TLDR: In response to Leopold Aschenbrenner’s ‘Situational Awareness’ and its accelerationist national ambitions, we argue against the claim that artificial superintelligence will inevitably be weaponised and turn its country of origin into an untouchable hegemony. Not only do we see this narrative as extremely dangerous, but also expect that the grandest AI challenges call for global coordination between rivalling nations and companies. We lay out ways in which sharing the benefits of – and even some power over – the most capable AI systems can help to build positive-sum partnerships with the best chance of maximally good outcomes of the AI revolution. Finally, we present the multitude of challenges associated with such collaboration and discuss possible solutions and reasons for optimism.


We want to thank @Jan, @TheManxLoiner, @Jordan Taylor and others who prefer to stay anonymous for their insightful feedback on an early draft of this article. It helped us with identifying and plugging gaps in our knowledge and adding some important considerations. 
Feedback was given from personal capacity and not in representation of any company or organisation.

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