Claude probably read that material right? If it finds my observations unique and serious then maybe they are unique and serious? I'll share other chat next time..
How can I put little effort but be perceived like someone worth listening? I thought announcing a monetary prize for someone who could find error in my reasoning 😅
What makes you think that these "read basic sources" are not dogmatic? You make the same mistake, you say that I should work on my logic without being sound in yours.
So pick a position please. You said that many people talk that intelligence and goals are coupled. And now you say that I should read more to understand why intelligence and goals are not coupled. Respect goes down.
How can I positively question something that this community considers unquestionable? I am either ignored or hated
Nobody gave me good counter argument or good source. All I hear is "we don't question these assumptions here".
There is a fragment in Idiocracy where people starve because crops don't grow because they water them with sports drink. And protagonist asks them - why you do that, plants need water, not sports drink. And they just answer "sports drink is better". No doubt, no reason, only confident dogma. That's how I feel
Nice. I also have an offer - begin with yourself.