This is the monthly thread for posting media of various types that you've found that you enjoy. Post what you're reading, listening to, watching, and your opinion of it. Post recommendations to blogs. Post whatever media you feel like discussing! To see previous recommendations, check out the older threads.


  • Please avoid downvoting recommendations just because you don't personally like the recommended material; remember that liking is a two-place word. If you can point out a specific flaw in a person's recommendation, consider posting a comment to that effect.
  • If you want to post something that (you know) has been recommended before, but have another recommendation to add, please link to the original, so that the reader has both recommendations.
  • Please post only under one of the already created subthreads, and never directly under the parent media thread.
  • Use the "Other Media" thread if you believe the piece of media you want to discuss doesn't fit under any of the established categories.
  • Use the "Meta" thread if you want to discuss about the monthly media thread itself (e.g. to propose adding/removing/splitting/merging subthreads, or to discuss the type of content properly belonging to each subthread) or for any other question or issue you may have about the thread or the rules.

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35 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: Today at 9:56 PM

As Many Americans Have Criminal Records As College Diplomas (2015)

"Today, nearly one-third of the adult working age population has a criminal record. America now houses roughly the same number people with criminal records as it does four-year college graduates .

Nearly half of black males and almost 40 percent of white males are arrested by the age 23.

If all arrested Americans were a nation, they would be the world’s 18th largest. Larger than Canada. Larger than France. More than three times the size of Australia.

Gene-Editing Companies Hit Back at Paper That Criticized CRISPR

“In our opinion the conclusions drawn from this study are unsubstantiated by the disclosed experiments,”

other scientists quickly pointed out basic mistakes in the paper, including misidentifying genes, the small number of animals involved and, most seriously, that it had mislabeled normal genetic differences between animals as the result of CRISPR editing."

companies lost a billion in valuation, maybe a buying opportunity ?


Warmest greetings to everyone in this forum. Take the chance now to become rich and be able to pay your tuition fees and still have some money to buy school stuffs,pay your loans, hospital bills, utility bills and all your bills. Take your time to read this post/article before you buy from me

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Our notes are AAA+ grade Quality. We also sell and provide money cleaning services and solutions. We sell AAA+ SSD Black Money Solution -Holograms and Holographic Strips -Micro-Lettering -Methalic Ink and Thread -Watermarks -IR Detecton -Ultra-violet features -See through Features -Different serial numbers

These features make our bills to be 100% undetected,100% safe and secure to use in any of these areas: BANKS, CASINO, ATM, MONEY CHANGERS, STORES. They are 100% Undetected.

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Contact details



Names: Thomas Weaker

Number:(412) 318-5137

Looking for long term business relationship with you.

Well, I'll shamelessly self promote:

IELTS, TOEFL, PTE & GRE for sale (

We are an organization specialized in the acquisition of IELTS, TOELF and GRE certification . We can provide original certificates for those of you, who for one reason or the other are unable to take the test or obtain the required band score demanded by their institution, employers or embassy . We can help you overcome this hike by offering Test Free Certificates in IELTS, TOEFL IBT and GRE.?

if interested contact below for more details :

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Why is there no way to downvote, report or otherwise punish this comment?


I am a mod, and have removed the above post. we are transitioning to a new codebase soon.

It's possible to tell a moderator about it, but by responding in this way you are only increasing the problem. As far as the software goes, issues like this are why there's the desire to switch to the new codebase.

Short Online Texts Thread

6 things to keep in mind if you read cancer-related news in the next few days

"These are mostly unpublished, preliminary results. Abstracts that are released at a major medical conference are snippets of studies that usually have not been peer-reviewed nor published in medical journals. They should be approached with great caution. Without reading through the full details of a study, it’s impossible to know important limitations, such as a high drop-out rate among the treatment group. We also can’t see the list of adverse events. Many studies presented as meeting abstracts may never even get published in a journal."

and tips for analyzing studies

6 things to keep in mind

How about one weird trick? Or is there something I would be surprised to learn?

What it this clickbait shit?

Online Videos Thread

Fanfiction Thread

Nonfiction Books Thread

Fiction Books Thread

Anathem. Phenomenal little sci-fi book about theoreticians living in seclusion until called out into the world to deal with a large external threat


... little?

I really liked Anathem the first time I read it (sometime in college), but then I read it more recently and completely reversed my position. I don't remember why in very much detail; the whole book just annoyed me a lot more the second time around.

TV and Movies (Animation) Thread

TV and Movies (Live Action) Thread

Games Thread

4D Toys: a box of four-dimensional toys

utube :

"It evolved into a 4D physics-based toy box that you can get right now, for iOS (Multitouch & Accelerometer) and Vive (VR).

Basically it turns out the rules of how objects bounce, slide, fall, spin and roll around can be generalized to any number of dimensions, and this toy lets you experience what that would look like. "

I wonder if they could add 4D lamps so we can observe 2D shadows of the 4D objects.

Music Thread

Podcasts Thread

My guided read-through of the web serial Worm continues. Up through Arc 11 this week.

Because bragging on Less Wrong is encouraged, I'm going to quote a review of our podcast on iTunes and let that speak for me:

Matt and Scott are a tag team of in depth speculation, writing savvy, and passion that is hard to beat. Hugely interactive with their audience and also just perfectly on point with their examinations of Worm. If you've ever wanted to read Worm, but were put off for whatever reason, or have already read Worm and want to get some more amazing content, listen to these guys. Amazing.

Other Media Thread

Origami anything

New algorithm generates practical paper-folding patterns to produce any 3-D structure.

Measuring the Progress of AI Research

This pilot project collects problems and metrics/datasets from the AI research literature, and tracks progress on them.

"What we have thus far is an experiment, and we’d like to know: Is this information useful to the machine learning community? What important problems, datasets, and results are we missing?"

Quantum Mechanics without the maths or philosophy (visualizations)

"I've tried to present most of an undergraduate physics course in quantum mechanics using just animations instead of equations. There will undoubtably be parts that don't make sense, and there is a lot of detail that you can't get without the maths. But hopefully this introduction will give more understanding of what quantum mechanics actually is and says than the hundreds of articles that mainly enumerate "weirdnesses" that quantum mechanics has. I think understanding the Schrödinger equation is much closer to understanding quantum mechanics than understanding that quantum mechanics entails quantum tunneling, things popping into existence, wave-particle duality, or the inevitable (and philosophically important) multiple universes interpretations."

augmented reality QR codes..

AR quite literally brings lessons and learning to life fostering collaboration, interaction, engagement and understanding of a given topic. And let’s face it if you say, ‘Now please get your tablet or smartphone out and scan page 5’ to a class of kids you’ve got their attention.

By connecting the physical world of textbooks, lessons plans, and presentations with digital devices you and your students can add a new type of visual aid, splash of colour and excitement to any subject. Here are just a few ways ZapWorks can be used by schools



Bring handouts and presentations to life with video, photos, audio etc. and give students a new way to learn and visualize ideas.


Get kids to create their own AR experiences as an immersive and collaborative way to explore a given topic.


Use zapcodes on posters, artwork, newsletters and school magazines to showcase more of the work created by pupils than the wall space or pages will allow!


In computing classes as a fun and creative way for children to learn about designing, file sharing, and use of different media. WHY ZAPCODES FOR EDUCATION?


As more and more schools have access to tablets and PCs ZapWorks offers an affordable, robust and easy to use system for teachers and students to explore new interactive learning techniques.


Zapcodes offer a simple way to update content over time and view analytics via our data dashboard.


We’ve conducted lessons with primary school children as young as eight and nine and found their appetite for learning, ease of use and output from ZapWorks nothing short of inspirational.