The Ocean has lots of algae, a little carrion and a little detritus. It was the most popular biome, with 131 native species.

Name Carrion Leaves Grass Seeds Detritus Coconuts Algae Lichen
Ocean 10 0 0 0 10 0 10,000 0

To thrive in this game as a forager you must survive the initial predators. One way to do this is to breed faster than they can eat you. Another way is to use armor or another defense.

Random guy in NY took a third route. He created the First Round Predator Distractor, a cheap species with almost zero nutrition and exactly zero chance of survival that kept the predators in check for a single round.

Goes Extinct in Generation Species
1 First Round Predator Distractor

Now that Random guy in NY's silliness is out of the way let's get on to the real show.

Generations 1-50

At first the defenseless foragers thrive. Increasingly large carnivores's populations grow and crash.

Name Venom + Antivenom? Attack Armor Speed Forager? Creator
Phytoplankton Neither 0 0 0 Algae aphyer
Algae Tribble Neither 0 0 0 Algae simon
CookieMaximizer Neither 1 0 1 Saran
gkdemaree-9-eater-of-drifting-forager Neither 1 0 1 Grant Demaree
Pike Neither 2 0 3 Yair
Herring Neither 2 0 2 Measure
Bhuphin Neither 0 2 0 Algae phenx
Snail-Eating Snail Antivenom only 5 0 2 Carrion;Seeds;Detritus Taleuntum
Jilli Neither 3 0 1 Algae Milli
Right whale Neither 5 0 5 EricF
gkdemaree-10-small-shark Neither 6 0 6 Grant Demaree
gkdemaree-1-fast-shark Antivenom only 10 0 10 Grant Demaree
gkdemaree-6-large-omnivore-fish Antivenom only 7 0 7 Algae Grant Demaree

Goes Extinct in Generation Species
7 Cheerless Tidehunters
12 Krabs
12 Qoxeadian
13 Bloade
13 Squidheads
14 Sleeping Sealions
16 Sanguine Scavenger
17 Terror Whale
17 Sea Snake
17 Whale
17 Algae Sprinter
17 FOERDI 1,0,10,0,CDA
18 Blue whale
18 Chybcik
18 op511
18 Crab
19 Kraken1
19 The Aparatus
19 ocean vulture
20 magikarp
20 sea tortoise
20 1-4-1 carrion
21 osc511
22 Manta Ray
22 Grerft
24 Plankton2
24 Poisonous Sponge
24 cg-fish
25 Speedy Algivore
26 cg-whale
28 RiverShark
28 Yellow Krill
28 0-0-0 algae-seed
29 Armored Algivore
30 Salt Water Crocodiles
30 speedFish
30 FOERDI 1,1,0,1,A
31 ploplo
31 Shellder
32 gkdemaree-9-eater-of-drifting-forager
33 CookiePaladin
35 CookieMaximizer
36 VenomousRiverShark
37 Little fish
37 Coconutwhale
37 CookieAshimo
38 AlgaeProbably
38 Kun
38 gkdemaree-3-defensive-venum-forager
38 gkdemaree-4-tiny-slow-fish
38 Leuphonim
38 Chasnee
39 Phytoplankton
39 Algae Eater
39 Shrimp
39 Green Krill
39 Angy Shrimp
39 Meta-Algae
39 Greenglow Bindylow
39 Smallums
39 Zooplankton
39 Anchovy
39 Guppy
39 0-0-0 algae
39 Algae Tribble
40 Plankton1
40 Microblu
40 Orange Krill
40 Krill3
40 Yonge_Ocean
40 CookieRunner
40 Blue Tang
40 FOERDI 0,0,0,0,A
41 Pike
41 Krill2
41 Fornicacious Krill
41 Red Krill
41 Scumsipper
41 Herring
41 SpeedyFeedy
41 OceanEaty
41 Beaufish
41 Khisesant
41 Senuboon
41 Bhuphin
42 River Llama
42 gkdemaree-5-small-omnivore-fish
42 Snail-tooth Grabble
42 CookieWhite
42 CookieEater
42 CookieSzybcik
42 ocean omnivore
42 cg-fleshfish
42 Jilli
42 Sea snek run
42 FOERDI 0,3,0,3,A
43 RiverSharkFood
43 Sapphire Jelly
43 fooooley
43 defenseFish
43 Rosemary
43 Bissurus
44 Right whale
44 CookieShroom
44 Armor Fish
44 Groundlings
45 Slorp
45 gkdemaree-10-small-shark
45 Emerald Jelly
45 Patricians
46 Plage
46 gkdemaree-8-slow-armored-forager
46 Nano-krill
47 Electric eel
47 CookieDevourer
47 CookieMedoKinematic
47 Buneh Rizak-e Chenar
48 Megaladon
48 gkdemaree-6-large-omnivore-fish
48 Twinkle Star
49 algae_eater
49 Lilli

Generations 51-100

By generation 51, only 8 species remain.

Name Venom + Antivenom? Attack Armor Speed Forager? Creator
Killer whale Neither 9 1 10 Yair
gkdemaree-1-fast-shark Antivenom only 10 0 10 Grant Demaree
gkdemaree-2-fast-ocean-venum Venom + Antivenom 0 0 10 Algae Grant Demaree
gkdemaree-7-fast-forager-fish Neither 0 0 10 Algae Grant Demaree
Apex Predator Antivenom only 10 0 10 JSH
Killerspeed Antivenom only 10 0 7 Carrion VJ
Flesh-Eating Clam2 Antivenom only 0 10 0 Carrion Yull-Rete
Super-Armor Fish Antivenom only 0 10 0 Carrion;Algae Random guy in NY

By Round 100, all that is left are the invincible foragers with maxed-out defense. However, this time there are two niches: one Flesh-Eating Clam 2, which specializes in carrion, and another for Super-Armor Fish, which eats algae too.

Generations 101-9000

Alas, the Super-Armor Fish's ability to digest Algae lets it eventually outcompete the Flesh-Eating Clam2. A Soonbegon wanders in from time to time from to eat the accumulated Detritus.


Technically the Soonbegon doesn't survive forever (it goes extinct sometime before generation 10,000) but it survived long enough and interestingly enough I'm going to bend the rules and give it credit anyway.

Name Venom + Antivenom? Attack Armor Speed Forager? Creator Social Media
Super-Armor Fish Antivenom only 0 10 0 Carrion;Algae Random guy in NY Facebook
Soonbegon Venom + Antivenom 0 0 10 Detritus Randall LinkedIn
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There seems to be a pattern where all non - invincible foragers die off pretty quickly, and so all predators die long term.

Perhaps the number of initial animals of each species needs to be according to the log of the size, rather than proportional to the size?

Or perhaps there needs to be a greater cost for a failed hunt so that once forager numbers start falling, predator numbers react more quickly, allowing the ecosystem to stabilize more rapidly?

I agree, most winners so far are Armor 10 + Antivenom (the cheapest way to become invincible).

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