is your post missing some of what you intended it to say?
if you wanted someone on lesswrong to know and be able to confirm that this game has rubberband AI then it's obviously very off-topic here
I wanted somebody to tell me if it did or not, or to determine if from what I already knew the conclusion was already obvious- as I said, I'm aware of my own bias.
This is really the sort of question that would be better served in some game forum. Your previous questions had rationality elements related to them. This does not. I suspect that the large amount of downvoting is due to not just that. If someone posed a difficult math or physics question it might not get the same result. But the combined facts that this is not intrinsically about rationality and doesn't appear as a very intellectual question probably resulted in a lot of downvoting.
The reason I posted it here is because I realised I was clearly biased, and I have more of a social presence here (thus meaning I don't have to learn the social rituals before responding).
Return it for the refund.
If you feel like playing Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, it's probably because you're overestimating the value of the short term enjoyment of the shiny screen and colorful characters compared to the value of using your time in a good way, like reading the sequences, practicing kung fu, or getting crunk.
I don't want to become known on this website as the guy who is always asking for help with his personal problems (way too much status loss), but I'm still a novice at best as a rationalist and given others don't have my biases asking for advice is the best chance I've got at an objective solution.
I've recently bought a game (with a few days left in which I can return it for a refund) called Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit. Most of my play experience suggests Rubberband AI, but there aren't any references to it having such on the Internet and programmers have been known to conceal it. I really don't want the game to have it (as it provides a highly inconsistent challenge, and reduces the game to focusing on manipulating the A.I rather than winning), hence my bias, but my own play seems to suggest it does.