For those who might not have noticed, this actually is historic, they're not just saying that- the top 350 people have effectively "come clean" about this, at once, in a schelling-point **kind-of** way.
The long years of staying quiet about this and avoiding telling other people your thoughts about AI potentially ending the world, because you're worried that you're crazy or that you take science fiction too seriously- those days **might have** just ended.
This was a credible signal, none of these 350 high-level people can go back and say "no, I never actually said that AI could cause extinction and AI safety should be a top global priority", and from now on you and anyone else can cite this announcement to back up your views (instead of saying "Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Stephen Hawking have all endorsed...") and go straight to AI timelines (I like sending people Epoch's Literature review).
EDIT: For the record, this might not be true, or it might not stick, and signatories retain ways of backing out or minimizing their past involvement. I do not endorse unilaterally turning this into more of a schelling point than it was originally intended to be.
FYI your Epoch's Literature review link is currently pointing to
Some notable/famous signatories that I noted: Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Demis Hassabis (DeepMind CEO), Sam Altman (OpenAI CEO), Dario Amodei (Anthropic CEO), Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Eric Horvitz (Chief Scientific Officer at Microsoft), David Chalmers, Daniel Dennett, Bruce Schneier, Andy Clark (the guy who wrote Surfing Uncertainty), Emad Mostaque (Stability AI CEO), Lex Friedman, Sam Harris.
Edited to add: a more detailed listing from this post:
...Signatories include notable philosophers, ethicists, legal scholars, economists, physicists, political scientists, pandemic scientists, nuclear scientists, and climate scientists. [...]
Signatories of the statement include:
- The authors of the standard textbook on Artificial Intelligence (Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig)
- Two authors of the standard textbook on Deep Learning (Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio)
- An author of the standard textbook on Reinforcement Learning (Andrew Barto)
- Three Turing Award winners (Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and Martin Hellman)
- CEOs of top AI labs: Sam Altman, Demis Hassabis, and Dario Amodei
- Executives from Microsoft, OpenAI, Google, Google DeepMind, and Anthropic
- AI professors from Chinese universities
- T
Bruce Schneier has posted something like a retraction on his blog, saying he focused on the comparisons to pandemics and nuclear war and not on the word "extinction".
The statement not saying much is essential for getting an impressively comprehensive list of signatories: the more you say, the more likely it is that someone whom you want to sign will disagree.
Relatedly, when we made, we tried not to wade into a bigger fight about the NYT and other news sites, nor to make it an endorsement of Scott and everything he's ever written/done. It just focused on the issue of not deanonymizing bloggers when revealing their identity is a threat to their careers or personal safety and there isn't a strong ethical reason to do so. I know more high-profile people signed it because the wording was conservative in this manner.
IMO, Andrew Ng is the most important name that could have been there but isn't. Virtually everything I know about machine learning I learned from him and I think there are many others for which that is true.
Is it just me or is it nuts that a statement this obvious could have gone outside the overton window, and is now worth celebrating when it finally (re?)enters?
How is it possible to build a superintelligence at acceptable risk while this kind of thing can happen? What if there are other truths important to safely building a superintelligence, that nobody (or very few) acknowledges because they are outside the overton window?
Now that AI x-risk is finally in the overton window, what's your vote for the most important and obviously true statement that is still outside it (i.e., that almost nobody is willing to say or is interested in saying)? Here are my top candidates:
Why is 1 important? It seems like something we can defer discussion of until after (if ever) alignment is solved, no?
If aging was solved or looked like it will be solved within next few decades, it would make efforts to stop or slow down AI development less problematic, both practically and ethically. I think some AI accelerationists might be motivated directly by the prospect of dying/deterioration from old age, and/or view lack of interest/progress on that front as a sign of human inadequacy/stagnation (contributing to their antipathy towards humans). At the same time, the fact that pausing AI development has a large cost in lives of current people means that you have to have a high p(doom) or credence in utilitarianism/longtermism to support it (and risk committing a kind of moral atrocity if you turn out to be wrong).
2 is arguably in that category also, though idk.
2 is important because as tech/AI capabilities increase, the possibilities to "make serious irreversible mistakes due to having incorrect answers to important philosophical questions" seem to open up exponentially. Some examples:
Disclaimer: I've never been to an academic conference
EDIT: Also, I'm just thinking out loud here. Not stating my desire to start a conference, just thinking about what can make academics feel like researching alignment is normal.
Those are some big names. I wonder if arranging a big AI safety conference w/ these people would make worrying about alignment feel more socially acceptable to a lot of researchers. It feels to me like a big part of making thinking about alignment socially acceptable is to visibly think about alignment in socially acceptable ways. In my imagination, you have conferences on important problems in academia.
You talk about the topic there with your colleagues and impressive people. You also go there to catch up with friends, and have a good time. You network. You listen to big names talking about X, and you wonder which of your other colleagues will also talk about X in the open. Dismissing it no longer feels like it will go uncontested. Maybe you should take care when talking about X? Maybe even wonder if it could be true.
Or on the flip side, you wonder if you can talk about X without your colleagues laughing at you. Maybe other people will back you up when you say X is important. At least, you can imply the big names will. Oh look, a big name X-thinker is coming round the corner. Maybe you can start up a conversation with them in the open.
There have been some strong criticisms of this statement, notably by Jeremy Howard et al here. I've written a detailed response to the criticisms here:
Please feel free to share with others who may find it valuable (e.g. skeptics of AGI x-risk).
I feel somewhat frustrated by execution of this initiative. As far as I can tell, no new signatures are getting published since at least one day before the public announcement. This means even if I asked someone famous (at least in some subfield or circles) to sign, and the person signed, their name is not on the list, leading to understandable frustration of them. (I already got a piece of feedback in the direction "the signatories are impressive, but the organization running it seems untrustworthy")
Also if the statement is intended to serve as a beacon, allowing people who have previously been quiet about AI risk to connect with each other, it's essential for signatures to be published. It's nice that Hinton et al. signed, but for many people in academia it would be actually practically useful to know who from their institution signed - it's unlikely that most people will find collaborators in Hinton, Russell or Hassabis.
I feel even more frustrated because this is second time where similar effort is executed by xrisk community while lacking basic operational competence consisting in the ability to accept and verify signatures. So, I make this humble appeal and o...
Hi Jan, I appreciate your feedback.
I've been helping out with this and I can say that the organizers are working as quickly as possible to verify and publish new signatures. New signatures have been published since the launch, and additional signatures will continue to be published as they are verified. There is a team of people working on it right now and has been since launch.
The main obstacles to extremely swift publication are:
Any explanations for why Nick Bostrom has been absent, arguably notably, in recent public alignment conversations (particularly since chatgpt)?
He's not on this list (yet other FHI members, like Toby Ord, are). He wasn't on the FLI open letter, too, but I could understand why he might've avoided endorsing that letter given its much wider scope.
Almost certainly related to that email controversy from a few months ago. My sense is people have told him (or he has himself decided) to take a step back from public engagement.
I think I disagree with this, but it's not a totally crazy call, IMO.
It's a step, likely one that couldn't be skipped. Still just short of actually acknowledging nontrivial probability of AI-caused human extinction, and the distinction between extinction and lesser global risks, availability of second chances at doing better next time. Nuclear war can't cause extinction, so it's not properly alongside AI x-risk. Engineered pandemics might eventually get extinction-worthy, but even that real risk is less urgent.
I think this is the most important statement on AI risk to date. Where ChatGPT brought "AI could be very capable" into the overton window, the CAIS Statement brought in AI x-risk. When I give talks to NGOs, or business leaders, or government officials, I almost always include a slide with selected signatories and the full text:
Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.
I believe it's true, that it was important to say, and that it's had an ongoing, large, and positive impact. Thank you again to the organizers and to my many, many co-signatories.
skeptical reaction with one expression of support:
I have to wonder what people — both the signatories and all the people suddenly taking this seriously — have in mind by "risk of extinction". The discussions I've seen have mentioned things like deepfakes, autonomous weapons, designer pathogens, AI leaving us nothing to do, and algorithmic bias. No-one I have heard is talking about Eliezer's "you are made of atoms that the AI wants to use for something else".
What aspect of AI risk is deemed existential by these signatories? I doubt that they all agree on that point. Your publication "An Overview of Catastrophic AI Risks" lists quite a few but doesn't differentiate between theoretical and actual.
Perhaps if you were to create a spreadsheet with a list of each of the risks mentioned in your paper but with the further identification of each as actual or theoretical, and ask each of those 300 luminaries to rate them in terms of probability, then you'd have something a lot more useful.
Today, the AI Extinction Statement was released by the Center for AI Safety, a one-sentence statement jointly signed by a historic coalition of AI experts, professors, and tech leaders.
Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio have signed, as have the CEOs of the major AGI labs–Sam Altman, Demis Hassabis, and Dario Amodei–as well as executives from Microsoft and Google (but notably not Meta).
The statement reads: “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”
We hope this statement will bring AI x-risk further into the overton window and open up discussion around AI’s most severe risks. Given the growing number of experts and public figures who take risks from advanced AI seriously, we hope to improve epistemics by encouraging discussion and focusing public and international attention toward this issue.