For reasons mentioned in So8res article as well as for other reasons: studying with a partner can be very good. In November, Adele_L had posted an article for people wanting to find a study partner. It got 17 comments, but only 1 since November 16th. So I thought we (I) should make a monthly thread on this instead of constantly going back to an old article which people might (seem to) forget about. If people seem to agree with that, I will make a post about it every month.
So if you're looking for a study partner for an online course or reading a manual (whether it's in the MIRI course list or not) tell others in the comment section.
I'm looking for a study partner to study the book "Machine Learning in Action" by Peter Harrington (I have it in pdf). I want to read it and do the exercises in approximately 8 weeks.
That's currently sitting on my desk, staring at me suggestively.
I've got borderline too much stuff on the go right now, but depending on what you're looking for in a partner I might be interested. Just FYI, I don't believe this book contains any exercises (although we could work through the examples).
If you're willing to wait until March to start, I'm definitely interested!