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O O30
Is this paper essentially implying the scaling hypothesis will converge to a perfect world model? https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.07987 It says models trained on text modalities and image modalities both converge to the same representation with each training step. It also hypothesizes this is a brain like representation of the world. Ilya liked this paper so I’m giving it more weight. Am I reading too much into it or is it basically fully validating the scaling hypothesis?
The word "overconfident" seems overloaded. Here are some things I think that people sometimes mean when they say someone is overconfident: 1. They gave a binary probability that is too far from 50% (I believe this is the original one) 2. They overestimated a binary probability (e.g. they said 20% when it should be 1%) 3. Their estimate is arrogant (e.g. they say there's a 40% chance their startup fails when it should be 95%), or maybe they give an arrogant vibe 4. They seem too unwilling to change their mind upon arguments (maybe their credal resilience is too high) 5. They gave a probability distribution that seems wrong in some way (e.g. "50% AGI by 2030 is so overconfident, I think it should be 10%") * This one is pernicious in that any probability distribution gives very low percentages for some range, so being specific here seems important. 6. Their binary estimate or probability distribution seems too different from some sort of base rate, reference class, or expert(s) that they should defer to. How much does this overloading matter? I'm not sure, but one worry is that it allows people to score cheap rhetorical points by claiming someone else is overconfident when in practice they might mean something like "your probability distribution is wrong in some way". Beware of accusing someone of overconfidence without being more specific about what you mean.
As noted in an update on LW Frontpage Experiments! (aka "Take the wheel, Shoggoth!"), yesterday we started an AB test on some users automatically being switched over to the Enriched [with recommendations] Latest Posts feed. The first ~18 hours worth of data does seem like a real uptick in clickthrough-rate, though some of that could be novelty. (examining members of the test (n=921) and control groups (n~=3000) for the last month, the test group seemed to have a slightly (~7%) lower clickthrough-rate baseline, I haven't investigated this) However the specific posts that people are clicking on don't feel on the whole like the ones I was most hoping the recommendations algorithm would suggest (and get clicked on). It feels kinda like there's a selection towards clickbaity or must-read news (not completely, just not as much as I like).  If I look over items recommended by Shoggoth that are older (50% are from last month, 50% older than that), they feel better but seem to get fewer clicks.   A to-do item is to look at voting behavior relative to clicking behavior. Having clicked on these items, do people upvote them as much as others?  I'm also wanting to experiment with just applying a recency penalty if it seems that older content suggested by the algorithm is more "wholesome", though I'd like to get some data from the current config before changing it.
Vaguely feeling like OpenAI might be moving away from GPT-N+1 release model, for some combination of "political/frog-boiling" reasons and "scaling actually hitting a wall" reasons.  Seems relevant to note, since in the worlds where they hadn't been drip-feeding people incremental releases of slight improvements over the original GPT-4 capabilities, and instead just dropped GPT-5 (and it was as much of an improvement over 4 as 4 was over 3, or close), that might have prompted people to do an explicit orientation step.  As it is, I expect less of that kind of orientation to happen.  (Though maybe I'm speaking too soon and they will drop GPT-5 on us at some point, and it'll still manage to be a step-function improvement over whatever the latest GPT-4* model is at that point.)
This is a brief follow-up to my post “Redirecting one’s own taxes as an effective altruism method.” Since I wrote that post: 1. Scott Alexander boosted (not to be interpreted as endorsed) my post on Astral Codex Ten, which helped to give it more than typical reach. 2. In a flinchy spasm of post-SBF timidity, GiveWell explicitly told me they did not want to get their hands dirty with my donations of redirected taxes any more. 3. My tax arrears for 2013 ($5,932 original tax + ~$5,467 in interest & penalties) were annulled by the statute of limitations. 4. I made a $5,932 donation to Charity Entrepreneurship to celebrate.

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Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike have resigned. They led OpenAI's alignment work. Superalignment will now be led by John Schulman, it seems. Jakub Pachocki replaced Sutskever as Chief Scientist.

Reasons are unclear (as usual when safety people leave OpenAI).

The NYT piece and others I've seen don't really have details. Archive of NYT if you want to read it anyway.

OpenAI announced Sutskever's departure in a blogpost.

Sutskever and Leike confirmed their departures in tweets.

Two other executives left two weeks ago, but that's not obviously safety-related.

1Teun van der Weij
I am lacking context, why is this important?
Cade Metz was the NYT journalist who doxxed Scott Alexander. IMO he has also displayed a somewhat questionable understanding of journalistic competence and integrity, and seems to be quite into narrativizing things in a weirdly adversarial way (I don't think it's obvious how this applies to this article, but it seems useful to know when modeling the trustworthiness of the article).
1Mateusz Bagiński
Yeah, that meme did reach me. But I was just assuming Ilya got back (was told to get back) to doing the usual Ilya superalignment things and decided (was told) not to stick his neck out.
O O30

Is this paper essentially implying the scaling hypothesis will converge to a perfect world model? https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.07987

It says models trained on text modalities and image modalities both converge to the same representation with each training step. It also hypothesizes this is a brain like representation of the world. Ilya liked this paper so I’m giving it more weight. Am I reading too much into it or is it basically fully validating the scaling hypothesis?

I stayed up too late collecting way-past-deadline papers and writing report cards. When I woke up at 6, this anxious email from one of my g11 Computer Science students was already in my Inbox.

Student: Hello Mr. Carle, I hope you've slept well; I haven't.

I've been seeing a lot of new media regarding how developed AI has become in software programming, most relevantly videos about NVIDIA's new artificial intelligence software developer, Devin.

Things like these are almost disheartening for me to see as I try (and struggle) to get better at coding and developing software. It feels like I'll never use the information that I learn in your class outside of high school because I can just ask an AI to write complex programs, and it will do it...

I think that's a great answer -- assuming that's what you believe.

For me, I don't believe point 3 on the AI timelines -- I think AGI will probably be here by 2029, and could indeed arrive this year. And even if it goes well and humans maintain control and we don't get concentration-of-power issues... the software development skills your students are learning will be obsolete, along with almost all skills.

That depends on the student. It definitely would have been a wonderful answer for me at 17. I will also say, well done, because I can think of at most 2 out of all my teachers, K-12, who might have been capable to giving that good of an answer to pretty much any deep question about any topic this challenging (and of those two, only one who might have put in the effort to actually do it).

cancer neoantigens

For cells to become cancerous, they must have mutations that cause uncontrolled replication and mutations that prevent that uncontrolled replication from causing apoptosis. Because cancer requires several mutations, it often begins with damage to mutation-preventing mechanisms. As such, cancers often have many mutations not required for their growth, which often cause changes to structure of some surface proteins.

The modified surface proteins of cancer cells are called "neoantigens". An approach to cancer treatment that's currently being researched is to identify some specific neoantigens of a patient's cancer, and create a personalized vaccine to cause their immune system to recognize them. Such vaccines would use either mRNA or synthetic long peptides. The steps required are as follows:

  1. The cancer must develop neoantigens that are sufficiently distinct from human surface

Promoted to curated: Cancer vaccines are cool. I didn't quite realize how cool they were before this post, and this post is a quite accessible intro into them. 

I've been told that my number of blog posts is impressive, but my personal notes are much larger than my blog, over a million words and with higher information density. Since I've had a bit of practice taking notes, I thought I'd describe the system I developed. It's more complex than some integrated solutions, but it's powerful, modular, free, and doesn't rely on any specific service.

is this necessary?

Most people don't take extensive notes and don't use git at all, so obviously a fancy note system isn't strictly necessary for most people. To some extent, you have to ask yourself: are your notes on some topic going to be more useful to you than a Wikipedia page or internet search or book? Do you need more records than...

Have you ever used Obsidian? Sounds similar to the method you're describing. If so, what do you think of it? Especially with respect to your preferred workflow?

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A few years ago I ported my whistle synth system from my laptop to a Raspberry Pi. This was a big improvement, but I still wasn't that happy:

  • To get good quality audio in and out I was using a 2i2 audio interface, which is expensive, bulky, and has a lot of buttons and knobs that can be bumped.

  • To use a single mic for both whistle and talkbox I was using a cheap passive A/B switcher. Which feels fragile, causes pops when phantom power is on, and is one more thing to plug in.

  • It's hard to get super low levels of latency with the Pi. It's probably possible to get more performance out of my existing hardware than I'm managing, but as it is I'm not happy with it.

  • The Pi's SD card gets


Summary: Evaluations provide crucial information to determine the safety of AI systems which might be deployed or (further) developed. These development and deployment decisions have important safety consequences, and therefore they require trustworthy information. One reason why evaluation results might be untrustworthy is sandbagging, which we define as strategic underperformance on an evaluation. The strategic nature can originate from the developer (developer sandbagging) and the AI system itself (AI system sandbagging). This post is an introduction to the problem of sandbagging.

The Volkswagen emissions scandal

There are environmental regulations which require the reduction of harmful emissions from diesel vehicles, with the goal of protecting public health and the environment. Volkswagen struggled to meet these emissions standards while maintaining the desired performance and fuel efficiency of their diesel engines (Wikipedia). Consequently, Volkswagen...


Seems like this might work better as a control variate sort of idea, with the noise added to the environment rather than the model itself, to measure whether the model can steer its way back to its intended measured-capability level. If you add a lot of noise to an environment, then an agent which is trying to pessimize and achieve a certain lower performance will have to overperform in order to 'merely' be bad; then you can subtract the noise which you added, and estimate its performance. If it's been deliberately taking a dive, then it'll do better than ... (read more)


It's funny that this has been recently shown in a paper. I've been thinking a lot about this phenomenon regarding fields with little to no capacity for testable predictions like history.

I got very into history over the last few years, and found there was a significant advantage to being unknowledgeable that was not available to the knowledged, and it was exactly what this paper is talking about.

By not knowing anything, I could entertain multiple bizarre ideas without immediately thinking "but no, that doesn't make sense because of X." And then, each of tho... (read more)

Links to Dan Murfet's AXRP interview: * Transcript * Video
The story involves phase changes. Just scaling is what's likely to be available to human developers in the short term (a few years), it's not enough for superintelligence. Autonomous agency secures funding for a bit more scaling. If this proves sufficient to get smart autonomous chatbots, they then provide speed to very quickly reach the more elusive AI research needed for superintelligence. It's not a little speed, it's a lot of speed, serial speedup of about 100x plus running in parallel. This is not as visible today, because current chatbots are not capable of doing useful work with serial depth, so the serial speedup is not in practice distinct from throughput and cost. But with actually useful chatbots it turns decades to years, software and theory from distant future become quickly available, non-software projects get to be designed in perfect detail faster than they can be assembled.
2Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel
I didn't intend the causes Cj to equate to direct computation of \phi(x) on the x_i. They are rather other pieces of evidence that the powerful agent has that make it believe \phi(x_i). I don't know if that's what you meant. I agree seeing x_i such that \phi(x_i) should increase credence in \forall x \phi(x) even in the presence of knowledge of C_j. And the Shapely value proposal will do so. (Bad tex. On my phone)