The Less Wrong General Census is unofficially here! You can take it at this link.
Update: The census is closed! Thank you everyone who took it.
It's that time again.
If you are reading this post and identify as a LessWronger, then you are the target audience. I'd appreciate it if you took the survey. If you post, if you comment, if you lurk, if you don't actually read the site that much but you do read a bunch of the other rationalist blogs or you're really into HPMOR, if you hung out on rationalist tumblr back in the day, or if none of those exactly fit you but I'm maybe getting close, I think you count and I'd appreciate it if you took the survey.
Don't feel like you have to answer all of the questions just because you started taking it. Last year I asked if people thought the survey was too long, collectively they thought it was maybe a little bit too long, and then I added more questions than I removed. The survey is structured so the fastest and most generally applicable questions are (generally speaking) towards the start. At any point you can scroll to the bottom and hit Submit, though you won't be able to change your answers once you do.
The questions are a mix of historical questions that were previously asked on the LW Census, new questions sourced from LW commenters and some rationalist adjacent organizations I reached out to, and the things I'm curious about. This includes questions from a list a member of the LessWrong team sent me when I asked about running the census.
The survey shall remain open from now until at least January 1st, 2024. I plan to close it sometime on Jan 2nd.
I don't work for LessWrong, and as far as I know the LessWrong Census organizer has never been someone who worked for LessWrong. Once the survey is closed, I plan to play around with the data and write up an analysis post like this one.
Remember, you can take the survey at this link. Update: The census is closed, thank you everybody who took it! You can see the analysis post here.
Once upon a time, there was a tradition that if you took the survey you could comment here saying you had done so, and people would upvote you and you would get karma.
Finished the survey! I really liked it, some unexpected questions in there. I am excited for the results.