Note: This post is old, read the new major update here.

There is a lot of coronavirus information currently out there, and a lot of people have been feeling overwhelmed keeping track of all the things coming in from different sources. To combat that, the LessWrong team is maintaining a spreadsheet with all the links that we think are useful, categorizing them, summarizing them, and prioritizing them.

So far on LW we’ve tried to help by gathering links in various focused threads (course of C19, mask usefulness). These are great for getting relevant information to a narrow question, but leave a lot to be desired in terms of later discoverability, especially if your question doesn’t exactly match any existing question.

To address this, Elizabeth, Ben, and Oliver have created the LessWrong Coronavirus Link Database, a collection of 135 links and counting, sorted by topic and marked with importance (as judged by someone on the LW CV Mod Team, which right now is the LW admin team + me, Elizabeth, but we plan to expand in the future).

Here are the top-level categories in the database, with a prominent link from each category:

If you have a link you want to add to the database, add it to the spreadsheet by filling out this form.

Concrete things you can do with this spreadsheet

  • Look for papers and articles relevant to specific questions you are currently investigating
  • Share a link you think is valuable with other people (by putting it on the link dump page, from where it will be processed by the mod team)
  • Find that paper you read six hours ago and submitted but then lost track of
  • Get oriented around this whole coronavirus thing by reading summaries and finding good intros
  • Find an Introduction to Coronavirus that finally convinces your parents to hole the fuck up.
    • I do specifically mean your parents. My dad is an introvert who explained his surviving-a-nuclear-war plan to me when I was six. Getting him to stay home was not a problem.
New Comment
16 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: <- Spread this to your biomedical engineering friends, or any hobbyist who can build things. We need to ramp up ventilator capacity, now. Even if they are 80% as good as a high tech one, but cheap to make, they will save lives.

There's a long history of designing and making devices like these for the Third World places that need them. We will need these soon, here and everywhere.

We want to include more things exactly like this in the DB, thanks for posting. Is there a particular on ramp page we can link to? I worry if people go to the front page they will bounce off.

Here are directions:

I think the sorts of people I want to see this blog website will know what to do with the information on it.

Medical information on covid-19:

Model: Prevalence in Bay Area & Other Places prompts for me to ask permission to view the document.

You can also leave any links you want to add to the spreadsheet in the comments here.

Prospective study of probiotic supplementation results in immune stimulation and improvement of upper respiratory infection rate!po=68.7500

fewer incidences of upper respiratory illness (19% vs 46%), fewer incidences of flu with symptoms of upper respiratory illness i.e cough (4.5% vs 16.4%), had less severe symptoms and were sick for fewer days than the placebo group.

The way they're describing things- decrease in flu like symptoms with fever over X, affects this immunoglobin but not these- makes me think they're drawing their targets after shooting it. Do you know if they preregistered or otherwise showed good faith on this?

Good notice. I don't and I'd put my money on no.

Of specific interest:

Estimation of the asymptomatic ratio of novel coronavirus infections (COVID-19)

the asymptomatic ratio is thus estimated at30.8% (95% confidence interval (CI): 7.7%, 53.8%)

Made the hacker news homepage, hospital playbook. I imagine useful for those trying to flesh out good protocols for what to do if a housemate or family member takes ill. <- Wolfram Alpha's COVID resource hub

Hey didn't know where to tell the mod team this, so I'm just gonna write it here. I think the tag feature you used for the coronavirus is great and it'd be great if it was used for more things :)

This is a website by the New England Complex System Instituted (NECSI) founded by Yaneer Bar-Yam. the main thing this website offers are comprehensive and specific guidelines to individuals, families, Businesses, governments, and more.

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