Midjourney Bot: the worst thing that could ever happent to a person like klob who values consent as literally the highest thing ever --aspect 5:2 --q 2 --s 250 - @!!🩵klob@gatech.eth🩵 - discord.gg/klob - channel: #𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚓𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚢

My name is Caleb Ditchfield, and in undergrad - at The Georgia Institute of Technology I briefly dated a girl named Samantha, whom I met at DragonCon (it's like ComicCon, but in Atlanta, GA, and more of a party-con than ComicCon is).

Samantha had borderline personality disorder, I think. I don't remember if she told me this, or if this was my conclusion after the fact.

I broke up with Samantha because our relationship was *very* unhealthy. Samantha would threaten suicide - not explicitly, of course - but she would do the whole "I guess I'll just go lie down in the cold snow and fall asleep" kind of implicit, nearly explicit suicide threaten - when she didn't get her way.

It *wrecked* me.

So I broke up with her.

When I broke up with her, she said the following words to me - this isn't verbatim, but it's close.

"Remember that time in the tent at Alchemy [burn]? I actually *was* drunk then. So I could tell people you raped me."

[note: I was, I believe, a junior in college at this time]

I said something flippant, something like "I cannot fucking believe you. This conversation is over. Goodbye". And walked away.

She followed through with her promise.


Alchemy burn is a burning man regional event. It can be quite intense, especially for someone with a sheltered childhood like myself, and like Samantha. It was my second year going (I think). It would've been her first year going; I didn't think she was emotionally ready for the experience.

She asked me about it, and I was honest with her. I told her that I truly didn't think she was ready for it. Because there's drugs. A lot of them. And there's kink and bdsm stuff at burns too - a lot of that (if you know where to look, but sometimes even if you *don't* look for it).

And there's dangerous people at burns, too. Yes of course - Consent is the #1 value at a burn, and yes of course - there's artificial barriers for people actually going to a burn, but that only filters out the *dangerous* people that don't want to put effort into going, or who don't have as much free time.

So no, I didn't think she was ready for Alchemy.

I'm not sure if she thought I was intending on cheating on her - I wasn't, and I wouldn't have, and I have literally *never* cheated on a partner.

So I was quite surprised when she *did* show up at the burn!

And happy - I mean, she was my girlfriend after all.

That night (I think it was that night) we had sex in our tent.

I explicitly ask her "hey, have you had anything to drink"?

She says no.


I lost more than half of my friends within a few months, as the word spread.

I was advised by my (now former best friend) to sue her for libel; I didn't.

I still think that was the correct choice (not suing her).

I'm beginning to wonder if my now former best friend - Justin Grey Welborn - didn't believe me either.

If he thought he was covering for me?

If with a wink and a *smile*, he was actually going all "of COURSE you didn't do that, Caleb".

I'm not sure. It doesn't really matter. Dude's likely a psychopath, and it wrecked me to figure that out.

But that's another story.


Edit: Since I'm rate-limited due to trolls, here's another important community announcement/update.

It's not a fun one.

People I Will Likely Need to Compel to Appear In Court to Testify On My Behalf

(in my libel lawsuit against Duncan Andrew Sabien and in my criminal harassment lawsuit, if I can make that happen)

in order of priority

1) Lauren Michelle Burch - Stanford diver. The woman I proposed to. I am *very confident* she would support my case.

2) Doctor Richard Kopchock III - Stanford Postdoc; Neuro x Machine Learning.

3) Ruchika Tirupachur. First friend I made out here in the Bay Area. Met her through Tinder; approximately 4.5 years ago. I know her brother, her mother, and her father.

4) Jiani Fan. Another friend I made out here in the Bay Area. We slept together a few times; her current boyfriend, Miki Fabian Farkas, seems to have a problem with me.

5) Rachel M. Davis. An MIT friend; we've slept together several times. Her current boy friend *might* have a problem with me; dunno.

Reminder that *I am ethically nonmonogamous and a slut*.

Reminder that *slut is a compliment in my culture.*

More later. I'm so tired.

Copypasting this to all the socials; I need help.

This is coming to you from discord (dot) gg (slash) klob: channel: #people-i-need-to-testify-on-my-behalf-kthx-loveu-but-where-are-you!

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This person (segfault) is a liar.  In particular, he is lying about caring about consent.  He claims to, and gives a lot of lip service to the idea, but in fact he directly violates consent all the time, including explicit safewords. Immediately after the exchange below, he went and visited the other person anyway, and has been harassing her ever since, up to and including making wild accusations against her coach and getting himself banned from Stanford campus.

(Plenty) more detail available here.

These are the libelous statements for which I am suing Duncan Andrew Sabien.

I deem the user "Conor Moreton" sus.

Whoever thinks that this is evidence of Lauren using her safeword DOESN'T KNOW HOW SAFEWORDS WORK.