The items on your list do not seem like "goals", because they have unlimited scope. They are more like directions where you could go. If you enjoy the direction, you can keep going there your entire life; there will always be e.g. more money to make. Otherwise, you probably want some target, such as "make one million dollars". Then you will need a plan how to get there.
Perhaps you should start with small goals. If you succeed at a small thing, you can set a larger goal later, and you will feel more confident. So maybe a nice first goal could be "make one thousand dollars by doing something other than your daily job", or perhaps "put 10% of your salary into index funds, and keep doing this for three months". (Or whatever would be the analogy in some other direction.)
In my experience, it helps to have friends who care about the same things, so you can make plans together, share knowledge, provide encouragement to each other.
It also helps if you can split the goal into smaller milestones, and celebrate each of them. You should feel good about progressing towards your goal (instead of feeling bad that you are not there yet).
Thanks, Viliam. You're very right in that I hadn't made the distinction between a direction and a goal clear. In my question, "long-term goal" refers to "direction". Therefore, what I am struggling with is choosing a direction. I find myself going in too many directions at once, and that those different direction's don't necessarily build on each other. For example, working towards career success requires building product-specific knowledge, which is of limited use outside my daily job.
Is my choice of direction simply based on what feels good to me?
If you're having trouble with prioritisation, goal-setting, setting resolutions or similar, Complice's online Goal-Crafting workshops (paid, mostly PWYW) in the first ~2 weeks of 2022 might help. (Other coaching programs might also help, of course, but I have no personal experience with any.)
It's coached by people who have thought about productivity a great deal, and seems to have some slight overlap with the rationalist sphere (e.g. Malcolm Ocean of Complice is on LW).
Personally, I participated a few years ago and found the material solid (and I expect it has improved since then), and was surprised / impressed at the availability of coaches. But I was mentally in a bad place and eventually realized that I personally really did not need a goal-crafting workshop at that time. So my best guess is that this is high-EV for people whose problem or bottleneck is prioritisation, goal-setting, etc.; but not necessarily worthwhile for people whose main problem is akrasia, motivation, fatigue, etc.
Incidentally, the material from past workshops is available online, though I'm not comfortable sharing the link myself. But I think if you asked the Complice team (via the "Question?" button in the bottom right of the website), they might give you access to it so you could see if it and the workshop might be useful to you.
I think there are several perspectives from which you could approach the question of which direction(s) you want to take:
1 What are your values? What is really important for you?
2 What are your interests? What do you like doing? What activities get you in a flow state?
3 What are your strengths? What are you really good at?
4 From an empirical perspective, which directions have a positive effect on one's well-being?
A post which i can very much relate to. I am in early thirties and i cannot focus on a specific goal . I still have a lot of ground to cover before i reach the top of maslows hierarchy to focus on changing the world or working towards my values. So short term money maximisation still appears to be the first stepping stone , but the biggest hurdle for me is i cannot commit myself to a path which i am not clear whether it will yield a tangible output .
I have been struggling with goal selection lately. I didn't struggle so much earlier in my life because others clearly defined my goals. We live in a high-dimensional world, as said elsewhere on LessWrong. There are many worthy directions to head towards, and I'm struggling to choose. I find myself doing a little here, a little there, but mostly converging on optimising for career success, mainly because it's a convenient goal.
I've cultivated many of the low hanging fruits (relatively speaking), such as getting a job that pays the bills, saving and investing, sustaining a social life, getting a decent education and maintaining good health. However, going after the less easily accessible fruits requires a focused effort. Imagine the brain is made up of thousands of sub-minds, each with its models and preferences. Achieving big goals requires aligning these sub-minds to work together towards those higher fruits.
What I am getting at is that I have a stag hunt scenario inside my head. If my sub-minds keep going in different directions, their unaligned efforts are not likely to amount to much.
I don't have a motivation problem. I work almost daily, and it's just that the work I do is unfocused and thus unlikely to amount to much. I think I'm lacking a dream. I like the saying, "If you can dream it, then you can achieve it."
Many studies show that setting goals increases performance and productivity. According to Wikipedia:
There are so many worthy
goalsdirections to go:I read "The Precipice" by Toby Ord some time ago, and it was a profoundly impactful book. Theoretically, I'm sold, and existential risk reduction is unambiguously the ultimate and most crucial goal. However, practically, there are so many other dimensions that I care about.
Money maximisation is a convenient goal to have, and it's also a meta-goal since it helps achieve other goals. This could be why so many people converge on money maximisation as their effective goal. Society is also set up to facilitate money maximisation, and the same cannot be said about existential risk reduction.
Rationality doesn't say a whole lot about goal selection, desires and preference. It says a whole lot about the accuracy of beliefs and how to achieve goals, but it doesn't say much about how to select goals in the first place. Evidence suggests that the right goal makes us act more rationally (refer to that Wikipedia page linked above).