This is a thread where people can ask questions that they would ordinarily feel embarrassed for not knowing the answer to. The previous "stupid" questions thread is at almost 500 questions in about a month, so I think it's time for a new one.
Also, I have a new "stupid" question.
My local library system doesn't have a copy of a book I want to read (Good and Real by Gary Drescher). Is there some way of requesting it from another library system? My other options are buying it online, which would set me back at least 30 dollars, and I don't know if I want to pay that much. Is there any other way to get a copy?
ETA: I just called my library and they apparently handle these requests for you. I'm going to leave question up here anyway in case someone else is stupid in the same way as me.
Or you could just take the usual option of pirating it: it's on (no surprise there), and it's even available through Google - the first two hits for
"good and real" filetype:pdf
are the book (as is the fifth hit for just"good and real"
!).As books go, you could not ask for getting it to be any easier.