Before we get to the receipts, let's talk epistemics.
This community prides itself on "rationalism." Central to that framework is the commitment to evaluate how reality played out against our predictions.
"Bayesian updating," as we so often remind each other.
If we're serious about this project, we should expect our community to maintain rigorous epistemic standards—not just individually updating our beliefs to align with reality, but collectively fostering a culture where those making confident pronouncements about empirically verifiable outcomes are held accountable when those pronouncements fail.
With that in mind, I've compiled in the appendix a selection of predictions about China and AI from prominent community voices. The pattern is clear: a systematic underestimation of China's technical capabilities, prioritization of AI development, and ability to advance despite (or perhaps because of) government involvement.
The interesting question isn't just that these predictions were wrong. It's that they were confidently wrong in a specific direction, and—crucially—that wrongness has gone largely unacknowledged.
How many of you incorporated these assumptions into your fundamental worldview? How many based your advocacy for AI "pauses" or "slowdowns" on the belief that Western labs were the only serious players? How many discounted the possibility that misalignment risk might manifest first through a different technological trajectory than the one pursued by OpenAI or Anthropic?
If you're genuinely concerned about misalignment, China's rapid advancement represents exactly the scenario many claimed to fear: potentially less-aligned AI development accelerating outside the influence of Western governance structures. This seems like the most probable vector for the "unaligned AGI" scenarios many have written extensive warnings about.
And yet, where is the community updating? Where are the post-mortems on these failed predictions? Where is the reconsideration of alignment strategies in light of demonstrated reality?
Collective epistemics require more than just nodding along to the concept of updating. They require actually doing the work when our predictions fail.
What do YOU think?
Bad Predictions on China and AI
"No...There is no appreciable risk from non-Western countries whatsover" - @Connor Leahy
"China has neither the resources nor any interest in competing with the US on developing artificial general intelligence" = @Eva_B
dear ol @Eliezer Yudkowsky
Anonymous (I guess we know why)
Various folks on twitter...
Good Predictions / Open-mindedness
I think Alibaba has not made any crazy developments yet. So let's consider DeepSeek. I think almost nobody had heard of DeepSeek before v3. Before v3, predicting strong AI progress in China would probably sound like "some AI lab in China will appear from nowhere and do something great. I don't know who or what or when or where, but it will happen soon." That was roughly my opinion, at least in my memory. Maybe making that kind of prediction does not match the tastes of people who are good at predicting things? Awfully vague claim to make I guess.
There was time between v3 and r1 where folks could have more loudly commented DeepSeek was ascendant. What would this have accomplished? I suppose it would have shown some commitment to truth and awareness of reality. I am guessing people who are against the international AI race are a bit lazy to point out stuff that would accelerate the race. I guess at some point the facts can't be avoided.
Cope. Leadership in AI has been an explicit policy goal since "Made in China 2025". The predictions were that "the CCP prioritizes stability", and "the CCP prioritizes censorship" and "China is behind in AI". Are you willing to admit that these are all demonstrably untrue as of today? Let's start there.
Here's an article from 2018(!) in the South China Morning Post.
"Artificial intelligence (AI) has come to occupy an important role in Beijing’s ‘Made in China 2025’ blueprint. China wants to become a global leader in the field b... (read more)