This thread is for asking any questions that might seem obvious, tangential, silly or what-have-you. Don't be shy, everyone has holes in their knowledge, though the fewer and the smaller we can make them, the better.
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If I may the cake dare to take, I'm trying to determine if I've grammatically correctly adjusted the following phrases for the "no prepositions at end of sentences" rule.
The classic: I will not put up with becomes Up with which I will not put
Or with a verb added: I hate to put up with
Up with which I hate to put
And then my own: To have to
becomes (???)
to which I have(?)
as in: I hate to have to
I hate to which I have (?)
Which when combined: I hate to have to put up with
Up with which I hate to which I have put (?)
This last phrase is what I think I have right, but am having trouble determining so for sure.
Prepositions at the end of sentences are actually perfecty valid in English. Only obnoxious teachers insist otherwise.