This Sunday at 12pm (PDT), we will have another one of our weekly online meetups. This time we will simply hangout without much of an introduction. In the future we will be back with our curated talks, but my guess is having a more casual hangout meetup is actually something I would be more excited about this week.

If you're a curated author and interested in giving a 5-min talk at a future event, which will then be transcribed and edited, sign up here.

We will be meeting in We will also have a backup Zoom room here, in case Gather Town breaks for anyone, which Charlie Steiner has conveniently volunteered to moderate (thank you!):


When? Sunday September 6, 12pm (PT)


Backup Zoom Room:

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Do these follow a regular schedule?

We've done events every Sunday for the past ~3 months, most of the time at 12 noon PDT.

They just appear as posts on the frontpage. We're thinking about making a space that just reliably shows the next event all the time, perhaps in the sidebar.

The link under "If you're a curated author and interested in giving a 5-min talk at a future event, which will then be transcribed and edited, sign up here" only includes dates in the past D:

Thanks, fixed!

Oh no! Will fix ASAP.

Actually, is it okay if I'm in charge of the Zoom call? I would like to set up one with different rooms and cohostify people, so it's not everyone locked in together.

Sure, seems great! Will figure out the details via PM.

Looks like nobody showed up - must be because gathertown is actually sufficiently stable for use now.

Alas, but thank you for running the backup space!

After having experienced both and Topia, I find Topia to feel better than Gather. Even though it seems like a small thing, the grid based movement in Gather just feels too chunky, and the mobility in Topia feels a lot more natural than in Gather

Curated and popular this week