All three volumes of the ebook Rationality: From AI to Zombies are complete and available for purchase on Castify.  A big thanks to the narrator George Thomas.  The total recording time is over 51 hours.

Five math-heavy essays in the second volume went unread because they didn't make for good listening.  To read these the ebook can be downloaded on a "pay-what-you-want" basis from

Thanks again to the original kickstarter backers, we wouldn't have been able to do this without you.

Direct Links:

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

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Any chance you'll eventually get this up on Audible? I suspect that in the long run, it can find a wider audience there.

We're in the process of getting it onto Audible and plan to get it onto iTunes as well to get it in front of the widest audience as possible.


Hi Rick, any updates on the Audible version?

Hey Rick - any update on Audible? I'm deciding whether to get the podcast or wait for (the much more usable IMO) Audible format

I've been listening to the book with an iOS app called Voice Dream Reader, with the voice Amy from Ivona. It's the best quality voice I've found for iOS and it let's me listen to all my ebooks. A real voice is probably better, but I got used to the voice in no time and now enjoy stimulating my mind while I e.g. go to school. Greatly recommended!

Two thumps up! Audible has a much better interface/DRM management than podcast readers. Many LW readers already use Audible. Plus you can get a lot of traffic via the recommender system

Here is my review of Rational: From AI to Zombies published in The New Rambler.