- Attendees will introduce themselves with the username they use online.
I wish I could do this, but I quickly learned not to. If you use a pseudonym, then this only makes sense if you're likely to be recognized by your pseudonym, which means only the A-list is famous to do this.
I don't think it's (mostly) a question of fame, I think whether it works is a question of how weird/hard to pronounce it is, how hard you stick to it, and the local norms. "Screwtape" works passably well for me, but I also don't use it in the more ~white collar professional circles.
. . . Actually, I should add clothing to this list.
Ironically, meeting you guys at Lightcone is the one place where I felt like I could use my pseudonym. It's all other rationality meetups that it's a problem.
I guess it also depends on how obsessively the others present scroll lesswrong… I would definitely appreciate knowing you are who you are if I met you
I go to a lot of rationalist meetups. I quite enjoy them, and it’s often because of the people who go to the meetups. There’s a number of assumptions you might have about people who go to rationalist meetups, and many of them are mostly true. However, there is a difference between most examples and all examples. Most birds can fly.
In the tradition of Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names then, I would like to present to you the following Falsehoods You Might Believe About People At A Rationalist Meetup. These are drawn from things calling themselves an Astral Codex Ten/Slate Star Codex meetup, a LessWrong meetup, or a Rationalist meetup. I am bucketing ACX, LessWrong, and Rationalist groups together. I'm not counting Prediction Market meetups or Effective Altruism meetups or TPOT meetups or house parties that happen to be full of rationalists or any of the other variety of 'adjacent' communities. We're going purely by what the meetup announcement or group called itself.
All of these have at least one counterexample I have personally encountered.
TwitterX.Many of these are mostly true, and I’m not recommending you heroically try to accommodate every exception to this list.
The initial seed of this list was a conversation I was having at a meetup during late 2021 where the person I was talking to said, quote not verbatim but very close, "obviously everyone at a rationalist meetup has gotten the Covid-19 vaccine" only to have the person behind them immediately say "I haven't."
The thing that convinced me to post this list was a conversation with someone who said, quote not verbatim but very close, “If there was any conflict, we’re rationalists, we could settle it rationally.” As far as I am aware, none of the people involved in that ‘we’ had ever had any formal rationality training, at least one of them later said that they didn’t consider themselves a rationalist, and [spoilers] there was conflict that I do not consider to have been settled rationally.
The primary intended use case of this list is to give a kind of heads up and mitigate the surprising clash of expectations that otherwise might happen.
The secondary use case is this: Consider which of these bullet points you might want to be true or untrue about your local rationality group, and what actions you might need to take in order to make that happen.