Thanks for writing this, David! Your sequence of notes on virtues is one of my favorites on this site; I often find myself coming back to them, to better understand what it might mean to eg Love. As someone who's spent a lot of time now in EA, I appreciated that this piece was especially detailed, going down all kinds of great rabbitholes. I hope to leave more substantive thoughts at some future time, but for now: thank you again for your work on this.
How does Lightcone think about credit allocation to donors vs credit to the core team? For example, from a frame of impact certs or startup equity, would you say that eg $3m raised now should translate to 10% of the credit/certs of Lightcone's total impact (for a "postmoney impact valuation" of $30m)? or 5%, or 50%? Or how else would you frame this (eg $3m = 30% of credit for 2025?)
I worry this ask feels like an isolated demand for rigor; almost all other charities elide this question today. To be clear, I like Lightcone a lot, think they are very impactfu...
I would think to approach this by figuring something like the Shapley value of the involved parties, by answering the questions "for a given amount of funding, how many people would have been willing to provide this funding if necessary" and "given an amount of funding, how many people would have been willing and able to do the work of the Lightcone crew to produce similar output."
I don't know much about how Lightcone operates, but my instinct is that the people are difficult to replace, because I don't see many other very similar projects to Lighthaven an...
I mean, it's obviously very dependent on your personal finance situation but I'm using $100k as an order of magnitude proxy for "about a years salary". I think it's very coherent to give up a year of marginal salary in exchange for finding the love of your life, rather than like $10k or ~1mo salary.
Of course, the world is full of mispricings, and currently you can save a life for something like $5k. I think these are both good trades to make, and most people should have a portfolio that consists of both "life partners" and "impact from lives saved" and crucially not put all their investment into just one or the other.
Mm I think it's hard to get optimal credit allocation, but easy to get half-baked allocation, or just see that it's directionally way too low? Like sure, maybe it's unclear whether Hinge deserves 1% or 10% or ~100% of the credit but like, at a $100k valuation of a marriage, one should be excited to pay $1k to a dating app.
Like, I think matchmaking is very similarly shaped to the problem of recruiting employees, but there corporations are more locally rational about spending money than individuals, and can do things like pay $10k referral bonuses, or offer external recruiters 20% of their referee's first year salary.
Basically: I don't blame founders or companies for following their incentive gradients, I blame individuals/society for being unwilling to assign reasonable prices to important goods.
I think the bad-ness of dating apps is downstream of poor norms around impact attribution for matches made. Even though relationships and marriages are extremely valuable, individual people are not in the habit of paying that to anyone.
Like, $100k or a year's salary seems like a very cheap value to assign to your life partner. If dating apps could rely on that size of payment ...
Thanks for forwarding my thoughts!
I'm glad your team is equipped to do small, quick grants - from where I am on the outside, it's easy to accidentally think of OpenPhil as a single funding monolith, so I'm always grateful for directional updates that help the community understand how to better orient to y'all.
I agree that 3months seems reasonable when 500k+ is at stake! (I think, just skimming the application, I mentally rounded off "3 months or less" to "about 3 months", as kind of a learned heuristic on how orgs relate to timelines they publish.)
As anoth...
@Matt Putz thanks for supporting Gavin's work and letting us know; I'm very happy to hear that my post helped you find this!
I also encourage others to check out OP's RFPs. I don't know about Gavin, but I was peripherally aware of this RFP, and it wasn't obvious to me that Gavin should have considered applying, for these reasons:
Do you not know who the living Pope is, while still believing he's the successor to Saint Peter and has authority delegated from Jesus to rule over the entire Church?
I understand that the current pope is Pope Francis, but I know much much more about the worldviews of folks like Joe Carlsmith or Holden Karnofsky, compared to the pope. I don't feel this makes me not Catholic; I continue to go to church every Sunday, live my life (mostly) in accordance with Catholic teaching, etc. Similarly, I can't name my senator or representative and barely know what Biden...
Insofar as you're thinking I said bad people, please don't let yourself make that mistake, I said bad values.
I appreciate you drawing the distinction! The bit about "bad people" was more directed at Tsvi, or possibly the voters who agreevoted with Tsvi.
There's a lot of massively impactful difference in culture and values
Mm, I think if the question is "what accounts for the differences between the EA and rationalist movements today, wrt number of adherents, reputation, amount of influence, achievements" I would assign credit in the ratio of ~1:3 to di...
Mm I basically agree that:
Basically insofar as EA is screwed up, its mostly caused by bad systems not bad people, as far as I can tell.
Insofar as you're thinking I said bad people, please don't let yourself make that mistake, I said bad values.
There are occasional bad people like SBF but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about a lot of perfectly kind people who don't hold the values of integrity and truth-seeking as part of who they are, and who couldn't give a good account for why many rationalists value those things so much (and might well call rationalist...
Mm I'm extremely skeptical that the inner experience of an EA college organizer or CEA groups team is usefully modeled as "I want recruits at all costs". I predict that if you talk to one and asking them about it, you'd find the same.
I do think that it's easy to accidentally goodhart or be unreflective about the outcomes of pursuing a particular policy -- but I'd encourage y'all to extend somewhat more charity to these folks, who I generally find to be very kind and well-intentioned.
I haven't grokked the notion of "an addiction to steam" yet, so I'm not sure whether I agree with that account, but I have a feeling that when you write "I'd encourage y'all to extend somewhat more charity to these folks, who I generally find to be very kind and well-intentioned" you are papering over real values differences.
Tons of EAs will tell you that honesty and integrity and truth-seeking are of course 'important', but if you observe their behavior they'll trade them off pretty harshly with PR concerns or QALYs bought or plan-changes. I think th...
Some notes from the transcript:
I believe there are ways to recruit college students responsibly. I don't believe the way EA is doing it really has a chance to be responsible. I would say, the way EA is doing it can't filter and inform the way healthy recruiting needs to. And they're funneling people, into something that naivete hurts you in. I think aggressive recruiting is bad for both the students and for EA itself.
Enjoyed this point -- I would guess that the feedback loop from EA college recruiting is super long and is weakly aligned. T...
Was there ever a time where CEA was focusing on truth-alignment?
I doesn't seem to me like they used to be truth-aligned and then they did recruiting in a way that caused a value shift is a good explanation of what happened. They always optimized for PR instead of optimizing for truth-alignment.
It's quite a while since they edited out Leverage Research on the photos that they published with their website, but the kind of organization where people consider it reasonable to edit photos that way is far from truth-aligned.
Julia Wise messa...
don't see the downstream impacts of their choices,
This could be part of it... but I think a hypothesis that does have to be kept in mind is that some people don't care. They aren't trying to follow action-policies that lead to good outcomes, they're doing something else. Primarily, acting on an addiction to Steam. If a recruitment strategy works, that's a justification in and of itself, full stop. EA is good because it has power, more people in EA means more power to EA, therefore more people in EA is good. Given a choice between recruiting 2 agents and...
I think not enforcing an "in or out" boundary is big contributor to this degradation -- like, majorly successful religions required all kinds of sacrifice.
I feel ambivalent about this. On one hand, yes, you need to have standards, and I think EA's move towards big-tentism degraded it significantly. On the other hand I think having sharp inclusion functions are bad for people in a movement[1], cut the movement off from useful work done outside itself, selects for people searching for validation and belonging, and selects against thoughtful people with...
Hm, I expect the advantage of far UV is that many places where people want to spend time indoors are not already well-ventilated, or that it'd be much more expensive to modify existing hvac setups vs just sticking a lamp on a wall.
I'm not at all familiar with the literature on safety; my understanding (based on this) is that no, we're not sure and more studies would be great, but there's a vicious cycle/chicken-and-egg problem where the lamps are expensive, so studies are expensive, so there aren't enough studies, so nobody buys lamps, so lamp companies don't stay in business, so lamps are expensive.
Another similar company I want someone to start is one that produces inexpensive, self-installable far UV lamps. My understanding is that far UV is safe to shine directly on humans (as opposed to standard UV), meaning that you don't need high ceilings or special technicians to install the lamp. However, it's a much newer technology with not very much adoption or testing, I think because of a combination of principal/agent problems and price; see this post on blockers to Far UV adoption.
Beacon does produce these $800 lamps, which are consumer friendly-ish. ...
I'm not convinced that far-UVC is safe enough around humans to be a good idea. It's strongly absorbed by proteins so it doesn't penetrate much, but:
And really, what's the point? Why not just have fans sending air to (cheap) mercury vapor lamps in a contained area where they won't hit people or plastics?
This is extremely well produced, I think it's the best introduction to Shapley values I've ever seen. Kudos for the simple explanation and approachable designs!
(Not an indictment of this site, but with this as with other explainers, I still struggle to see how to apply Shapley values to any real world problems haha - unlike something like quadratic funding, which also sports fancy mechanism math but is much more obvious how to use)
Thanks for the correction! My own interaction with Lighthaven is event space foremost, then housing, then coworking; for the purposes of EA Community Choice we're not super fussed about drawing clean categories, and we'd be happy to support a space like Lighthaven for any (or all) of those categories.
For now I've just added the your existing project into EA Community Choice; if you'd prefer to create a subproject with a different ask that's fine too, I can remove the old one. I think adding the existing one is a bit less work for everyone involved -- especially since your initial proposal has a lot more room for funding. (We'll figure out how to do the quadratic match correctly on our side.)
One person got some extra anxiety because their paragraph was full of TODOs (because it was positive and I hadn’t worked as hard fleshing out the positive mentions ahead of time).
I think you're talking about me? I may have miscommunicated; I was ~zero anxious, instead trying to signal that I'd looked over the doc as requested, and poking some fun at the TODOs.
FWIW I appreciated your process for running criticism ahead of time (and especially enjoyed the back-and-forth comments on the doc; I'm noticing that those kinds of conversations on a private GDoc seem somehow more vibrant/nicer than the ones on LW or on a blog's comments.)
most catastrophes through both recent and long-ago history have been caused by governments
Interesting lens! Though I'm not sure if this is fair -- the largest things that are done tend to get done through governments, whether those things are good or bad. If you blame catastrophes like Mao's famine or Hitler's genocide on governments, you should also credit things like slavery abolition and vaccination and general decline of violence in civilized society to governments too.
...I'd be interested to hear how Austin has updated regarding Sam's trustworthine
Ah interesting, thanks for the tips.
I use filler a lot so thought the um/ah removal was helpful (it actually cut down the recording by something like 10 minutes overall). It's especially good for making the transcript readable, though perhaps I could just edit the transcript without changing the audio/video.
Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't sure how much effort to put into this producing this transcript (this entire podcast thing is pretty experimental); good to know you were trying to read along.
It was machine transcribed via Descript but then I did put in another ~90min cleaning it up a bit, removing filler words and correcting egregious mistranscriptions. I could have spent another hour or so to really clean it up, and perhaps will do so next time (or find some scaleable way to handle it eg outsource or LLM). I think that put it in an uncanny valley of "almost readable, but quite a bad experience".
Starting new technical AI safety orgs/projects seems quite difficult in the current funding ecosystem. I know of many alumni who have founded or are trying to found projects who express substantial difficulties with securing sufficient funding.
Interesting - what's like the minimum funding ask to get a new org off the ground? I think something like $300k would be enough to cover ~9 mo of salary and compute for a team of ~3, and that seems quite reasonable to raise in this current ecosystem for pre-seeding a org.
I very much appreciate @habryka taking the time to lay out your thoughts; posting like this is also a great example of modeling out your principles. I've spent copious amounts of time shaping the Manifold community's discourse and norms, and this comment has a mix of patterns I find true out of my own experiences (eg the bits about case law and avoiding echo chambers), and good learnings for me (eg young/non-English speakers improve more easily).
So, I love Scott, consider CM's original article poorly written, and also think doxxing is quite rude, but with all the disclaimers out of the way: on the specific issue of revealing Scott's last name, Cade Metz seems more right than Scott here? Scott was worried about a bunch of knock-off effects of having his last name published, but none of that bad stuff happened.[1]
I feel like at this point in the era of the internet, doxxing (at least, in the form of involuntary identity association) is much more of an imagined threat than a real harm. Beff Jezos's m...
Scott was worried about a bunch of knock-off effects of having his last name published, but none of that bad stuff happened.
Didn't Scott quit his job as a result of this? I don't have high confidence on how bad things would have been if Scott hadn't taken costly actions to reduce the costs, but it seems that the evidence is mostly screened off by Scott doing a lot of stuff to make the consequences less bad and/or eating some of the costs in anticipation.
+1, I agree with all of this, and generally consider the SSC/NYT incident to be an example of the rationalist community being highly tribalist.
(more on this in a twitter thread, which I've copied over to LW here)
There were two issues: what is the cost of doxxing, and what is the benefit of doxxing. I think the main crux an equally important crux of disagreement is the latter, not the former. IMO the benefit was zero: it’s not newsworthy, it brings no relevant insight, publishing it does not advance the public interest, it’s totally irrelevant to the story. Here CM doesn’t directly argue that there was any benefit to doxxing; instead he kinda conveys a vibe / ideology that if something is true then it is self-evidently intrinsically good to publish it (but of cours...
My friend Eric once proposed something similar, except where two charitable individuals just create the security directly. Say Alice and Bob both want to donate $7500 to Givewell; instead of doing so directly, they could create a security which is "flip a coin, winner gets $15000". They do so, Alice wins, waits a year and donates for $15000 of appreciated longterm gains and gets a tax deduction, while Bob deducts the $7500 loss.
This seems to me like it ought to work, but I've never actually tried this myself...
Warning: Dialogues seem like such a cool idea that we might steal them for Manifold (I wrote a quick draft proposal).
On that note, I'd love to have a dialogue on "How do the Manifold and Lightcone teams think about their respective lanes?"
Haha, this actually seems normal and fine. We who work on prediction markets, understand the nuances and implementation of these markets (what it means in mathematical terms when a market says 25%). And Kevin and Casey haven't quite gotten it yet, based on a couple of days of talking to prediction markets enthusiasts.
But that's okay! Ideas are actually super hard to understand by explanation, and much easier to understand by experience (aka trial and error). My sense is that if Kevin follows up and bets on a few other markets, he'd start to wonder "h...
Yeah, I guess that's fair -- you have much more insight into the number of and viewpoints of Wave's departing employees than I do. Maybe "would be a bit surprised" would have cashed out to "<40% Lincoln ever spent 5+ min thinking about this, before this week", which I'd update a bit upwards to 50/50 based on your comment.
For context, I don't think I pushed back on (or even substantively noticed) the NDA in my own severance agreement, whereas I did push back quite heavily on the standard "assignment of inventions" thing they asked me to sign when I joined. That said, I was pretty happy with my time and trusted my boss enough to not expect for the NDA terms to matter.
I definitely feel like "intentionally lying" is still a much much stronger norm violation than what happened here. There's like a million decisions that you have to make as a CEO and you don't typically want to spend your decisionmaking time/innovation budget on random minutiae like "what terms are included inside our severance agreements?" I would be a bit surprised if "should we include a NDA & non-disclosure" had even risen to the level of a conscious decision of Lincoln's at any point throughout Wave's history, as opposed to eg getting boilerplate legal contracts from their lawyers/an online form and then copying that for each severance agreement thereafter.
There's like a million decisions that you have to make as a CEO and you don't typically want to spend your decisionmaking time/innovation budget on random minutiae like "what terms are included inside our severance agreements?"
Technically true, but also somewhat reminds me of this.
I would be a bit surprised if "should we include a NDA & non-disclosure" had even risen to the level of a conscious decision of Lincoln's at any point throughout Wave's history
I think it's pretty likely that at least one departing employee would have pushed back on it some, so I wouldn't be surprised?
Yeah fwiw I wanted to echo that Oli's statement seems like an overreaction? My sense is that such NDAs are standard issue in tech (I've signed one before myself), and that having one at Wave is not evidence of a lapse in integrity; it's the kind of thing that's very easy to just defer to legal counsel on. Though the opposite (dropping the NDA) would be evidence of high integrity, imo!
On the Manifund regranting program: we've received 60 requests for funding in the last month, and have commited $670k to date (or about 1/3rd of our initial budget of $1.9m). My rough guess is we could productively distribute another $1m immediately, or $10m total by the end of the year.
I'm not sure if the other tallies are as useful for us -- in contrast to an open call, a regranting program scales up pretty easily; we have a backlog of both new regrantors to onboard and existing regrantors to increase budgets, and regrantors tend to generate opportunitie...
I can't speak for other regrantors, but I'm personally very sympathetic to retroactive grants for impactful work that got less funding than was warranted; we have one example for Vipul Naik's Donations List Website and hope to publish more examples soon!
A similar calibration game I like to play with my girlfriend: one of us gives our 80% confidence interval for some quantity (eg "how long will it take us to get to the front of this line?") and the other offers to bet on the inside or the outside, at 4:1 odds.
I've learned that my 80% intervals are right like 50% of the time, almost always in favor of being too optimistic...
With my wife, I do it a little differently. Once a week or so, when the kids have fallen asleep, we’ll lie in separate beds—Johanna next to the baby, and me next to the 5-year-old. We’ll both be staring at our screens. Unlike the notes I keep with Torbjörn, these notes are shared. They are a bunch of Google docs.
This reminds me of the note-taking culture we have at Manifold, on Notion (which I would highly recommend as an alternative to Google docs -- much more structured, easier to navigate and link between things, prettier!)
For example, while we do...
Thanks for writing this up! I've just added AI Impacts to Manifold's charity list, so you can now donate your mana there too :)
I find the move from "website" to "wiki" very interesting. We've been exploring something similar for Manifold's Help & About pages. Right now, they're backed by an internal Notion wiki and proxied via, but our pages are kind of clunky; plus we'd like to open it up to allow our power users to contribute. We've been exploring existing wiki solutions (looks like AI Impacts is on DokuWiki?) but it feels like most public w...
Definitely agreed that the bottleneck is mostly having good questions! One way I often think about this is, a prediction market question conveys many bits of information about the world, while the answer tends to convey very few.
Part of the goal with Manifold is to encourage as many questions as possible, lowering the barrier to question creation by making it fast and easy and (basically) free. But sometimes this does lead to people asking questions that have wide appeal but are less useful (like the ones you identified above), whereas generating really go...
Re your second point (score rather than ranking basketball players), Neel Nanda has the same advice which I've found fairly helpful for all kinds of assessment tasks:
It makes me much more excited for eg 5-star voting instead of approval or especially ranked choice voting.
I think credit allocation is extremely important to study and get right, because it tells you who to trust, who to grant resources to. For example, I think much of the wealth of modern society is downstream of sensible credit allocation between laborers, funders, and corporations in the form of equity and debt, allowing successful entrepreneurs and investors to have more funding to reinvest into good ideas. Another (non-monetary) example is authorship in scientific papers; there, correct credit allocation helps people in the field understand which research... (read more)