I've procrastinated and prevaricated for the entire funding period, because, well . . . on the one hand . . .
But on the other hand . . .
I've decided to square this circle by giving $200 but being super tsundere about it. Hopefully the fact that this is about a fifth of what's implicitly being asked for, while being about five times what I'd consider sensible for any other site, serves to underline everything I've said above.
Typo in title: prioritize, not priorities.
Here's Claude's take on a diagram to make this less confusing.
The diagram did not make things less confusing, and in fact did the opposite. A table would be more practical imo.
10 chat sessions
As in, for each possible config, and each possible channel, run ten times from scratch? For a total of 360 actual sessions? This isn't clear to me.
Regardless: a small useful falsifiable practical result, with no egregious errors in the parts of the methodology I understand. Upvoted.
Oh, and as for
the Bonus Objective
if I'm continuing with my current paradigm I'd guess it has something to do with
an apparent interaction between Orcs and Hags which makes a path containing both less dangerous than might otherwise be expected
possibly such that
I could remove the Goblin in Room 7 without making the easiest path any easier
I have low confidence in this answer
I have no idea how I could get away with purging the second Goblin
Built a treebased model; trialled a few solutions; got radically different answers which I'm choosing to trust.
The machines seem to think that the best solution I can offer is
and I've
found a row which confirms the adventurers-scout-one-room-ahead paradigm is, at the very least, not both eternal and absolute
so I'm making that my answer for now.
Did some more tinkering with this scenario. It is remarkably difficult to be 100% confident when determining the basic mechanics of this scenario, i.e.
whether adventuring parties can see more than one room ahead.
And I'm beginning to suspect that
some adventuring parties always take the optimal path, while some others are greedy algorithms just picking the easiest next encounter.
Enemy HP: 72/104
Fractionalist cast Reduce-4!
It succeeded!
Enemy HP: 18/26