Calling all Cambridge dwellers! We're having a Schelling meetup. It is UPSTAIRS, you have to go through a door and down a hall but it is a lovely space.
NOTE that Lesswrong event pages for our meetups are rare. I have an email list and I just email everyone on the list. So give me your email if you want to come again!
We are a friendly bunch, the standard mix of software devs, academics, and the occasional lawyer.
"Did you read [the latest SSC post]?" is always an effective icebreaker. Sometimes we discuss AI, sometimes we discuss things that are not AI. We have a broad range of timelines!
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Calling all Cambridge dwellers! We're having a Schelling meetup. It is UPSTAIRS, you have to go through a door and down a hall but it is a lovely space.
NOTE that Lesswrong event pages for our meetups are rare. I have an email list and I just email everyone on the list. So give me your email if you want to come again!
We are a friendly bunch, the standard mix of software devs, academics, and the occasional lawyer.
"Did you read [the latest SSC post]?" is always an effective icebreaker. Sometimes we discuss AI, sometimes we discuss things that are not AI. We have a broad range of timelines!
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