I am pondering a hypothetical scenario that I think is fascinating but quite unrealistic and involves knowledge across a wide variety of fields, of which IMO physics gets the better part.
I'm considering some sites that I know. Reddit has a sub called r/AskScienceDiscussion but this sub is not very warm to this type of query. Quora has degraded so much and doesn't even have the option to expand the subject over a length of mere 150 chars or so, which is utterly ridiculous. I'm not sure about Stackexchange - should I post in their physics site? LessWrong boasts that people can ask anything and it aims to be better than the former 2, but judging from what I read, questions almost exclusively focus on rationality, and the reach (the amount of folks who can read it, or how popular the platform is within a population) is small. There's another option of posting in fora such as physicsforum, but I don't have an account there so my knowledge is limited about how people will respond.
Thus, my question is a bit meta: what do you think is the best place to post the question? If there's something better than what I listed, then please kindly enlighten me. Also, I'd like to ask you guys to not be biased toward our own platform we're standing on. Thanks!
How likely is it that your question has not already been asked, answered, indexed and on the first page of google search with a reasonable query? My guess is very unlikely. So a better question might be, and it's something you could ask here, "I'm interested in understanding X, but not sure how to find reliable information about it, what search terms should I try?" The relevant part of stack overflow could also be a good candidate for such a question. Even at their unfriendliest, they might close your question as a duplicate or off-topic, but still provide a link to the similar questions asked.
Just tried. No responds so far. I think the APOD forum is even less visited than LW, so the reach is really short.