Hey, folks! PSA: looks like there's a 50% chance of rain today. Plan A is for it to not rain; plan B is to meet in the rain.
See you soon, I hope!
If the chance of rain is dissuading you: fear not, there's a newly constructed roof over the amphitheater!
This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Location: Volunteer Park, by the amphitheater. I'll have a folding table set up, and probably a sign with ACX MEETUP on it. – https://plus.codes/84VVJMJM+56
Contact: speeze.pearson+acx@gmail.com ; 925-784-0543
Recommended: come with an answer to: "What's one post you would write for the ACX blog if you could?"
There will be board games available to play! Feel free to bring your own, too.
There will also be pizza and PB&J sandwich makings while supplies last.
Please feel free to come even if you feel awkward about it, even if you’re not “the typical ACX/LW reader”, even if you’re worried people won’t like you, etc. I expect around 40 people to join for this meetup, based on how many people attended previous ACX Everywhere events.
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