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I’m sitting here typing this whilst listening to the birdsong outside. I had multiple instances where I felt like I dropped into a deeper ‘realness’. 

For me, it comes with a sense of stopping trying to tell life what it is and instead allowing it to show me. When I do that, I drop the barrier of preconceptions and it feels like the sensory experience moves through me. The birdsong out of the window comes into my experience and a wave of relaxed pleasant sensations rise through my body like an ocean wave. A feeling of ‘aaaahhh… it’s ok’. A sense of dropping into the flow of how things are before the conceptual mind adds layers of separation.

And, with typing this, I experience a similar sense to what you mention in your post - of shifting away from what I want to write into what may sound intelligent. But in reality, what I want to write is more ‘bottom-up’ - i.e. it comes from the ground of direct experience and then the words appear from that. For me, the experience of thinking about what people may think of it seems more ‘top-down’ - i.e. I have an idea of what sounds intelligent and then try to layer that onto experience. 

I’d like more realness. It feels grounded, trustworthy and organic.

Thanks for writing your post :)