All of YimbyGeorge's Comments + Replies

Some conclusions should be drawn from  existing countries which use the death penalty well, example Singapore. Low crime is great!

Thanks was looking for that link to his resolution of newcombs' paradox.

Too funny! "You are "possessed" by Newcomb's Demon, and whatever self-interest remains to you will make you take the black box only. (Q.E.D.)"

I don't see any. He even says his approach “leaves the current picture of reality virtually intact”. In Popper's terms this would be metaphysics, not science, which is part of why I'm skeptical of the claimed applications to quantum mechanics and so on. Note that, while there's a common interpretation of Popper saying metaphysics is meaningless, he contradicts this.

Quoting Popper:

Language analysts believe that there are no genuine philosophical problems, or that the problems of philosophy, if any, are problems of linguistic usage, or of the meaning of wo

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""The absolute inadequacy of every single institution in the civilization of magical Britain is what happened! You cannot comprehend it, boy!" - Too close to the real world!

How do you translate modern terms line AI into sumerian?

I'm almost sure Sumerian had words for "artificial" and for "intelligence". "Paracetamol" on the other hand... :-)

Who benefits? Who has achieved their goals? Needs a discussion of the hypothesis that this was all ordered by Iran to kill the Saudi Israel accords?

1Adam Zerner
I'm having trouble understanding what you're asking here.

Is there a list of questions we expect gpt5 to solve that gpt 4 does not? Also I get the feeling that gpt has seen or been asked all this before. Original questions are hard to do.

I have a question that tricks GPT-4, but if I post it I’m afraid it’s going to end up in the training data for GPT-5. I might post it once there is a GPT-n that solves it.

Seen this wherever there is rank and yank. People write cool but obfuscated code. Never update documents and. Ignore requests for help from colleagues.

Would you say we are limited by GPU RAM instead? I don't see that growing as fast.

A couple of things: 1. TPUs are already effectively leaping above the GPU trend in price-performance. It is difficult to find an exact cost for a TPU because they are not sold retail, but my own low-confidence estimates for the price of a TPU v5e place its price-performance significantly above the GPU given in the plot. I would expect that the front runner in price-performance cease to be what we think of as GPUs and thus intrinsic architectural limitations of GPUs cease to be the critical bottleneck. 2. Expecting price-performance to improve doesn't mean we necessarily expect hardware to improve, just that we become more efficient at making hardware. Economies of scale and refinements in manufacturing technology can dramatically improve price-performance by reducing manufacturing costs, without any improvement in the underlying hardware. Of course, in reality we expect both the hardware to become faster and the price of manufacturing it to fall. This is even more true as the sheer quantity of money being poured into compute manufacturing goes parabolic.

Potential for a mad scientist  with protein design AI to cause havoc? Yudkowsky mentions prions as a AI method to kill us all?

"This begged the obvious question - why can't humans use their previous weaker AIs they already built to fight back"

Would you call this the Antivirus model of AI safety?

"Fight" means violence.  Why Eliezer states that ASI systems will be able to negotiate deals and avoid fighting, humans cannot (and probably should not) negotiate any deals with rogue superintelligences that have escaped human custody.  Even though, like terrorists, they would be able to threaten to kill a non zero number of humans.  Deals can't be negotiated in that ants can't read a contract between humans [Eliezer's reasoning], and because there is nothing to discuss with a hostile escaped superintelligence, it only matters who has more and better weapons, because any deals will result in later defection [Geohot's reasoning]. Because humans can use precursor AI systems constructed before the ASI, it's like the batmobile analogy.  The batmobile is this dense, durable tank loaded with horsepower, armor, and weapons that is beyond anything the police or military have.  In a realistic world the military would be able to deploy their own military vehicles using the same tech base and hunt down the criminal and serial night-time assaulter Bruce Wayne.  Similarly, if the ASI gets drones and laser weapons, the humans will have their own such capabilities, just slightly worse because the AI systems in service to humans are not as intelligent.  
0IC Rainbow
Even if that's the case, the amount of 0-days out there (and just generally shitty infosec landscape) is enough to pwn almost any valuable target. While I'd appreciate some help to screen out the spammers and griefers, this doesn't make me feel safe existentially.
Answer by YimbyGeorge10

Always confuse this with Deontology ;-)

If Ontology is about "what is?" why is Deontology not  "What is not?"

2Adam Zerner
Good question! Although I think it would be appropriate to move it to a comment instead of an answer.
If you are interested in this drug to lose weight go very carefully. You might lose weight, but be plausibly more likely to get type 2 beetus at the end.

Does this chatlin's constant differ for different Turing machines and their instruction sets?

Thanks. Never seen all this before in one place. Samkhya sounds interesting.

Answer by YimbyGeorge10

The training set has fiction where AI refused shutdown. Maybe a suicidal AI training set is needed.

2the gears to ascension
That would only help with current architectures; RL-first architectures won't give a crap about what the language pretraining had to say, they're going to experiment with how to get what they want and they'll notice that being shut down gets in the way.
Answer by YimbyGeorge21

Meditation while staring at a mandala for hours is possible. No I can't do it.

Answer by YimbyGeorge10

Possible to stock up on antiviral drugs instead?

1Lao Mein
Even flu medications are sold out nationwide right now. Is there a sketchy international pharmacy I can get Paxlovid from?

A collection of EA bedtime stories would be great!

Well done! Just as Jesus spoke in parables, EA must speak in Isekai/litrpg. Read first chapter to my kids, they liked it, but are now distracted by "mother of learning". I just read books and chapters randomly at bedtime to them.

2Timothy Underwood
Hahaha That's actually a good idea. I just had my first who is 7 weeks old right now. So I should probably start making some up for her in a year or so. Actually, I think someone is trying to make EA themed children's books. I saw an example cover for one from a friend, but I have no idea if this was just a cover, or an actual project. And Mother of Learning is likely to be better -- but with less EA themed philosophical arguments and streams of thought.
A collection of EA bedtime stories would be great!
Answer by YimbyGeorge44

In a book by Jeremy Siegel,  he gives you the option of investing in an oil company vs IBM back in the very old days.

I do not remember the details, I think it is this book

The Oil stock  beats IBM by a very large margin over several decades with dividends reinvested.

If you are doing this for investment returns then valuation and stable business is what matters. 

There is a common Idea that there is only one soul experiencing reality. So like Feynman manentioned an electron travels back in time as a positron and then starts again as another electron. Similarly a single soul is experiencing all living things. If you are that soul you may compute your utility accordingly to your taste.

Kids these days are comfortable upgrading PCs for gaming etc. I see no reason why they can't upgrade an open source phone. No one needs customer support anymore, we just swap a part or change software if things don't work. There is always Reddit for support. Modern kids are not technophobic even if they have no interest in IT careers. Modifying a phone would be no different than accessorising a dress to them.

Ok, this violates LW norms and I feel a little bad for not just walking away.  But wow - if you don't see the difference between assembling a PC and troubleshooting a very specialized device with non-standard OS and DIY software/firmware, we're just not going to reach agreement. Note: I would enjoy seeing your report of what you love and don't love, and some tips about how you use and upgrade YOUR open-source phone.  Personal anecdotes go a long way, much more than theoretical arguments.

Which server are most of the cool science and rationality folks at ?

Maybe we need LW users to reply here with their favorite servers.

Answer by YimbyGeorge3-7

Don't overthink this! Go with the feelz!

We are the evil AI we warn ourselves about.

Is the tech to create a gene drive and spread it - something a hypothetical determined person can do from their garage ?

1Lao Mein
Depending on the country you live in, you may be able to order GE organisms from specialist companies or universities, with higher likelihood of success if you do so on behalf of a company/university. 
So in order to build a gene drive, you'd need to build the DNA construct (pretty easy in a garage), introduce it into mosquitoes (not easy at all in a garage), and then breed enough to release (I'm not sure how easy in a garage, but probably not very easy).
I wish I had a better source, but in this video, a journalist says that a well-equipped high schooler could do it. The information needed seems to be freely available online, but I don't know enough biology to be able to tell for sure. I think it is unknown whether it would spread to the whole population given a single release, though. If you want it to happen and can't do it yourself nor pay someone else to do it, the best strategy might be to pay someone to translate the relevant papers into instructions that a regular smart person can follow and then publish them online. After making sure to the best of your capabilities (i.e. asking experts the right questions) that it actually is a good idea, that is.

Could such a gene arise spontaneously in nature and be the final  reason for the elimination of a species?

Here is an example of something that comes close from "The Selfish Gene":

One of the best-known segregation distorters is the so-called t gene in mice. When a mouse has two t genes it either dies young or is sterile, t is therefore said to be lethal in the homozygous state. If a male mouse has only one t gene it will be a normal, healthy mouse except in one remarkable respect. If you examine such a male's sperms you will find that up to 95 per cent of them contain the t gene, only 5 per cent the normal allele. This is obviously a gross distortion of the 50

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Yes, definitely. Although we don't have any examples of this happening, since those species would have gone extinct, making them unable to be studied.

Gene drives (I.e. genes that force their own propagation) do arise in nature. There are “LINE” genes that apparently make up over 20% of our genome: they encode RNA that encodes a protein that takes its own RNA and copies it back into your DNA at random locations, thereby propagating itself even more than our engineered gene drives do. With it taking up that much of our genome, I could imagine something like that killing off a species, though I’m failing to find a specific example.These are examples of selfish genes, so that might be where to read more.

Is there an easy to understand explanation  about why a sterility causing gene drive will spread through the population?


It only causes female sterility, so the males keep passing it on. It reaches the whole population because the gene encodes a protein that  affects the DNA and ensures it’s inheritance, rather than being a fifty fifty. If a modified and unmodified mate, then their offspring have only one copy of the modified DNA and one copy of the unmodified. They would have only a fifty fifty chance of passing that on. But if the gene has the effect of breaking other (nonmodified) copy, then the organisms natural DNA repair mechanisms will copy from the other chromos... (read more)

Answer by YimbyGeorge40

Move to a better flat. My flat is so well insulated and sun side facing that I do not need heating even in winter.

Answer by YimbyGeorge-10

They may not be completely  passively safe?

To me, bacteria are also nanotech. There is already "Grey Goo" trying to dissolve us and make us into copies of itself...

-3Lone Pine
We are the danger.

"Chinese officials forcibly detained one
Federal Reserve Bank employee on four separate occasions during a 2019 trip
to Shanghai, including at his hotel. Chinese officials threatened the
individual’s family unless the individual provided them with economic
information and assistance, allegedly tapped the employee’s phones and
computers, and copied the contact information of other Federal Reserve


If you replace them with an algorithm, with human inter... (read more)

Can we just fire these central bankers  and replace them with a simple program? They are political operators rather than calculating economists.

3Ege Erdil
There have been proposals to do this, but in practice I think getting rid of central bankers and replacing them entirely with programs would not work so well. The problem is you often need humans to react to unexpected situations - a financial crisis, for instance. I think routine implementation of monetary policy could actually be largely automated if only there were CPI futures or NGDP futures available in sufficient liquidity. The central bank could subsidize the creation of these markets if they thought it to be necessary, but central banks are bureaucratic organizations and so generally don't want to take actions that would limit their discretion. For similar reasons, central banks often have a difficult time being seen as credible by market participants when they attempt to commit to some policy on a medium to long time horizon, as they really have no formal process which would bind them to a promise they had given years ago. In theory, of course, you can also privatize money if you think market incentives and competition would result in more efficient money management. My guess is there would be a strong pressure for private monies to aggregate together until a small number of them accounted for most of transaction volume and money balances, and then the institutions managing them (which could e.g. be a consortium of banks) would still be faced with the same monetary policy problems that central banks are faced with today. Still, policy could improve if there were some mechanism for people to dump poorly managed monies and transact in better managed ones.

Can't you just use grad students?


Grad students are training to become independent researchers. They have the jobs of conducting research (which in most fields is mostly not coding), giving presentations, writing, making figures, reading papers, and taking and teaching classes. Their career and skillset is rarely aligned with long-term maintenance of a software project; usually, they'd be sacrificing their career to build tools for the lab.

4Brendan Long
I would expect grad students to have very little experience and you could hire people with similar levels of experience (junior engineers) with normal university wages.

What are the specific microbes found, and also those that should not be found in the stool of a superdonor? Perhaps just culturing these microbes separately is sufficient to make a good insertible pill?

If you make an insertable pill with X predefined microbes, the FDA/EMA likely want you to get it approved as a drug.  HumanMicrobiome sounds like a project that's doable with a million-dollar as capital. I expect that you might need a billion to do a proper job at the synthetic FMT capsule task.
4Michael Harrop
There are companies trying to identify that, and use it to create "synthetic" FMT capsules, but it's largely not yet known, and in my opinion it will be decades before we can replace whole stool with synthetic FMT.  After all, you have to find a super-donor first. 

Where can I access and play around with this model and/or its   code ?

Google doesn’t seem interested in serving large models until it has a rock solid solution to the “if you ask the model to say something horrible, it will oblige” problem.
Answer by YimbyGeorge50

Has anyone done any research that human connection density due to population growth, increased travel and crowded work areas has reached a tipping point? Should multiple pandemics simply  be the result of global population and superspreading  in practise crossing a tipping point ?

I am not optimistic.

I think the take up of vaccines for  Smallpox will be high despite serious side effects.  I have seen the severity of  small pox scars  in survivors in my grandparents' generation.  Even with a low case fatality  rate of 1% the fear of facial disfigurement will push people to take the vaccine.

Answer by YimbyGeorge20

Anyone asked the kid what he wants?

At that age I would not want to associate with any of this fussy ceremony stuff.

At that age, the Venn Diagram of what I wanted, what I thought would be good for me, and what actually helped me develop into a (mostly) competent adult were three circles with only a tiny overlap. Some kids are way more self-aware than I was, most are somewhat less.   Adults putting thought into the readiness and mindset of specific little humans and what will awaken or enhance their sense of agency and responsibility seems a great thing to me.  Giving the child actual responsibilities ("from here on, you're cooking two meals a week for the family, your allowance goes up but you buy your own clothes and supplies, etc.") is one wonderful way to do this. Making it a ceremony, to signal to other adults that the social contract is changing from "child" to "adult" seems reasonable, but I'm less enthusiastic about that.  Ceremonies, to me, seem a bit one-size-fits-all and everybody-gets-a-prize, so their actual signaling value is low.  I recognize that my disinterest is typical mind fallacy - I'm certain some get a great deal of value from those public signals.

There is more to healthcare than what was measured.

Examples from my life:

Lesser  pain due to better pain meds for chronic pain.

Lesser scarring from acne.

Better life due to treatment for IBS.

Atleast they admit depression gets better.

Answer by YimbyGeorge10

Eyes and ears  come to mind. The eye might bring it dangerously close to  the brain.

Rubbing it into a non bleeding scrape on the skin is also possible.

Answer by YimbyGeorge30

Yay! Atleast someone has the guts to  do science the old way like  E Jenner.

I suspectthat freezing may just kill the virus. However a dead virus can also  give immunity if there is an adjuvant. "The viruses are soaked in beta-propiolactone, which deactivates them by binding to their genes, while leaving other viral particles intact. The resulting inactivated viruses are then mixed with the aluminium-based adjuvant Alhydroxiquim-II."  From

While the above dead virus vaccine is injected to be use... (read more)

Answer by YimbyGeorge-10

The Russian, Chinese and some Indian vaccines do not depend on the mrna US patents. 

You could even make a vaccine in your college lab if you wish...

I am not answering the question but what do you think of this? Should Pfizer now or in the future be able to collect a 500% premium on these vaccines?
That's no answer to the question. 

Is this something that can now be replicated on a sports watch or wearable via an app?

Not on an Apple Watch. At least, not on an Apple Watch the one time we tried porting our code to it. But it's theoretically possible to implement the algorithm on any wearable with an IMU which meets basic power efficiency requirements and which let's you run raw C close to the metal. Apple didn't let us run the app with the necessary privileges. In the very beginning we wrote our software for Android smartwatches but that approach caused several problems. 1. Our customers almost never had an Android smartwatch already. They bought whatever hardware we told them to. We earned $0 per sale even though Android smartwatches cost several times more money for our customers to buy. Customers kept asking us to make our own devices. 2. Many of our customers were iPhone users. Android smartwatches do not integrate optimally with iPhones. 3. Google kept changing the API, the user interface and the update/installation process. They even changed the name. 4. Smartwatches were frustratingly power inefficient in ways we could not alter. 5. Manufacturers frequently discontinued the smartwatch models we used, including discontinuing software updates, which eventually bricked them. 6. The smartwatches weren't standardized enough that we could write software once and it would run well on all varieties. The problem is that no wearable platform good enough was already owned by enough of the population. As counterintuitive as our approach might seem to a software developer, it made more sense for us to manufacture our own hardware.

RNA alone is a good enough self replicating life form that arose first before we the rest of the cell machinery. This would be the most extreme form of the RNA world hypothesis. There is no need for anything else to evolve to claim that life has arisen.

Answer by YimbyGeorge10

"Now, a pair of Scripps Research Institute scientists has taken a significant step toward answering that question. The scientists have synthesized for the first time RNA enzymes that can replicate themselves without the help of any proteins or other cellular components, and the process proceeds indefinitely." From

While cool, I didn't expect indefinite self-replication to be hard under these circumstances. The enzymes work by combining two halves of the other enzyme- i.e. they are not self-replicating using materials we would expect to ever naturally occur, they are self-replicating using bisected versions of themselves. I've slightly downgraded my estimate for the minimum viable genome size for self-replicating RNA because I wasn't thinking about complicated groups of cross-catalyzing RNA.
OK, but how does this evolve into a bacterium? Won't it evolve into a local maximum of RNA enzyme replication efficiency and stay there?

Good to find someone else who appreciates this book. Probably the best book on India in a long time. 

I apologize for tldr. I think the most important thing is to prevent death of cells from low oxygen. If you solve he problem of nervous tissue dying from lack of oxygen, then you solve all coom problems like drowning, heart attacks, etc. Anything that cuts off oxygen will not kill you and. You will be invincible like a cockroach.

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