Shoshannah Tekofsky


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Oh super valid! I live in the Netherlands which is very densely populated

I agree your example is a better analogy. What I was trying to point to was something else: how the decision to remove detail from a navigational map feels to me experientially. It feels like a form of voluntary blindness to me.

In the case of the subway map, I’d probably also find a more accurate and faithful map easier to parse than the fully abstracted ones, cause I seem to have a high preference for visual details.

Oh shit. It's worse even. I read the decimal separators as thousand separators.

I'm gonna just strike through my comment.

Thanks for noticing ... <3

As someone who isn't really in a position to donate much at all, and who feels rather silly about the small amount I could possibly give, and what a tiny drop that is compared the bucket this post is sketching...

I uh ... sat down and did some simple math. If everyone who ever votes (>12M) donates $10 then you'd have >$120 million covered. If we follow bullshit statistics of internet activity, where it's said 99% of all content is generated by 1% of all people, then this heuristic would get us $1.2M from people paying this one time "subscription" fee. Now I also feel, based on intuition and ass-numbers, that LW folk have a better ratio than that, so let's multiply by 2 and then we could get a $2.4 million subscriber fee together from small donations.

Now on the pure power of typical mind ... I personally like people knowing when I do a nice thing - even a stupidly small thing.

So I'm commenting about it.

I find this embarrassing, and I'm working through the embarrassment to make it easier for others to farm this nutrient too and just normalize it in case that helps with getting a critical mass of small donations of the $10 variety.

Basically my point to readers is: 'Everyone' paying a one-time $10 subscription fee would solve the problem.

The trick is mostly to help each other generate the activation energy to do this thing. If it helps to post, high five, or wave about it, please do! Visibility of small donations may help activation energy and get critical mass! Group action is awesome. Using your natural reward centers about it is great! <3 Hi :D Wanna join? _

Thanks, abstractapplic, for noticing the first error in my calculation: It's number of votes, not number of people voting. Additionally I noticed I applied the power of dyslexia to the decimal point and read that as an thousand separator. So ignore the errored out math, give what you can, and maybe upvote each other for support on giving as much as possible? 

PS: I would prefer if actually big donators would get upvoted more than my post of error math. Feel free to downvote my post just to achieve a better ordering of comments. Thanks. <3

PPS: Note to the writer - Maybe remove decimal numbers entirely throughout the graphs? This is what it looked like for me, and led to the error. And this image is way zoomed in compared to what I see naturally on my screen.

Thanks for the explanation! Are you familiar with the community here and around Astral Codex Ten (ACX)? There are meetups and events (and a lot of writers) who focus on the art and skill of rationality. That was what led to my question originally.

Thank you!

It was a joke :) I had been warned by my friends that the joke was either only mildly funny or just entirely confusing. But I personally found it hilarious so kept it in. Sorry for my idiosyncratic sense of humor ;)

Oh cool!

I was asking for any connection of any type. The overlap just seemed so great that I’d expect there to be a connection of some sort. The Clearer Thinking link makes sense and is an example, thank you!

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