I was just wondering. Human minds are messed up in 1001 ways, but are there a few rational principles that most people already have down? Of course, the answers to this question are probably so extremely obvious that I haven't even considered them. But I ask all the same.
Look at motion capture for computer animation, both for games and for movies?
If I understand it right most of the software keeps the motion data in a pretty raw form. At 0.01 s the hand is that location A while at 0.02 s the hand is at location B. It doesn"t describe the timeframe of 0.01 till 0.60 as moving the arm to the right.
Especially it doesn"t have a well defined vocabulay for what moving a arm means. If you do moleculary biology you can download an ontology file in owl or obo which gives you a controlled vocabulary for describes moleculary biology. Even controlled vocabulary to describe emotional states makes it... (read more)