I really like the latest posts you've dropped on meditation, they help me with some of my own reflections.
Is there an effect here? Maybe for some people. For me, at least, the positive effect to working memory isn't super cumulative nor important. Does a little meditation before work help me concentrate? Sure, but so does weightlifting, taking a shower, and going for a walk.
Wanting to point out a situation where this really showed up for me, I get the point that it is stupid compared to what lies deeper in meditation but it is still instrumentally useful.
So, I didn't meditate (samadhi) that much over the past two weeks, realized that I didn't and spent like 6 hours meditating the last 3 days. My co-founder noticed directly and was like "last week it was like your ideas where in a narrow domain and carried a lot of uncertainty but now they're broad and weird but at the same time pointing at the same thing, it is nice to have creative you back"
For me it is almost crucial for optimal work performance to have an hour of focused meditation a day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm glad you're enjoying the posts.
I haven't had any experiences like the one you describe. I have instead had the opposite experience; my writing usually comes from a place of tension, which meditation dissolves.
It's why protesting monks can sit calmly while burning alive.
Proof: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c
4.4 years ago, I posted a review of Altered Traits, a book about the science of meditation. At the time, I was a noob. I hadn't hit any important checkpoints yet. Since then, I have sat quietly. In this post, I will review whether the claims in my original post are consistent with my subsequent lived experience.
While this may be true, I think the reverse is more important. Altruistic behavior increases compassion. More generally, acting non-compassionately is an obstacle to insight. In this way, mystic practice is intimately intertwined with morality.
Directionally true, with a qualifier. There are many mental states that feel better than joy and happiness. "Compassion makes you feel better" is true, but feeling better may not precisely coincide with joy and happiness. Is absolute zero "ice cold"?
Yes. Longterm meditation increases compassion, with the qualifier that the meditation must be done correctly.
It's not just lovingkindness meditation that reduces hatred. Non-dual meditation does too, because hatred is predicated on a self-other separation.
Nothing to add here.
I have had a related experience this last year, which is that large noises that used to startle me often don't anymore. Instead of resisting them, I just let them dissipate. This happens at the reflexive level, faster than my conscious decisionmaking.
Is there an effect here? Maybe for some people. For me, at least, the positive effect to working memory isn't super cumulative nor important. Does a little meditation before work help me concentrate? Sure, but so does weightlifting, taking a shower, and going for a walk.
Meanwhile, the effect of deep meditative insight on long-term memory seems to be negative. This isn't because I can't memorize things anymore—I'm just less interested in doing so. I'm not the only person to report this.
Not only is this true, you can observe it for yourself by doing meditation.
This is true. It's why protesting monks can sit calmly while burning alive. I've never gone that far, but I have dissolved less intense painful stimulus into vibrations. Please don't test this by hurting me.
Ego death is a real thing.
It is true that meditators don't live cold, hollow, indifferent existences. It is also true that there are dangers to watch out for. Also, I think pleasure may get dissolved the way pain does, depending on your definition of "pleasure".
More generally, I feel that the books on meditation I read weren't quite comprehensive in bluntly stating quite how much of myself I'd ultimately sacrifice going down this road. That said, it was worth it—there's no doubt about that.
Yup lol. I never came close to wireheading myself (since I do comparatively little samadhi) and I got through my first (and worst) Dark Night in three days. As for getting too much insight too fast and frying myself…see my previous post on Awakening.