1 min read


It's the most wonderful time of the year!

So I've heard, anyway. But we will make it so, even if we can't make it snow!

This one is our last meetup of 2019! It'll be a bit of a grab-bag of good times. Your individual task will be to think of something you associate with "wonder" and show and/or tell us all about it. We'll score our predictions from earlier in the year, and make a few new ones for 2020. There will also be games, maybe even a couple of the authentic relating variety...

And of course, some dancing around the question of whether this is a "solstice thing" or not 🙃

Now, I thought we might also make this a potlucky event, but if people are getting overwhelmed with holiday parties just let me know and we can keep it simple. But the mulled wine crock pot will be making a reappearance.

Location is Tess' place, all are welcome, please please rsvp. As always there is nearby parking and couches for crashing.

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