any narrow-AI subfield had people who will argue that that specific subfield is the best route to AGI, or the best benchmark for AGI.
The NLP people turned out to be correct. Modern NLP systems can do most things you would want an AI to do, at some basic level of competence. Critically, if you come up with a new task[2], one which the model has never been trained on, then odds are still good that it will display at least middling competence. What more could you reasonably ask for, to demonstrate 'general intelligence' rather than 'narrow'?
Generative pre-training is AGI technology: it creates a model with mediocre competence at basically everything.
Furthermore, when we measure that competence, it usually falls somewhere within the human range of performance. So, as a result, it seems sensible to call them human-level as well. It seems to me like people who protest this conclusion are engaging in goalpost-moving.
More specifically, it seems to me like complaints that modern AI systems are "dumb as rocks" are comparing AI-generated responses to human experts. A quote from the dumb-as-rocks essay:
That's a bit of a weak-man argument (I specifically searched for "generative ai is dumb as rocks what are we doing"). But it does demonstrate a pattern I've encountered. Often, the alternative to asking an AI is to ask an expert; so it becomes natural to get in the habit of comparing AI answers to expert answers. This becomes what we think about when we judge whether modern AI is "any good" -- but this is not the relevant comparison we should be using when judging whether it is "human level".
I'm certainly not claiming that modern transformers are roughly equivalent to humans in all respects. Memory works very differently for them, for example, although that has been significantly improving over the past year. One year ago I would have compared an LLM to a human with a learning disability and memory problems, but who has read the entire internet and absorbed a lot through sheer repetition. Now, those memory problems are drastically reduced.
Edited to add:
There have been many interesting comments. Two clusters of reply stick out to me:
Hjalmar Wijk would strongly bet that even if there were more infrastructure in place to help LLMs autonomously get jobs, they would be worse at this than humans. Matthew Barnett points out that economically-minded people have defined AGI in terms such as what percentage of human labor the machine is able to replace. I particularly appreciated Kaj Sotala's in-the-trenches description of trying to get GPT4 to do a job.
Kaj says GPT4 is "stupid in some very frustrating ways that a human wouldn't be" -- giving the example of GPT4 claiming that an appointment has been rescheduled, when in fact it does not even have the calendar access required to do that.
Comments on this point out that this is not an unusual customer service experience.
I do want to concede that AIs like GPT4 are quantitatively more "disconnected from reality" than humans, in an important way, which will lead them to "lie" like this more often. I also agree that GPT4 lacks the overall skills which would be required for it to make its way through the world autonomously (it would fail if it had to apply for jobs, build working relationships with humans over a long time period, rent its own server space, etc).
However, in many of these respects, it still feels comparable to the low end of human performance, rather than entirely sub-human. Autonomously making one's way through the world feels very "conjunctive" -- it requires the ability to do a lot of things right.
I never meant to claim that GPT4 is within human range on every single performance dimension; only lots and lots of them. For example, it cannot do realtime vision + motor control at anything approaching human competence (although my perspective leads me to think that this will be possible with comparable technology in the near future).
In his comment, Matthew Barnett quotes Tobias Baumann:
I think we find ourselves in a somewhat surprising future where machine intelligence actually turns out to be meaningfully "human-level" across many dimensions at once, although not all.
Anyway, the second cluster of responses I mentioned is perhaps even more interesting. Steven Byrnes has explicitly endorsed "moving the goalposts" for AGI. I do think it can sometimes be sensible to move goalposts; the concept of goalpost-moving is usually used in a negative light, but, there are times when it must be done. I wish it could be facilitated by a new term, rather than a redefinition of "AGI"; but I am not sure what to suggest.
I think there is a lot to say about Steven's notion of AGI as the-ability-to-gain-capabilities rather than as a concept of breadth-of-capability. I'll leave most of it to the comment section. To briefly respond: I agree that there is something interesting and important here. I currently think AIs like GPT4 have 'very little' of this rather than none. I also thing individual humans have very little of this. In the anthropological record, it looks like humans were not very culturally innovative for more than a hundred thousand years, until the "creative explosion" which resulted in a wide variety of tools and artistic expression. I find it plausible that this required a large population of humans to get going. Individual humans are rarely really innovative; more often, we can only introduce basic variations on existing concepts.
I'm saying "transformers" every time I am tempted to write "LLMs" because many modern LLMs also do image processing, so the term "LLM" is not quite right.
Obviously, this claim relies on some background assumption about how you come up with new tasks. Some people are skilled at critiquing modern AI by coming up with specific things which it utterly fails at. I am certainly not claiming that modern AI is literally competent at everything.
However, it does seem true to me that if you generate and grade test questions in roughly the way a teacher might, the best modern Transformers will usually fall comfortably within human range, if not better.