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This video is an animation of Sorting Pebbles Into Correct Heaps by Eliezer Yudkowsky. The narration is a word-for-word reading of the story. Enjoy :)

Right after the video is made public, there will probably be some discussion about it in the Rational Animations' Discord server:

Join in if you want to participate in the debates that will take place, but if you already understand the ins and outs of this story, make sure not to spoil it for other people! Hints and nudges to steer the conversation in productive directions are acceptable and appreciated, though!

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The choice of music for this video is superb.

And in general, great work, guys! 

Wow, this was very good!

But, as some people mentioned in comments, it is not obvious what this is a metaphor for. If I hadn't known the original context, I wonder if I could figure it out myself.

Then again, maybe it is not a problem. Less obvious things make people think, and if they click your other videos, they may find out.