Welcome to the depths of the sea, far beyond the reach of sunlight. Here ye shall feast upon the dead.

Name Carrion Leaves Grass Seeds Detritus Coconuts Algae Lichen
Benthic 10 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0

72 species were submitted to the Benthic.

Generations 0-25

We start with a population crash, as usual. After that, the populations almost look like they stabilize. Less than half of our species have gone extinct.

Goes Extinct in Generation Species
6 Salpophore
6 Tasty
7 Marine Snow Worm
7 benthic bottom feeder
8 Scavenger
9 Isopoid
9 Detritus Eater Eater
10 Scavenger Shrimp
10 Rubble on Double
10 Sea Zombie
11 Fangliphore
11 Grumpy Jellyfish
11 Doomed
11 Happy Hunter
11 A new hope
12 Krill1
12 Sp0r3
12 Cnidophore
12 Cephalophore
12 Not Picky
13 Detritus Eater Eater Eater
14 Sea Snail
14 Hermit Crab
14 Space Horse
14 BeauOmni3
14 aBa-CG751
15 Flounder
16 Microbet
16 Slowmo
17 aBa-D273
18 Hund
18 Glyptoderm
18 Squid Kid
19 Anglerfish
19 Toxic Squid
20 Torpedo Jelly
23 Willi
24 cg-riverfish

Here are our populations at generation 25.

Population Species
170 Barnacle
158 Deepwater Devourer
124 The Infinite Depths
114 FOERDI 1,6,4,3,D
98 Flutz
88 DetriusSpeedTank
66 Spanish Beard
55 BeauOmni1
50 Silli
46 FOERDI 1,0,10,1,D
45 aBa-D262
43 Tilli
40 FOERDI 0,0,0,10,D
39 FOERDI 1,3,7,3,D
35 Pilli
34 Blood Shark
33 FOERDI 1,10,0,1,D
32 Xilli
30 Chilli
29 omastar
27 Elephantfish
27 Abyssal eel
24 Billi
19 Kraken2
17 Space Fiddler
15 Giant Squid
10 The Tideless Depths
5 FOERDI 1,9,1,1,D
5 Soonbegon
2 gonnabiteit
2 Deap Sea Tortoise
2 Flesh-Eating Clam1
1 Killi
1 Tachyphore

As you might guess, the Barnicle is an invincible Detritus eater and the Deepwater Devourer is a carnivore. However, the Deepwater Devourer is not an apex predator. It has only 3 Attack and 6 speed. (It also has Antivenom and the ability to consume Detritus.)

Generations 25-100

Barnicles dominate.

Goes Extinct in Generation Species
6 Salpophore
6 Tasty
7 Marine Snow Worm
7 benthic bottom feeder
8 Scavenger
9 Isopoid
9 Detritus Eater Eater
10 Scavenger Shrimp
10 Rubble on Double
10 Sea Zombie
11 Fangliphore
11 Grumpy Jellyfish
11 Doomed
11 Happy Hunter
11 A new hope
12 Krill1
12 Sp0r3
12 Cnidophore
12 Cephalophore
12 Not Picky
13 Detritus Eater Eater Eater
14 Sea Snail
14 Hermit Crab
14 Space Horse
14 BeauOmni3
14 aBa-CG751
15 Flounder
16 Microbet
16 Slowmo
17 aBa-D273
18 Hund
18 Glyptoderm
18 Squid Kid
19 Anglerfish
19 Toxic Squid
20 Torpedo Jelly
23 Willi
24 cg-riverfish
28 gonnabiteit
29 Killi
33 Tachyphore
35 Giant Squid
40 Space Fiddler
40 Xilli
40 Pilli
40 FOERDI 1,9,1,1,D
43 Flesh-Eating Clam1
44 Soonbegon
47 Deap Sea Tortoise
63 omastar
63 aBa-D262
65 FOERDI 1,3,7,3,D
66 Kraken2
68 BeauOmni1
73 Elephantfish
75 Billi
78 Flutz
82 FOERDI 1,6,4,3,D
83 Blood Shark
83 Silli
89 The Tideless Depths

Generations 100-1000

Most of our species die out leaving only Barnicles, Spanish Beards and Tillis.

You can't see it in the above graph but a few Soonbegons trickle in to compete for Detritus.

The Barnicle and Spanish Beard are identicle invincible detritivores. The Tilli occupies a slightly different niche by foraging for Carrion too.

Goes Extinct in Generation Species
125 FOERDI 1,10,0,1,D
152 DetriusSpeedTank
170 FOERDI 0,0,0,10,D
183 Abyssal eel
203 FOERDI 1,0,10,1,D
230 The Infinite Depths
232 Deepwater Devourer
257 Chilli


Name Venom? Attack Armor Speed Forage? Creator Social Media
Barnacle Antivenom only 0 10 0 Detritus Guy Srinivasan
Spanish Beard Antivenom only 0 10 0 Detritus VJ None
Tilli Antivenom only 0 10 0 Carrion;Detritus Milli None
Soonbegon Venom + Antivenom 0 0 10 Detritus Martin Randall LinkedIn
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