I've talked to a lot of people who have left leading AI companies for reasons related to thinking that their company was being insufficiently cautious. I wouldn't usually say that they'd left "in protest"; for example, most of them haven't directly criticized the companies after leaving.
In my experience, the main reason that most of these people left was that they found it very unpleasant to working there and thought their research would be better elsewhere, not that they wanted to protest poor safety policies per se. I usually advise such people against l...
My impression is that few (one or two?) of the safety people who have quit a leading lab did so to protest poor safety policies, and of those few none saw staying as a viable option.
Relatedly, I think Buck far overestimates the influence and resources of safety-concerned staff in a 'rushed unreasonable developer'.
Questions for people who know more:
The basic guess regarding how o3's training loop works is that it generates a bunch of chains of thoughts (or, rather, a branching tree), then uses some learned meta-heuristic to pick the best chain of thought and output it.
As part of that, it also learns a meta-heuristic for which chains of thought to generate to begin with. (I. e., it continually makes judgement calls regarding which trains of thought to pursue, rather than e. g. generating all combinatorially possible combinations of letters.)
It would indeed work best in domains that allow machine verif...
I looked into this and got some useful information. Enough people asked me to keep their comments semi-confidential that I'm not going to post everything publicly, but if someone has a reason to want to know more, they can email me. I haven't paid any attention to this situation since early 2022 and can't speak to anything that's happened since then.
My overall impression is that the vague stereotype everyone has is accurate - Michael is pretty culty, has a circle of followers who do a lot of psychedelics and discuss things about trauma in altered states, a...
Thanks for this perspective.
The therapy paradigm you describe here (going to a clinic to receive Spravato), is, as you point out, difficult and bureaucratic.
Through a regulatory loophole, there's another pathway where you can get ketamine sent to your house with less bureaucracy. https://www.mindbloom.com/ is the main provider I know of. They're very expensive, but in theory this could be done for cheap and maybe other providers are doing it, I don't know. If you have a cooperative psychiatrist, you can see if they know about this version and are willing t...
But it's also relevant that we're not asking the superintelligence to grant a random wish, we're asking it for the right to keep something we already have. This seems more easily granted than the random wish, since it doesn't imply he has to give random amounts of money to everyone.
My preferred analogy would be:
You founded a company that was making $77/year. Bernard launched a hostile takeover, took over the company, then expanded it to make $170 billion/year. You ask him to keep paying you the $77/year as a pension, so that you don't starve to death.
This ...
Thanks, this is interesting.
My understanding is that cavities are formed because the very local pH on that particular sub-part of the tooth is below 5.5. IIUC teeth can't get cancer. Are you imagining Lumina colonies on the gums having this effect there, the Lumina colonies on the teeth affecting the general oral environment (which I think would require more calculation than just comparing to the hyper-local cavity environment) or am I misunderstanding something?
I was thinking of areas along the gum-tooth interface having a local environment that normally promote tooth demineralization and cavities. After Lumina, that area could have high chronic acetaldehyde levels. In addition, the adaption of oral flora to the chronic presence of alcohol could increase first-pass metabolism, which increases acetaldehyde levels locally and globally during/after drinking.
I don't know how much Lumina changes the general oral environment, but I think you might be able to test this by seeing how much sugar you can put in your mouth before someone else can smell the fruity scent of acetaldehyde on your breath? I'm sure someone else can come up with a better experiment.
Thanks, this is very interesting.
One thing I don't understand: you write that a major problem with viruses is:
As one might expect, the immune system is not a big fan of viruses. So when you deliver DNA for a gene editor with an AAV, the viral proteins often trigger an adaptive immune response. This means that when you next try to deliver a payload with the same AAV, antibodies created during the first dose will bind to and destroy most of them.
Is this a problem for people who expect to only want one genetic modification during their lifetime?
So there are two separate concerns:
One is a concern for people who are getting a single dose monogenic gene therapy who already have antibodies to an AAV delivery vector due to a natural infection. In these cases, doctors can sometimes switch the therapy to use an AAV with a different serotype that can't be attacked by the patient's existing antibodies. If that's not available, they'll sometimes give patients immunosupressants.
The problem is more relevant in the context of multiplex editing because you may not be able to make all the edits you'd like to in...
I agree with everyone else pointing out that centrally-planned guaranteed payments regardless of final outcome doesn't sound like a good price discovery mechanism for insurance. You might be able to hack together a better one using https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dLzZWNGD23zqNLvt3/the-apocalypse-bet , although I can't figure out an exact mechanism.
Superforecasters say the risk of AI apocalypse before 2100 is 0.38%. If we assume whatever price mechanism we come up with tracks that, and value the world at GWP x 20 (this ignores the value of human life, so it...
Agreed that the proposal is underspecified; my point here is not "look at this great proposal" but rather "from a theoretical angle, risking others' stuff without the ability to pay to cover those risks is an indirect form of probabilistic theft (that market-supporting coordination mechanisms must address)" plus "in cases where the people all die when the risk is realized, the 'premiums' need to be paid out to individuals in advance (rather than paid out to actuaries who pay out a large sum in the event of risk realization)". Which together yield the downs...
Thanks, this makes more sense than anything else I've seen, but one thing I'm still confused about:
If the factions were Altman-Brockman-Sutskever vs. Toner-McCauley-D'Angelo, then even assuming Sutskever was an Altman loyalist, any vote to remove Toner would have been tied 3-3. I can't find anything about tied votes in the bylaws - do they fail? If so, Toner should be safe. And in fact, Toner knew she (secretly) had Sutskever on her side, and it would have been 4-2. If Altman manufactured some scandal, the board could have just voted to ignore it.
So I stil...
I can't find anything about tied votes in the bylaws - do they fail?
I can't either, so my assumption is that the board was frozen ever since Hoffman/Hurd left for that reason.
And there wouldn't've been a vote at all. I've explained it before but - while we wait for phase 3 of the OA war to go hot - let me take another crack at it, since people seem to keep getting hung up on this and seem to imagine that it's a perfectly normal state of a board to be in a deathmatch between two opposing factions indefinitely, and so confused why any of this happened.
In ...
Thanks for this, consider me another strong disagreement + strong upvote.
I know a nonprofit which had a tax issue - they were financially able and willing to pay, but for complicated reasons paying would have caused them legal damage in other ways and they keep kicking the can down the road until some hypothetical future when these are solved. I can't remember if the nonprofit is now formally dissolved or just effectively defunct, but the IRS keeps sending nasty letters to the former board members and officers.
Do you know anything about a situation like th...
Thank you, this is a great post. A few questions:
A key point underpinning my thoughts, which I don't think this really responds to, is that scientific consensus actually is really good, so good I have trouble finding anecdotes of things in the reference class of ivermectin turning out to be true (reference class: things that almost all the relevant experts think are false and denounce full-throatedly as a conspiracy theory after spending a lot of time looking at the evidence).
There are some, maybe many, examples of weaker problems. For example, there are frequent examples of things that journalists/the g...
Survey about this question (I have a hypothesis, but I don't want to say what it is yet): https://forms.gle/1R74tPc7kUgqwd3GA
Thank you, this is a good post.
My main point of disagreement is that you point to successful coordination in things like not eating sand, or not wearing weird clothing. The upside of these things is limited, but you say the upside of superintelligence is also limited because it could kill us.
But rephrase the question to "Should we create an AI that's 1% better than the current best AI?" Most of the time this goes well - you get prettier artwork or better protein folding prediction, and it doesn't kill you. So there's strong upside to building slightly bett...
I loved the link to the "Resisted Technological Temptations Project", for a bunch of examples of resisted/slowed technologies that are not "eating sand", and have an enormous upside: https://wiki.aiimpacts.org/doku.php?id=responses_to_ai:technological_inevitability:incentivized_technologies_not_pursued:start
Thanks for posting this, it was really interesting. Some very dumb questions from someone who doesn't understand ML at all:
1. All of the loss numbers in this post "feel" very close together, and close to the minimum loss of 1.69. Does loss only make sense on a very small scale (like from 1.69 to 2.2), or is this telling us that language models are very close to optimal and there are only minimal remaining possible gains? What was the loss of GPT-1?
2. Humans "feel" better than even SOTA language models, but need less training data than those models, even th...
2. Humans "feel" better than even SOTA language models, but need less training data than those models, even though right now the only way to improve the models is through more training data. What am I supposed to conclude from this? Are humans running on such a different paradigm that none of this matters? Or is it just that humans are better at common-sense language tasks, but worse at token-prediction language tasks, in some way where the tails come apart once language models get good enough?
Why do we say that we need less training data? Every minute ins...
Loss values are useful for comparing different models, but I don't recommend trying to interpret what they "mean" in an absolute sense. There are various reasons for this.
One is that the "conversion rate" between loss differences and ability differences (as judged by humans) changes as the model gets better and the abilities become less trivial.
Early in training, when the model's progress looks like realizing "huh, the word 'the' is more common than some other words", these simple insights correspond to relatively large decreases in loss. On...
Adding my anecdote to everyone else's: after learning about the palatability hypothesis, I resolved to eat only non-tasty food for a while, and lost 30 pounds over about four months (200 -> 170). I've since relaxed my diet a little to include a little tasty food, and now (8 months after the start) have maintained that loss (even going down a little further).
Update: I interviewed many of the people involved and feel like I understand the situation better.
My main conclusion is that I was wrong about Michael making people psychotic. Everyone I talked to had some other risk factor, like a preexisting family or personal history, or took recreational drugs at doses that would explain their psychotic episodes.
Michael has a tendency to befriend people with high trait psychoticism and heavy drug use, and often has strong opinions on their treatment, which explains why he is often very close to people and very noticeab...
I want to summarize what's happened from the point of view of a long time MIRI donor and supporter:
My primary takeaway of the original post was that MIRI/CFAR had cultish social dynamics, that this lead to the spread of short term AI timelines in excess of the evidence, and that voices such as Vassar's were marginalized (because listening to other arguments would cause them to "downvote Eliezer in his head"). The actual important parts of this whole story are a) the rationalistic health of these organizations, b) the (possibly improper) memetic spread of t...
I agree it's not necessarily a good idea to go around founding the Let's Commit A Pivotal Act AI Company.
But I think there's room for subtlety somewhere like "Conditional on you being in a situation where you could take a pivotal act, which is a small and unusual fraction of world-branches, maybe you should take a pivotal act."
That is, if you are in a position where you have the option to build an AI capable of destroying all competing AI projects, the moment you notice this you should update heavily in favor of short timelines (zero in your case, but ever...
My current plan is to go through most of the MIRI dialogues and anything else lying around that I think would be of interest to my readers, at some slow rate where I don't scare off people who don't want to read too much AI stuff. If anyone here feels like something else would be a better use of my time, let me know.
I don't think hunter-gatherers get 16000 to 32000 IU of Vitamin D daily. This study suggests Hadza hunter-gatherers get more like 2000. I think the difference between their calculation and yours is that they find that hunter-gatherers avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day. It might also have to do with them being black, I'm not sure.
Hadza hunter gatherers have serum D levels of about 44 ng/ml. Based on this paper, I think you would need total vitamin D (diet + sunlight + supplements) of about 4400 IU/day to get that amount. If you start off as a...
Maybe. It might be that if you described what you wanted more clearly, it would be the same thing that I want, and possibly I was incorrectly associating this with the things at CFAR you say you're against, in which case sorry.
But I still don't feel like I quite understand your suggestion. You talk of "stupefying egregores" as problematic insofar as they distract from the object-level problem. But I don't understand how pivoting to egregore-fighting isn't also a distraction from the object-level problem. Maybe this is because I don't understand what fighti...
Now that I've had a few days to let the ideas roll around in the back of my head, I'm gonna take a stab at answering this.
I think there are a few different things going on here which are getting confused.
1) What does "memetic forces precede AGI" even mean?
"Individuals", "memetic forces", and "that which is upstream of memetics" all act on different scales. As an example of each, I suggest "What will I eat for lunch?", "Who gets elected POTUS?", and "Will people eat food?", respectively.
"What will I eat for lunch?" is an example of an individual decision be...
There's also the skulls to consider. As far as I can tell, this post's recommendations are that we, who are already in a valley littered with a suspicious number of skulls,
turn right towards a dark cave marked 'skull avenue' whose mouth is a giant skull, and whose walls are made entirely of skulls that turn to face you as you walk past them deeper into the cave.
The success rate of movments a...
I wasn't convinced of this ten years ago and I'm still not convinced.
When I look at people who have contributed most to alignment-related issues - whether directly, like Eliezer Yudkowsky and Paul Christiano - or theoretically, like Toby Ord and Katja Grace - or indirectly, like Sam Bankman-Fried and Holden Karnofsky - what all of these people have in common is focusing mostly on object-level questions. They all seem to me to have a strong understanding of their own biases, in the sense that gets trained by natural intelligence, really good scientific work...
When I look at people who have contributed most to alignment-related issues - whether directly... or indirectly, like Sam Bankman-Fried
Perhaps I have missed it, but I’m not aware that Sam has funded any AI alignment work thus far.
If so this sounds like giving him a large amount of credit in advance of doing the work, which is generous but not the order credit allocation should go.
I sadly don't have time to really introspect what is going in me here, but something about this comment feels pretty off to me. I think in some sense it provides an important counterpoint to the OP, but also, I feel like it also stretches the truth quite a bit:
But as far as I know, none of them have made it a focus of theirs to fight egregores, defeat hypercreatures
Egregore is an occult concept representing a distinct non-physical entity that arises from a collective group of people.
I do know one writer who talks a lot about demons and entities from beyond the void. It's you, and it happens in some of, IMHO, the most valuable pieces you've written.
...I worry that Caplan is eliding the important summoner/demon distinction. This is an easy distinction to miss, since demons often kill their summoners and wear th
I wasn't convinced of this ten years ago and I'm still not convinced.
Given the link, I think you're objecting to something I don't care about. I don't mean to claim that x-rationality is great and has promise to Save the World. Maybe if more really is possible and we do something pretty different to seriously develop it. Maybe. But frankly I recognize stupefying egregores here too and I don't expect "more and better x-rationality" to do a damn thing to counter those for the foreseeable future.
So on this point I think I agree with you… and I don't feel what...
Eliezer, at least, now seems quite pessimistic about that object-level approach. And in the last few months he's been writing a ton of fiction about introducing a Friendly hypercreature to an unfriendly world.
Don't have the time to write a long comment just now, but I still wanted to point out that describing either Yudkowsky or Christiano as doing mostly object-level research seems incredibly wrong. So much of what they're doing and have done focused explicitly on which questions to ask, which question not to ask, which paradigm to work in, how to criticize that kind of work... They rarely published posts that are only about the meta-level (although Arbital does contain a bunch of pages along those lines and Prosaic AI Alignment is also meta) but it pervades t...
I think your pushback is ignoring an important point. One major thing the big contributors have in common is that they tend to be unplugged from the stuff Valentine is naming!
So even if folks mostly don't become contributors by asking "how can I come more truthfully from myself and not what I'm plugged into", I think there is an important cluster of mysteries here. Examples of related phenomena:
If everyone involved donates a consistent amount to charity every year (eg 10% of income), the loser could donate their losses to charity, and the winner could count that against their own charitable giving for the year, ending up with more money even though the loser didn't directly pay the winner.
Sorry, yes, I meant the psychosis was emergency. Non-psychotic discussion of auras/demons isn't.
I'm kind of unclear what we're debating now.
I interpret us as both agreeing that there are people talking about auras and demons who are not having psychiatric emergencies (eg random hippies, Catholic exorcists), and they should not be bothered, except insofar as you feel like having rational arguments about it.
I interpret us as both agreeing that you were having a psychotic episode, that you were going further / sounded less coherent than the hippie...
Verbal coherence level seems like a weird place to locate the disagreement - Jessica maintained approximate verbal coherence (though with increasing difficulty) through most of her episode. I'd say even in October 2017, she was more verbally coherent than e.g. the average hippie or Catholic, because she was trying at all.
The most striking feature was actually her ability to take care of herself rapidly degrading, as evidenced by e.g. getting lost almost immediately after leaving her home, wandering for several miles, then calling me for help and having dif...
I interpret us as both agreeing that there are people talking about auras who are not having psychiatric emergencies (eg random hippies), and they should not be bothered.
I interpret us as both agreeing that you were having a psychotic episode, that you were going further / sounded less coherent than the hippies, and that some hypothetical good diagnostician / good friend should have noticed that and suggested you seek help.
Agreed during October 2017. Disagreed substantially before then (January-June 2017, when I was at MIRI).
(I edited the post to make it clear how I misinterpreted your comment.)
You wrote that talking about auras and demons the way Jessica did while at MIRI should be considered a psychiatric emergency. When done by a practicing psychiatrist this is an impingement on Jessica's free speech.
I don't think I said any talk of auras should be a psychiatric emergency, otherwise we'd have to commit half of Berkeley. I said that "in the context of her being borderline psychotic" ie including this symptom, they should have "[told] her to seek normal medical treatment". Suggesting that someone seek normal medical treatment is pretty dif...
I said that “in the context of her being borderline psychotic” ie including this symptom, they should have “[told] her to seek normal medical treatment”. Suggesting that someone seek normal medical treatment is pretty different from saying this is a psychiatric emergency, and hardly an “impingement” on free speech.
It seems like you're trying to walk back your previous claim, which did use the "psychiatric emergency" term:
...Jessica is accusing MIRI of being insufficiently supportive to her by not taking her talk about demons and auras seriously when she
Thanks for this.
I've been trying to research and write something kind of like this giving more information for a while, but got distracted by other things. I'm still going to try to finish it soon.
While I disagree with Jessica's interpretations of a lot of things, I generally agree with her facts (about the Vassar stuff which I have been researching; I know nothing about the climate at MIRI). I think this post gives most of the relevant information mine would give. I agree with (my model of) Jessica that proximity to Michael's ideas (and psychedelics) was ...
Embryos produced by the same couple won't vary in IQ too much, and we only understand some of the variation in IQ, so we're trying to predict small differences without being able to see what's going on too clearly. Gwern predicts that if you had ten embryos to choose from, understood the SNP portion of IQ genetics perfectly, and picked the highest-IQ without selecting on any other factor, you could gain ~9 IQ points over natural conception.
Given our current understanding of IQ genetics, keeping the other two factors the same, you can gain ~3 points. ...
"Diagnosed" isn't a clear concept.
The minimum viable "legally-binding" ADHD diagnosis a psychiatrist can give you is to ask you about your symptoms, compare them to extremely vague criteria in the DSM, and agree that you sound ADHD-ish.
ADHD is a fuzzy construct without clear edges and there is no fact of the matter about whether any given individual has it. So this is just replacing your own opinion about whether you seem to fit a vaguely-defined template with a psychiatrist's only slightly more informed opinion. The most useful things you could get out of...
There's polygenic screening now. It doesn't include eg IQ, but polygenic screening for IQ is unlikely to be very good any time in the near future. Probably polygenic screening for other things will improve at some rate, but regardless of how long you wait, it could always improve more if you wait longer, so there will never be a "right time".
Even in the very unlikely scenario where your decision about child-rearing should depend on something about polygenic screening, I say do it now.
To contribute whatever information I can here:
Update: I interviewed many of the people involved and feel like I understand the situation better.
My main conclusion is that I was wrong about Michael making people psychotic. Everyone I talked to had some other risk factor, like a preexisting family or personal history, or took recreational drugs at doses that would explain their psychotic episodes.
Michael has a tendency to befriend people with high trait psychoticism and heavy drug use, and often has strong opinions on their treatment, which explains why he is often very close to people and very noticeab...
I agree I'm being somewhat inconsistent, I'd rather do that than prematurely force consistency and end up being wrong or missing some subtlety. I'm trying to figure out what went on in these cases in more details and will probably want to ask you a lot of questions by email if you're open to that.
Yes, I agree with you that all of this is very awkward.
I think the basic liberal model where everyone uses Reason a lot and we basically trust their judgments is a good first approximation and we should generally use it.
But we have to admit at least small violations of it even to get the concept of "cult". Not just the sort of weak cults we're discussing here, but even the really strong cults like Heaven's Gate or Jamestown. In the liberal model, someone should be able to use Reason to conclude that being in Heaven's Gate is bad for them, and leave. When w...
It seems to me that, at least in your worldview, this question of whether and what sort of subtle mental influence between people is possible is extremely important, to the point where different answers to the question could lead to pretty different political philosophies.
Let's consider a disjunction: 1: There isn't a big effect here, 2: There is a big effect here.
In case 1:
One important implication of "cults are possible" is that many normal-seeming people are already too crazy to function as free citizens of a republic.
In other words, from a liberal perspective, someone who can't make their own decisions about whether to hang out with Michael Vassar and think about what he says is already experiencing a severe psychiatric emergency and in need of a caretaker, since they aren't competent to make their own life decisions. They're already not free, but in the grip of whatever attractor they found first.
Personally I bite the bu...
It seems to me like in the case of Leverage, them working 75 hours per week reduced the time the could have used to use Reason to conclude that they are in a system that's bad for them.
That's very different from someone having a few conversation with Vassar and then adopting a new belief and spending a lot of the time reasoning about that alone and the belief being stable without being embedded into a strong enviroment that makes independent thought hard because it keeps people busy.
A cult in it's nature is a social institution and not just a meme that someone can pass around via having a few conversations.
...I'm having trouble figuring out how to respond to this hostile framing. I mean, it's true that I've talked with Michael many times about ways in which (in his view, and separately in mine) MIRI, CfAR, and "the community" have failed to live up to their stated purposes. Separately, it's also true that, on occasion, Michael has recommended I take drugs. (The specific recommendations I recall were weed and psilocybin. I always said No; drug use seems like a very bad idea given my history of psych problems.)
Michael is a charismatic guy who has strong view
Thing 0:
Before I actually make my point I want to wax poetic about reading SlateStarCodex.
In some post whose name I can't remember, you mentioned how you discovered the idea of rationality. As a child, you would read a book with a position, be utterly convinced, then read a book with the opposite position and be utterly convinced again, thinking that the other position was absurd garbage. This cycle repeated until you realized, "Huh, I need to only be convinced by true things."
This is extremely relatable to my lived experience. I am a stereotypical "...
Michael is very good at spotting people right on the verge of psychosis
...and then pushing them.
Michael told me once that he specifically seeks out people who are high in Eysenckian psychoticism.
So, this seems deliberate. [EDIT: Or not. Zack makes a fair point.] He is not even hiding it, if you listen carefully.
I don't want to reveal any more specific private information than this without your consent, but let it be registered that I disagree with your assessment that your joining the Vassarites wasn't harmful to you. I was not around for the 2017 issues (though if you reread our email exchanges from April you will understand why I'm suspicious), but when you had some more minor issues in 2019 I was more in the loop and I ended out emailing the Vassarites (deliberately excluding you from the email, a decision I will defend in private if you ask me) accusing them ...
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/iWWjq5BioRkjxxNKq/michael-vassar-at-the-slatestarcodex-online-meetup seems to have happened after that point in time. Vassar not only attended a Slate Star Codex but was central in it and presenting his thoughts.
If there are bans that are supposed to be enforced, mentioning that in the mails that go out to organizers for a ACX everywhere event would make sense. I'm not 100% sure that I got all the mails because Ruben forwarded mails for me (I normally organize LW meetups in Berlin and support Ruben with the SSC/ACX meetups), but in those there was no mention of the word ban.
I don't think it needs to be public but having such information in a mail like the one Aug 23 would likely to be necessary for a good portion of the meetup organizers to know that there an expectation that certain people aren't welcome.
Thanks, if you meant that, when someone is at a very early stage of thinking strange things, you should talk to them about it and try to come to a mutual agreement on how worrying this is and what the criteria would be for psych treatment, instead of immediately dehumanizing them and demanding the treatment right away, then I 100% agree.
I disagreed with Gwern at first. I'm increasingly forced to admit there's something like bipolar going on here, but I still think we're also missing something - his cognitive state seems pretty steady month to month, rather than episodes of mania alternating with lucidity.
Someone claimed the latest Musk biography said he was much more normal early in the morning, and much crazier late at night. I need to read the biography and see if that's actually in there; if so, maybe there could be a case for ultradian or ultra-rapid-cycling or something. This could p... (read more)