In what became 5th most-read new post on LessWrong in 2012, Morendil told us about a study widely cited in its field... except that source cited, which isn't online and is really difficult to get, makes a different claim — and turns out to not even be the original research, but a PowerPoint presentation given ten years after the original study was published!
Fortunately, the original study turns out to be freely available online, for all to read; Morendil's post has a link. The post also tells us the author and the year of publication. But that's all: Morendil didn't provide a list of references; he showed how the presentation is usually cited, but didn't give a full citation for the original study.
The link is broken now. The Wayback machine doesn't have a copy. The address doesn't give hints about the study's title. I haven't been able to find anything on Google Scholar with author, year, and likely keywords.
I rest my case.
Thanks for the heads-up!
Yes to your overall point: link rot is a nasty problem; one that will increasingly mess with things like scientific citation.
Now for the nitpicks. G89 wasn't even the "original" study, just the earliest source I could find that discussed those "results".
What I wanted was to show the quote in question - to make it available to the reader of my post so they could check that I had my facts right. For that purpose the link is what I really needed, not "merely" a citation; and it sucks that the link went dead, but that wasn't under my control.
I have updated the post with another link (the last extant copy of this content; we can hope the link remains longer than the previous one, but I'm under no illusion that it will). I have also added the title of the original article and the publication.
BTW, I don't know what "PSA" means?
Point taken on "original", and thanks for updating the article! Gwern has also found a link on the HP homepage.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have given the link -- I'm saying that if you had also given the citation, then even after the link broke, i... (read more)