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I like to think about these situations from two perspectives: System 1 and System 2.
System 2 - In my evaluation of the options and their costs and benefits, what should I do?
System 1:
a) What is my System 1 currently telling me? (I think that making this explicit is helpful)
b) Why is it telling me this? (Knowing why your brain does what it does makes it easier to trust and control it)
c) How does the information System 1 provided me with affect my cost-benefit analysis?
d) How can I massage System 1 to help motivate me to do what I want to do?
(joke; maybe it'll make you smile)
So it seems that:
1) You have a mysterious dark side.
2) Bad things happened when your "magic" "interacted" with She Who Must Not Be Named.
Are you The Boy Who Lived??
Can someone translate this into plain English for me?