This will be a short article. I've been seeing a lot of dubious reasoning about consciousness and sleep. One famous problem is the problem of personal identity with a destructive teleporter. In this problem, we imagine that you are cloned perfectly in an alternate location and then your body is destroyed. The question asked is whether this clone is the same person as you.
One really bad argument that I've seen around this is the notion that the fact that we sleep every night means that we experience this teleporter every day.
The reason why this is a very bad argument is that it equivocates with two different meanings of consciousness:
- Consciousness as opposed to being asleep or unconscious, where certain brain functions are inactive
- Consciousness as opposed to being non-sentient, like a rock or bacteria, where you lack the ability to have experiences
I bet if you phrase the question as "your brain is destroyed and recreated 5 minutes later", most people outside LW answer no. I guess this might be another instance of brain functions inactive vs lack of ability to have experiences.
What do "destroy" and "recreate" mean?
I interpret them as meaning something like "disassemble" and "reassemble in the same configuration as before, with the same component parts"
That's not how I interpret the descriptions of the destructive teleportation, uploading, and forking scenarios.
The only arguments I can presently think of that really make me doubt my response to the "do you survive destructive uploading/teleportation/copying?" questions are more on the lines of the Ship of Theseus. My computer rema... (read more)