Motivated reasoning/confirmation bias.
As Scott Alexander said in his review of Julia Galif's The Scout Mindset:
Of the fifty-odd biases discovered by Kahneman, Tversky, and their successors, forty-nine are cute quirks, and one is destroying civilization. This last one is confirmation bias.
He goes on to argue that this bias is the source of polarization in society, which is distorting our beliefs and setting us at each other's throats. How could someone believe such different things unless they're either really stupid or lying to conceal their selfishness? I think this is right, and I think it's at play even in the best rationalist communities like LessWrong. I think it's particularly powerful in difficult domains, like AGI prediction and alignment theory. When there's less real evidence, biases play a larger role.
I reached this conclusion independently while studying those and the remaining ~149 biases listed on Wikipedia at that point. You can get a little more rational by making your estimates carefully. That covers most of the biases. But the world is being destroyed by people believing what is comfortable to believe instead of what the evidence suggests. This is usually also what they already believe, so the definition of confirmation bias is highly overlapping with motivated reasoning.
I studied the brain basis of cognitive biases for four years while funded by an IARPA program; I thought it was more worthwhile than the rest of what we were doing in cognitive neuroscience, so I kept up with it as part of my research for the remaining four years I was in the field.
I think motivated reasoning is a better conceptual term for understanding what's going on, but let's not quibble about terminology. I'm going to mostly call it motivated reasoning, MR, but you can take almost everything I'm going to say and apply it to confirmation bias- because mostly it's comfortable to keep believing what we already do. We chose to believe it partly because it was comfortable, and now it fits with all of our other beliefs, so changing it and re-evaluating the rest of our connected beliefs is uncomfortable.
Wait, you're saying! I'm a rationalist! I don't just believe what's comfortable!
Yes, that's partly true. Believing in seeking truth when it's hard does provide some resistance to motivated reasoning. A hardcore rationalist actually enjoys changing their mind sometimes. But it doesn't confer immunity. We still have emotions, and it's still more comfortable to think that we're already right because we're good rationalists who've already discerned the truth.
There are two ways confirmation bias works. One is that it's easier to think of confirming evidence than disconfirming evidence. The associative links tend to be stronger. When you're thinking of a hypothesis you tend to believe, it's easy to think of evidence that supports it.
The stronger one is that there's a miniature Ugh field[1] surrounding thinking about evidence and arguments that would disprove a belief you care about. It only takes a flicker of a thought to make the accurate prediction about where considering that evidence could lead: admitting you were wrong, and doing a bunch of work re-evaluating all of your related beliefs. Then there's a little unconscious yuck feeling when you try to pay attention to that evidence.
This is just a consequence of how the brain estimates the value of predicted outcomes and uses that to guide its decision-making, including its micro-decisions about what to attend to. I wrote a paper reviewing all of the neuroscience behind this, Neural mechanisms of human decision-making, but it's honestly kind of crappy based on the pressure to write for a super-specialized audience, and my reluctance at the time to speed up progress on brain-like AGI. So I recommend Steve Byrnes' valence sequence over that complex mess; it perfectly describes the psychological level, and he's basing it on those brain mechanisms even though he's not directly talking about them. And he's a better writer than I am.
Trapped priors is at least partly overlapping with confirmation bias. Or it could even just be strong priors. The issue is that everyone has seen different evidence and arguments - and we've very likely spent more time attending to evidence that supports our original hypothesis, because of the subtle push of motivated reasoning.
Motivated reasoning isn't even strictly speaking irrational. Suppose there's some belief that really doesn't make a difference in your daily life, like that there's a sky guy with a cozy afterlife, or which of two similar parties should receive your vote (which will almost never actually change any outcomes). Here the two definitions of rationality diverge: believing the truth is now at odds with doing what works. It will obviously work better to believe what your friends and neighbors believe, so you won't be in arguments with them and they'll support you more when you need it.
If we had infinite cognitive capacity, we could just believe the truth while claiming to believe whatever works. And we could keep track of all of the evidence instead of picking and choosing which to attend to.
But we don't. So motivated reasoning, confirmation bias, and the resulting tribalism (which happens when other emotions like irritation and outrage get involved in our selection of evidence and arguments) are powerful factors, even for a devoted rationalist.
The only remedy I know of is to cultivate enjoying being wrong. This involves giving up a good bit of one's self-concept as a highly intelligent individual. This gets easier if you remember that everyone else is also doing their thinking with a monkey brain that can barely chin itself on rationality.
Thanks for asking this question; it's a very smart question to ask. And I've been meaning to write about this on LW and haven't prioritized doing a proper job, so it's nice to have an excuse to do a brief writeup.
See also Defeating Ugh Fields In Practice for some interesting and useful review.
Edit: Staring into the abyss as a core life skill seems to very much be about why and how to overcome motivated reasoning. The author learned to value the idea of being wrong about important beliefs, by seeing a few people accomplish extraordinary things as a result of questioning their central beliefs and changing their minds.
This is a great comment, IMO you should expand it, refine it, and turn it into a top-level post.
Also, question: How would you design a LLM-based AI agent (think: like the recent computer-using Claude but much better, able to operate autonomously for months) so as to be immune from this bias? Can it be done?
Here the two definitions of rationality diverge: believing the truth is now at odds with doing what works. It will obviously work better to believe what your friends and neighbors believe, so you won't be in arguments with them and they'll support you more when you need it.
This is only true if you can't figure out how to handle disagreements.
It will often be better to have wrong beliefs if it keeps you from acting on the even wronger belief that you must argue with everyone who disagrees. It's better yet to believe the truth on both fronts, and simpl...
The only remedy I know of is to cultivate enjoying being wrong. This involves giving up a good bit of one's self-concept as a highly intelligent individual. This gets easier if you remember that everyone else is also doing their thinking with a monkey brain that can barely chin itself on rationality.
Some thoughts:
I have less trouble with this than most, and the areas where I do notice it arising lead me toward an interesting speculation.
I'm status blind: I very rarely, and mostly only when I was much younger, worry about looking like an idiot/failing...
To add to that, Oeberst (2023) argues that all cognitive biases at heart are just confirmation bias based around a few "fundamental prior" beliefs. (A "belief" would be a hypothesis about the world bundled with an accuracy.) The fundamental beliefs are:
That is obviously rather speculative, but I think it's some further weak reason to think motivated reasoning...
One problematic aspect is that it's often easier to avoid motivated reasoning when the stakes are low. Even if you manage to avoid it in 95% of the cases, if th remaining 5% are there what really matters you are still overall screwed.
A bit of a pushback, if I may: confirmation bias/motivated reasoning themselves only arise because of an inherent, deep-seated, [fairly likely] genetically conditioned, if not unconscious sense that:
A. there is, in fact, a single source of ground truth even, if not especially, outside of regular, axiomatic, bottom-up, abstract, formalized representation: be it math [+] or politics [-]
B. it is, in fact, both viable and desirable, to affiliate yourself with any one/number of groups, whose culture/perspective/approach/outlook must fully represent the A: inste...
The fundamental attribution error is another important one. I sometimes find I slip into it myself when I get tired or inattentive, but for most people I observe it seems fully baked into their characters.
The Typical Mind Fallacy is the most important bias in human reasoning.
How do I know? Because it's the one I struggle with the most!
Conjunction Fallacy. Adding detail make ideas feel more realistic, and strictly less likely to be true.
Virtues for communication and thought can be diametrically opposed.
Is-ought confabulation
Means-ends confabulation
Scope sensitivity
Fundamental attribution error
Attribute substitution
Ambiguity aversion
Reasoning from consequences
I think most of these are "secretly adaptive/reasonable" in certain contexts.
Fundamental Attribution Error: Reduces computational load when predicting the behavior of strangers in short interactions.
Conjunction Fallacy: It's harder to tell a complex lie without getting caught, so complexity is evidence for honesty.
In other words, what apparent imperfections in human reasoning
A) Remain apparent after the Replication Crisis,
B) Aren't secretly adaptive/reasonable in some counterintuitive way, and
C) Deal most damage to the people they inhabit (and/or those close to them, and/or wider society)?