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3 Going6 Maybe0 Can't Go
Vansh Gehlot
Vlad Sitalo
Yudhister Kumar
Pi Rogers
Christina Fedor


My name's Logan Chipkin. I'm hosting the third Philly Rat Fest the weekend of September 27th - September 29th, 2024.

Join us for workshops, talks, good food, new friends, old friends, philosophizing, and laughing.

Last time, we had a very successful event in Philadelphia. People flew from all across the world to discuss, debate, and learn about some of the deepest ideas Rats of all stripes care about.

While online communities serve many purposes, there's nothing quite like meeting up in person to fortify a community.

To be clear, Rats of all stripes are welcome to join! Last time, we had plenty of rationalists, crit rats, post rats, and Bayesians.

Honorary guest speakers:

1. Vivek Patel, advocate for peaceful parenting

2. Allison Duettmann, CEO of Foresight Institute and Founder of Existential Hope

3. Saifedean Ammous, author of The Bitcoin Standard and Principles of Economics

4 . TBD (exciting guest but can't confirm just yet!)


  1. Carlos De la Guardia - What makes human minds uniquely powerful?
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

Rat Fest is a kid-friendly event! We're offering discounted tickets for children under 18.

If you have any questions, email me at, or DM me on Twitter @chipkinlogan.

Here's the ticket link:



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