If you haven't heard of it yet, I recommend the novel Crystal Society (freely available here, also $5 Kindle version.)
You could accurately describe it as "what Inside Out would have been if it looked inside the mind of an AI rather than a human girl, and if the society of mind had been composed of essentially sociopathic subagents that still came across as surprisingly sympathetic and co-operated with each other due to game theoretic and economic reasons, all the while trying to navigate the demands of human scientists building the AI system".
Brienne also had a good review of it here.
Goods and services becoming cheaper is basically the economists definition of progress, so that's all good.
a larger set of people (including those who are technically unemployed) get more stuff that's now near-free to create.
There is no natural law which ensures that everyone has earnings potential greater than cost of living. New tech isn't making food or housing cheaper fast enough, and can't be expected to in the future. AI could suddenly make most of the work force redundant without making housing or food free.
The CFAR fundraiser has only a few days left, and is on $150k out of $400. If you're on the fence about donating, this is a good time. If you haven't already, you might want to read why CFAR?.
I can't donate from this computer, but I intend to donate £875 (~$1250) before the fundraiser expires, representing four months of tithing upfront.
Seeking comments
I'm trying a writing experiment, and want to design as much of a story as possible before starting writing it. I want to make sure I'm not forgetting any obvious details, or leaving out important ideas, so I'd appreciate any comments you can add to my draft design document at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XcgNwELHCU-r7GuYUgDNDDIviThd8Y7Bdto_kMIcmlI/edit . Thank you for your help.
Are there QALY or DALY reference tables by condition, disease or event?
If not, constructing one would be of unspeakable value to the EA community, not to mention conventional academics and decision makers.
I'm trying to help a dear friend who would like to work on FAI research, to overcome a strong fear that arises when thinking about unfavorable outcomes involving AI. Thinking about either the possibility that he'll die, or the possibility that an x-risk like UFAI will wipe us out, tends to strongly trigger him, leaving him depressed, scared, and sad. Just reading the recent LW article about how a computer beat a professional Go player triggered him quite strongly.
I've suggested trying to desensitize him via gradual exposure; the approach would be similar t...
The latest SSC links post links to this post on getting government grants, which sort of set off my possibly-too-good-to-be-true filter, despite the author's apparent sarcasm in the example he gave about bringing in police officers to talk with schoolchildren. Can anyone more knowledgeable comment on this article? Is it realistic for EAs to go out and expect to find government grants that they could get a reasonable amount of utility out of?
How would you go about teaching 'general science, in particular biology, preferably plants' to a six-year-old who plays go (and wins)? I used to think she's just a cute kid who listens for much longer than I have any right to expect, and now this.
I'm getting into the Bay area this afternoon for the CFAR workshop starting tomorrow. I'm looking for advice on how to spend the time and also where might be a good place to look for affordable lodging for one evening.
I'd initially thought about crashing at the Piedmont house hostel as it's cheap and close enough that I could visit CFAR before heading over tomorrow, but it appears to be sold out. I figured there are probably folks here who know the area or have visited, so I didn't see any harm in asking for info, or checking to see if anyone was getting up to anything.
:) Kim
There's a whole -osphere full of blogs out there, many of them political. Any of those would be better places to talk about it than LW.
[I'll post on next week's open thread as well.]
If you are interested in AI risk or other existential risks and want to help, even if you don't know how, and you either...
...please message me.
I'm looking for people to help with some projects.
"Whilst there are some plant-based sources of vitamin B12, such as certain algae and plants exposed to bacterial action or contaminated by soil or insects, humans obtain almost all of their vitamin B12 from animal foods."
Who are these bacterial-actioned plants?
Is your completed university coursework published online, why/why not? Should I publish my completed university coursework online? It is not outstanding. However, I value transparency and feedback. I reckon it's unlikely that someone will provide unsolicited feedback unless they have a vendetta against me in which case the work could be used against me. However, I suspect it may give me social 'transparency' points which are valued amongst our kind of people. Yes?
Other people seem to post their essays and other content online without much fuss. I got throu...
Can I just give a huge shoutout to Briant Tomasik.. I've never met the guy, but just take a look at his unbelievably well documented thinking like this and this. I feel conjuring up any words to describe how saintly that man is would be an injustice to superhuman levels of compassion AND intelligence. Why isn't he one of the 'big names' in the EA space already? Or is he, but just not in the circles I run in?
If I look in Google Maps at California there seem to be huge open spaces. What's stopping new cities in California to be build on land that's outside of the existing cities?
Cities are where they are because of actual reasons of geography, not just people plopping things down randomly on a map. You need to get stuff into them, stuff out of them, have the requisite power and water infrastructure to get to them (ESPECIALLY in California)... they aren't something you plop down randomly on a whim.
I love you, LessWrongers. Thank you for being a kind of family to me. If you're reading this and fear that the community is very critical like I know some IRL attendees are, remember that its not personal and its all a useful learning experience if you have the right attitude and sincerely do your best to make useful contributions.
Those that follows are random spurts of ideas that emerged when thinking at AlphaGo. I make no claim of either validity, soundness or even sanity. But they are random interesting directions that are fun for me to investigate, and they might turn out interesting for you too:
There is a website called Wizardchan. Months back multiple posts at separate intervals predicted negative interests rates, starting with Japan. Worryingly, there were negative consequences predicted for thereafter that evade my memory. I had never heard of it and thought it was silly. I returned to the site today to watch for gloating. No reference is available. The website operates like 4chan in that content disappears regularly. I don’t know what to make of this. I don’t know what to make of this information. Are we privy to privileged or in any way useful information here or just noise?
How many of you adopt a false easygoing/go-with-the-flow or selfless/helpful persona to make it seem like you're happy to put other people ahead of yourself?
You can volunteer to inspect prisons. What a great opportunity for criminal entrepreneurs to recruit people who've gone through an intensive, immersive crime university and have limited job opportunities, all awhile maintaining a prosocial image.
Reading this Wikipedia article on the psychology of torture, the doubt that comes to my mind is how valid are the constructs underlying the thesis around the extraordinarily counterintuitive cultural specificity of resilience to torture thesis and what is the empirical evidence or data source if I am to analyse it independently.
If it's worth saying, but not worth its own post (even in Discussion), then it goes here.
Notes for future OT posters:
1. Please add the 'open_thread' tag.
2. Check if there is an active Open Thread before posting a new one. (Immediately before; refresh the list-of-threads page before posting.)
3. Open Threads should be posted in Discussion, and not Main.
4. Open Threads should start on Monday, and end on Sunday.