Your discussion reminds me of defeasibility
I mean, sure. In fact, almost everything is provisional. Even mathematical constrructs, which are finalized within their frameworks, are provisional in terms of axioms. But nobody can live that way - there's a HUGE processing/calculation overhead to including that in all of one's thinking.
Which brings up the concepts of abstraction/encapsulation. On a very basic level, almost everything is provisional. But you can keep that separate from the cathedral of inference and calculations that add up to real-world modeling and decision-making. Include a term off to the side "unless I'm wrong about everything".
[Metadata: crossposted from First completed March 7, 2023.]
A mental element has to be open to revision, and so it has to be treated as though it might be revised.
Thanks to Sam Eisenstat for relevant conversations and for the basic notion of provisionality.
A mental element E is provisional when it is suitable to treat E as open to revision, i.e. as though it might be suitable to revise E in the future. Provisionality is the state of being provisional.
Many elements are provisional: they have yet to be fully grasped, made explicit, connected to what they should be connected to, had all their components implemented, carved at the joints, made available for use, indexed, suitably redescribed in other terms.
An element is essentially provisional when it is, in its essence, provisional. That is, an essentially provisional element is, by its nature and by its role in the mind, provisional: in all (or a great range of) possible worlds the element is always provisional, even after more explicitizing and correcting has happened.
Provisionality is normative
Provisionality isn't how a mind actually treats the element. A mind might treat an element as-if-provisionally even though really the element is not provisional (i.e., really it ought to be treated as finalized), and a mind might treat an element not as-if-provisionally even though the element really is provisional.
Provisionality is also not whether the element will actually be revised.
So, provisionality is normative (it describes "right" behavior, and so is an imperative for an agent behaving "rightly"), while as-if-provisionality is descriptive (describes actual behavior). Revision of an element is a kind of witness to its prior provisionality, since probably if the element actually gets revised, it should have been treated as though it will be revised.
An element E is open when it is suitable to treat E as non-closed, non-circumscribed, open to novel relations; that is, as though it might in the future be suitable to relate E to more elements than it currently relates to. Openness is the state of being open. Openness could also be called noncontainedness.
As with provisionality, openness is normative.
Openness is a subclass of provisionality. If an element E is open then E is also provisional in that way, because a novel relation with E is a kind of revision of E. Updating a probability distribution can be a substantial revision that's not (much of) a novel relation, witnessing provisionality but not openness. (On the other hand, to deduce consequences of a hypothesis witnesses openness, because it brings more kinds of evidence to bear on the hypothesis.)
Essentiality is when a property holds of a thing by the nature of that thing: in all (or a great range of) possible worlds, the property holds of the thing.
An example is essentially undecidable logical theories: theories which can't be consistently extended to a decidable theory.
A class of examples comes from logical implication, i.e. analyticity, as in "Pediatricians are essentially doctors.". (The concept of analytic is problematic because it relies somewhat circularly on notions of logical rules and implication, see Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism", but relative analyticity (or enthymemic analyticity, understood to always be relative to unstated premises) seems less problematic.)
In terms of a thing as an inductive nexus of reference, essentiality means centrality or eventual permanence. A thing is essentially P if, following the reference of the thing however deep into its nexus, whatever structure is there will satisfy property P.
Quoting from "Rootedness" about essential provisionality and essential openness:
Pro-vision = fore-sight. Provisional = demanding foresight.
What are suitable ways for a mind to treat an element that's provisional?
Examples and sources of provisionality
To the extent that an element is uncertain, it's provisional, because the uncertainty might shift. For example, a weighting of beliefs might change from evidence and reason, or a decision might change.
External things are first encountered as phenomena (things showing themselves) and as surface-level dealings. These encounters induce provisional elements.
An inexplicit element fails to be available for relations with other elements that would be suitable. So an inexplicit element is provisional: the element should be treated as though it might be suitable for the element to become available for those relations.
Elements involved in counting-down incoherence are also provisional, since it might be suitable for the incoherence to be repaired. E.g., two contradictory beliefs have to be treated as though at least one of them will be revised. E.g., if an agent is being money-pumped, it should look to revise the elements that are determining that behavior.
New contexts
A fixed external thing can be understood more and more fully, suggesting an asymptote, where the mind is completely informed about the thing. An asymptote of complete information is not possible in cases where the thing grows in complexity along with the growth in the mind's understanding of the thing.
If the thing, by its nature, has to grow in complexity along with the mind, then the mind's understanding of the thing is essentially provisional.
If the thing is bound up with the mind, it might by its nature have to grow in complexity with the mind. Such a thing is essentially noncartesian. See embedded agency. If some thing is essentially noncartesian, then it's essentially provisional: since the mind as a whole is provisional, the thing might also be suitable to revise in the future.
Example: the liar sentence and the notion of truth. Example: Gödelian incompleteness. Another example: the notion of set. See Penelope Maddy's "Believing the Axioms":
Anything that the mind has grasped is stipulated to be an incomplete description of the full reality. A notion of set that conforms to this rule is essentially noncartesian and essentially provisional.
S.E. points out (something like):
To be corrigible is a fortiori to be provisional.
Examples of nonprovisionality
There may not be such a thing as total nonprovisionality.