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I disagree, but FWIW, I do think it's good to help existing, good contributors understand why they got the karma they did. I think your comment here is an example of that, which I think is prosocial.
FWIW in my mind I was comparing this to things like Glen Weyl's Why I Am Not a Technocrat, and thought this was much better. (Related: Scott Alexander's response, Weyl's counter-response).
I wrote that this "is the best sociological account of the AI x-risk reduction efforts of the last ~decade that I've seen." The line has some disagree reacts inline; I expect this is primarily an expression that the disagree-ers have a low quality assessment of the article, but I would be curious to see links to any other articles or posts that attempt something similar to this one, in order to compare whether they do better/worse/different. I actually can't easily think of any (which is why I felt it was not that bold to say this was the best).
Edit: I've expanded the opening paragraph, to not confuse my comment for me agreeing with the object level assessment of the article..
I'm not particularly resolute on this question. But I get this sense when I look at (a) the best agent foundations work that's happened over ~10 years of work on the matter, and (b) the work output of scaling up the number of people working on 'alignment' by ~100x.
For the first, trying to get a better understand of the basic concepts like logical induction and corrigibility and low-impact and ontological updates, while I feel like there's been progress (in timeless decision theory taking a clear step forward in figuring out how think about decision-makers as algorithms; in logical induction as moving forward on how to think about logical uncertainty; notably in the Embedded Agency sequence outlining many basic confusions; and in various writings like Radical Probabilism and Geometric Rationality in finding the breaking edges of expected utility maximization) I don't feel like the work done over the last 10 years is on track to be a clear ~10% of the work needed.
I'm not confident it makes sense to try to count it linearly. But I don't know that there's enough edges here or new results to feel good about, given 10x as much time to think about it, a new paradigm / set of concepts falling into place.
For the second, I think mostly there's been (as Wentworth would say) a lot of street-lighting, and a lot of avoiding of actually working on the problem. I mean, there's definitely been a great amount of bias introduced by ML labs having billions of dollars and setting incentives, but I don't feel confident that good things would happen in the absence of that. I'd guess that most ideas for straightforwardly increasing the number of people working on these problems will result in them bouncing off and doing unrelated things.
I think partly I'm also thinking that very few researchers cared about these problems in the last few decades before AGI seemed like a big deal, and still very few researchers seem to care about them, and when I've see researchers like Bengio and Sutskever talk about it's looked to me like they bounce off / become very confident they've solved the problems while missing obvious things, so my sense is that it will continue to be a major uphill battle to get the real problems actually worked on.
Perhaps I should focus on a world where I get to build such a field and scale it slowly and set a lot of the culture. I'm not exactly sure how ideal of a setup I should be imagining. Given 100 years, I would give it my best shot. My gut right now says I'd have maybe a 25% chance of success, though if I have to deal with as much random bullshit as we have so far in this timeline (random example: my CEO being unable to do much leadership of Lightcone due to 9 months of litigation from the FTX fallout) then I am less confident.
My guess is that given 100 years I would be slightly more excited to try out the human intelligence enhancement storyline. But I've not thought about that one much, I might well update against it as I learn more of the details.
For what it's worth, I have grown pessimistic about our ability to solve the open technical problems even given 100 years of work on them. I think it possible but not probable in most plausible scenarios.
Correspondingly the importance I assign to increasing the intelligence of humans has drastically increased.
Further detail on this: Cotra has more recently updated at least 5x against her original 2020 model in the direction of faster timelines.
Greenblatt writes:
Cotra replies:
This means 25th percentile for 2028 and 50th percentile for 2031-2.
The original 2020 model assigns 5.23% by 2028 and 9.13% | 10.64% by 2031 | 2032 respectively. Each time a factor of ~5x.
However, the original model predicted the date by which it was affordable to train a transformative AI model. This is a leading a variable on such a model actually being built and trained, pushing back the date by some further number of years, so view the 5x as bounding, not pinpointing, the AI timelines update Cotra has made.